Papers of Woodruff T. Sullivan III > Working Files Series > Individuals Unit

Collection Items

Description: Benjamin S. Yaplee, 1923-1995. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Benjamin S. Yaplee, 1923-1995. Interviewed 30 September 1971 at Naval Research Laboratory, length of interview: 15 minutes.
Start Date: 1971-09-30

Description: Donald E. Yabsley, dates unknown. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Donald E. Yabsley, dates unknown. Interviewed 2 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics, Sydney, length of interview: 40 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-03-02

Description: Richard Woolley, 1906-1986. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Lodewijk Woltjer, 1930-2019. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Lodewijk Woltjer, 1930-2019. Interviewed 6 February 1981 at European Southern Observatory, München, only notes taken of interview.
Start Date: 1981-02-06

Description: Robert W. Wilson, 1936- . Archival material, transcription of Sullivan's interview.

Description: Robert W. Wilson, 1936- . Interviewed 23 June 1976 at the AAS Meeting at Haverford, Pennsylvania, length of interview: 35 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-06-23

Description: Johannes Wilsing, 1856-1943. Archival material, including material on Julius Scheiner (1858-1913). No interview was conducted.

Description: Ralph E. Williamson, 1917-1982. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: David R. W. Williams, dates unknown. Correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: David R. W. Williams, dates unknown. Interviewed 4 June 1974 at the Hat Creek Observatory, length of interview: 35 minutes.
Start Date: 1974-06-04

Description: John Paul Wild, 1923-2008. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John Paul Wild, 1923-2008. Interviewed 3 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics, length of interview: 150 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-03-03

Description: Richard Wielebinski, dates unknown. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Whitford, Albert E., 1905-2002. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: George R. Whitfield, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: George R. Whitfield, dates unknown. Interviewed 19 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Reading, length of interview: 80 minutes.

Description: John B. Whiteoak, 1937- . Publications card, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John B. Whiteoak, 1937- . Interviewed 27 February 1978, length of interview: 37 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-02-27

Description: Fred L. Whipple, 1906-2004. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (Sullivan notes that transcription is "very rough"), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Fred L. Whipple, 1906-2004. Interviewed 13 August 1979 at Harvard, length of interview: 35 minutes.
Start Date: 1979-08-13

Description: Kevin C. Westfold, 1921-2001. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, photo.

Description: Kevin C. Westfold, 1921-2001. Interviewed 13 March 1978 by telephone from Sydney to Monash University, Victoria, length of interview: 60 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-03-13

Description: Gart Westerhout, 1927-2012. Publications card, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), transcription of Westerhout's August 1981 talk, archival…

Description: Gart Westerhout, 1927-2012. Interviewed 22 November 1973 in Bonn, length of interview: 150 minutes.
Start Date: 1973-11-22

Description: Sander Weinreb, 1936- . Publications card, archival material.

Description: Sander Weinreb, 1936- . Interviewed 31 July 1978 at the URSI Meeting in Helsinki, length of interview: 50 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-07-31

Description: Harold F. Weaver, 1917-2017. Archival material.

Description: Harold F. Weaver, 1917-2017. Interviewed 7 June 1974 at Berkeley, length of interview: 25 minutes.
Start Date: 1974-06-07

Description: James Warwick, 1924-2013. Correspondence with Sullivan. No interview was conducted.

Description: Joseph Warburton, dates unknown. Correspondence with Sullivan. No interview was conducted.

Description: Dennis Walsh, 1933-2005. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Dennis Walsh, 1933-2005. Interviewed 12 August 1976 at Jodrell Bank, length of interview: 45 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-08-12

Description: Max Waldmeier, 1912-2000. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Max Waldmeier, 1912-2000. Interviewed 31 August 1978, length of interview: 15 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-08-31

Description: Campbell M. Wade, 1930-2024. Publications card.

Description: Campbell M. Wade, 1930-2024. Interviewed 1 May 1978 at the VLA in Socorro, New Mexico, length of interview: 55 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-05-01

Description: Derek D. Vonberg, 1921-2015. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, archival material, photo.

Description: Derek D. Vonberg, 1921-2015. Interviewed 21 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Essex, length of interview: 50 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-05-21

Description: Sebastian Von Hoerner, 1919-2003. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Sebastian Von Hoerner, 1919-2003. Interviewed 20 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 28 minutes.
Start Date: 1979-08-20

Description: Sebastian Von Hoerner, 1919-2003. Interviewed 23 February 1977 at NRAO at Green Bank, length of interview: 20 minutes.
Start Date: 1977-02-23

Description: Viktor Vitkevich, 1917-1972. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Oswald G. "Mike" Villard, 1916-2004. Correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo. No interview was conducted.

