NRAO eNews
October 2008 • Vol. 1, Iss. 5

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NRAO Newsletter   •   April 2008   •   Issue 115

Chris Carilli Appointed Observatory Chief Scientist

Chris Carilli

Chris Carilli

We are pleased to announce that Chris Carilli has accepted a new position as Observatory Chief Scientist, with the responsibility of promoting the science impact of NRAO to the broad community, and leading the formulation of science cases that propel new instrumentation and facilities within the Observatory. The Chief Scientist also serves as Chair of the Observatory Science Council that advises the Director on science directions and policies of the Observatory.

Since May 2006, Chris has served as Assistant Director for the North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC) and guided the NAASC during its all-important formative years. Most importantly, he was responsible for the submission of the ALMA and NAASC Operations Proposal to the National Science Foundation. This proposal was successful and the NSF agreed to fund ALMA operations fully.

An open search for a new Assistant Director for the NAASC is being headed by Paul Vanden Bout.

Chris will move to his new position in the Office of Science and Academic Affairs as Deputy Assistant Director as soon as his replacement as the Assistant Director for NAASC is in place. In the near term, Chris will also work on raising the profile of the EVLA project in the scientific community.

Please join us in congratulating Chris on his important new role for helping to raise the scientific visibility and impact of the NRAO.

Fred K.Y. Lo

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