NRAO eNews
October 2008 • Vol. 1, Iss. 5

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NRAO Newsletter   •   April 2008   •   Issue 115

NRAO Participates in the BEYA Conference

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Roy Norville (left) and Gene Cole (right) speak to a BEYA conference participant.

In February, as part of the diversity outreach and recruitment program, staff from the NRAO participated in the National Black Engineer of the Year Award STEM Global Competitiveness Conference (BEYA) held this year in Baltimore, Maryland, which recognizes the ongoing achievements of black leaders in science, technology, engineering, and math-related careers. NRAO was proud to represent the astronomical community and the National Science Foundation at the BEYA Career Fair which focused on linking qualified engineers, scientists, business professionals and students with employers. Roy Norville, Gene Cole, and Amy Shelton talked to a number of interested engineering coop candidates, many from historically black colleges and universities.

Roy Norville is leading the follow-up effort with a number of historically black colleges and universities to match talent from their respective student pools with the NRAO’s co-op openings. For more information about the BEYA conference, please visit their website. Click here for the current listing of open NRAO co-op opportunities.

Amy Shelton

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