Description: Hugo Van Woerden, 1926-2020. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Hugo Van Woerden, 1926-2020. Interviewed 29 November 1973 in Groningen, length of interview: 90 minutes.
Start Date: 1973-11-29

Description: Harry van der Laan, 1936- . Interviewed 19 March 1975 at NRAO with Kenneth I. Kellermann, length of interview: 75 minutes.
Start Date: 1975-03-19

Description: Hendrik C. Van de Hulst, 1918-2000. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interviews (1973 interview reviewed and edited by Sullivan, 1978 interview not reviewed or edited), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.…

Description: Hendrik C. Van de Hulst, 1918-2000. Interviewed 6 September 1978 at Leiden, length of interview: 56 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-09-06

Description: Hendrik C. Van de Hulst, 1918-2000. Interviewed 26 November 1973 in Leiden, length of interview: 61 minutes.
Start Date: 1973-11-26

Description: Hendrik C. Van de Hulst, 1918-2000. Interviewed 6 January 1971 in Leiden by Ronald J. Allen, length of interview: 7 minutes.
Start Date: 1971-01-06

Description: Albrecht O.J. Unsöld, 1905-1995. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: Albrecht O.J. Unsöld, 1905-1995. Interviewed 5 August 1976 by telephone from Groningen to Kiel, length of interview: 35 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-08-05

Description: Vyechaslev A. Udal'tsov, dates unknown. Publications card. See interview notes in Working Files - Institutions - U.S.S.R.

Description: Vyechaslev A. Udal'tsov, dates unknown. Interviewed 21 November 1980 at Puchino, only notes taken of interview.
Start Date: 1980-11-21

Description: Richard Quentin Twiss, 1920-2005. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Richard Quentin Twiss, 1920-2005. Interviewed 17 July 1981 by telephone from Groningen to London, length of interview: 55 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-07-17

Description: Merle A. Tuve, 1901-1982. Archival material, transcription of Sullivan's interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan). 3 folders.

Description: Merle A. Tuve, 1901-1982. Interviewed 21 December 1973 at his home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, length of interview: 60 minutes.
Start Date: 1973-12-21

Description: Jaakko Tuominen, 1909-1989. Publications card. See also material with Riihimaa file.

Description: Jaakko Tuominen, 1909-1989. Interviewed 30 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 9 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-08-30

Description: Vasevolod S. Troitsky, 1913-1996. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: Vasevolod S. Troitsky, 1913-1996. Interviewed 11 December 1980 in Moscow; only notes were taken.
Start Date: 1980-12-11

Description: Vasevolod S. Troitsky, 1913-1996. Interviewed 1 September 1976 in Grenoble, length of interview: 50 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-09-01

Description: James H. Trexler, 1918-2005. Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: James H. Trexler, 1918-2005. Interviewed 18 March 1975 at the Naval Research Laboratory, length of interview: 40 minutes.
Start Date: 1975-03-18

Description: Charles H. Townes, 1915-2015. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Charles H. Townes, 1915-2015. Interviewed 23 September 1981 at the University of California, Berkeley, length of interview: 60 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-09-23

Description: Charles H. Townes, 1915-2015. Interviewed 5 October 1971 at the Interstellar Moleculess Symposium in Charlottesville, length of interview: 25 minutes.
Start Date: 1971-10-05

Description: Hrant M. Tovmassian, 1929- . Publications card.

Description: Hrant M. Tovmassian, 1929- . Interviewed 18 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 25 minutes.
Start Date: 1979-08-18

Description: A. Richard Thompson, 1931-2024. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, photo.

Description: A. Richard Thompson, 1931-2024. Interviewed 1 May 1978 at the VLA in Socorro, New Mexico, length of interview: 70 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-05-01

Description: George N. Taylor, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: George N. Taylor, dates unknown. Interviewed 3 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Great Malvern, length of interview: 25 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-05-03

Description: Einar Tandberg-Hanssen, 1921-2011. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Haruo Tanaka, 1922-1985. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Haruo Tanaka, 1922-1985. Interviewed 1 August 1979 at the URSI Meeting in Helsinki, length of interview: 45 minutes.
Start Date: 1979-08-01

Description: Tatsuo Takakura, 1925- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Tatsuo Takakura, 1925- . Interviewed 17 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington, D.C., length of interview: 30 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-08-17

Description: George W. Swenson, 1922-2017. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: George W. Swenson, 1922-2017. Interviewed 24 March 1975 at the AAS Meeting in Bloomington, Indiana, length of interview: 22 minutes.
Start Date: 1975-03-24

Description: Govind Swarup, 1929-2020. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Govind Swarup, 1929-2020. Interviewed 17 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 30 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-08-17

Description: Shigemasa Suzuki, 1920-2012. Publications card, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Shigemasa Suzuki, 1920-2012. Interviewed 7 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 30 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-03-07

Description: F. Louis H. M. Stumpers, 1911-2005. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material, photo.

Description: F. Louis H. M. Stumpers, 1911-2005. Interviewed 13 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington, D.C., length of interview: 35 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-08-13

Description: Otto Struve, 1897-1963. Archival material, Sullivan's notes. No interview was conducted.

