NRAO eNews
October 2008 • Vol. 1, Iss. 5

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NRAO Newsletter   •   April 2008   •   Issue 115

The GBT Dynamic Scheduling System Update

The new GBT Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS) project has made significant progress on the software needed for the upcoming DSS tests which are to be run during the summer trimester (June –September 2008). The quarter has seen the development of calendars to show upcoming projects and sessions, and a web-based interface in which investigators can update their project and session information, investigate the probability of their project being scheduled, etc. We have also implemented RSS technology which will allow investigators to be notified when any significant event occurs with their project(s) (e.g. the project is scheduled or information on a given project session is needed). Additionally, the software is now fully implemented to allow for complete testing of the DSS system over a given trimester or year (using historical weather data). Importing of data from the NRAO Proposal Submission Tool (PST) has also been implemented, minimizing the effort needed by observers to update their project information.

Up-to-date information on the DSS and the tests to be run during the 08B trimester.

Karen O’Neil

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