NRAO eNews
October 2008 • Vol. 1, Iss. 5

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NRAO Newsletter   •   April 2008   •   Issue 115

VLBA and HSA Proposals

Time will be allocated for the VLBA on intervals approximately corresponding to the VLA configurations (see previous article), from those proposals in hand at the corresponding VLA proposal deadline. VLBA proposals requesting antennas beyond the ten element VLBA must justify, quantitatively, the benefits of the additional antennas.

For the June 2, 2008 deadline, it is possible that proposals requesting the VLBA or the High Sensitivity Array may be submitted using the web-based NRAO Proposal Submission Tool. At this writing, it is unclear whether this option will be available. Further information on this option will be sent to prospective proposers in the email News for Proposers, approximately two weeks before the proposal deadline. In any case, for the June 2 deadline, the normal option for submitting VLBA/HSA proposals—with preparation via the LaTeX template and submission via email—will still be available.

Global 3mm VLBI proposals, VLBA+Effelsberg proposals, and requests for using the Bonn correlator may only be prepared via the LaTeX template and submitted via email to and Any proposal requesting NRAO antennas and antennas from two or more institutions affiliated with the European VLBI Network (EVN) is a Global cm VLBI proposal (see below).

VLBA and HSA Scheduling

VLBA scheduling takes two forms, dynamic and fixed date. Some approved proposals will be accepted for insertion into the VLBA dynamic scheduling queue; a guide to VLBA dynamic scheduling is available online. Other approved proposals will be scheduled on fixed dates. Any proposal requesting a non-VLBA antenna is ineligible for dynamic scheduling. For example, HSA scheduling occurs only on fixed dates. Current and past VLBA schedules may be found online.

J. M. Wrobel and B. G. Clark

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