Description: John Quincy Stewart, 1894-1972. Bibliographic material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Gordon S. Stewart, 1919- . Correspondence with Sullivan, archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Harlan Stetson, 1885-1964. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Jean-Louis Steinberg, 1922-2016. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Jean-Louis Steinberg, 1922-2016. Interviewed 8 July 1976 at Meudon, length of interview: 120 minutes.

Description: Gordon J. Stanley, 1921-2001. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's 1974 interview, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Gordon J. Stanley, 1921-2001. Interviewed 12 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington, D.C., length of interview: 130 minutes.

Description: Gordon J. Stanley, 1921-2001. Interviewed 13 June 1974 at Owens Valley, length of interview: 80 minutes.

Description: Kazimir S. Stankevich, 1931-2013. Interviewed 22 November 1980 in Moscow, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Harold M. Stanier, dates unknown. Publications card, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Harold M. Stanier, dates unknown. Interviewed 29 April 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Stoke-on-Trent, length of interview: 29 minutes.

Description: Gordon H. Stagner, -1999. Interviewed 26 February 1984 by telephone from Seattle to San Jose, only notes taken of interview.

Description: George Southworth, 1890-1972. Archival material, photo, correspondence with Sullivan. Two folders. No interview was conducted.

Description: Roman L. Sorochenko, 1924-2017. Publications card.

Description: Roman L. Sorochenko, 1924-2017. Interviewed 21 November 1980 in a car between Moscow and Puchino, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Natasha S. Soboleva, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: Natasha S. Soboleva, dates unknown. Interviewed 25 November 1980 at the Pulkovo Observatory in Leningrad, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Harlan J. Smith, 1924-1991. Correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Harlan J. Smith, 1924-1991. Interviewed 10 January 1979 at the AAS Meeting in Mexico City, Mexico, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Alexander G. Smith, 1919-2001. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Alexander G. Smith, 1919-2001. Interviewed 21 June 1976 at the AAS Meeting in Haverford, Pennsylvania, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Stefan F. Smerd, 1916-1978. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Stefan F. Smerd, 1916-1978. Interviewed 6 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 85 minutes.

Description: Stefan F. Smerd, 1916-1978. Interviewed 20 August 1975 at the AAS Meeting in San Diego, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Russell M. Sloanaker, 1921- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Russell M. Sloanaker, 1921- . Interviewed 9 April 1973 at the Naval Research Laboratory, length of interview: 42 minutes.

Description: O. Bruce Slee, 1924-2016. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: O. Bruce Slee, 1924-2016. Interviewed 1 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 85 minutes.

Description: A. Melvin Skellett, 1901-1991. Archival material, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's 1977 interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival materials, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: A. Melvin Skellett, 1901-1991. Interviewed 12 June 1983 by telephone from Seattle to Sarasota, Florida, interview was not recorded, only notes were taken.

Description: A. Melvin Skellett, 1901-1991. Interviewed 26 August 1977 by telephone from Seattle to Sarasota, Florida, length of interview: 28 minutes.

Description: Paul Simon, 1921- . Publications card.

Description: Paul Simon, 1921- . Interviewed 17 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 27 minutes.

Description: William L. Shuter, 1936-1995. Archival material.

Description: William L. Shuter, 1936-1995. Interviewed 27 August 1976 at the IAU Meeting in Grenoble, length of interview: 21 minutes.

Description: Arnold Shostak, 1914-2007. Archival material, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Arnold Shostak, 1914-2007. Interviewed 20 June 1976 at his home in Falls Church, Virginia, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Iosef Samuelovich Shklovskii, 1916-1985. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material. For additional materials see also the Interstellar Communications/SETI materials in the Subject Series.

Description: Iosef Samuelovich Shklovskii, 1916-1985. Interviewed 18 November 1980 in Moscow, only notes taken of interview.

Interview with Iosef Samuelovich Shklovskii on 18 August 1979
Description: Iosef Samuelovich Shklovskii, 1916-1985. Interviewed 18 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 115 minutes.

Description: Kevin V. Sheridan, 1918-2010. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview.

Description: Kevin V. Sheridan, 1918-2010. Interviewed 7 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: A. M. Shakhovskoy, dates unknown. Interviewed 11 December 1980 at the Institute of Radio Electronics in Moscow with O.N. Rzhiga, only notes taken of interview.

Description: John R. Shakeshaft, 1929-2015. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of [1971?] Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John R. Shakeshaft, 1929-2015. Interviewed 26 August 1976 at the IAU Meeting in Grenoble, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Charles Shain, 1922-1960. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: George A. Seielstad, 1937- . Publications card.

Description: George A. Seielstad, 1937- . Interviewed 22 May 1985 at NRAO in Green Bank, West Virginia, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Charles L. Seeger, 1912-2002. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Charles L. Seeger, 1912-2002. Interviewed 28 August 1975 at NASA/Ames, California, length of interview: 55 minutes [last 2 minutes garbled].

Description: Paul F. Scott, dates unknown. Interviewed 18 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: Dennis W. Sciama, 1926-1999. Archival material, transcription of Sullivan's interview, selected pages from transcription of 1978 Weart interview.

Description: Dennis W. Sciama, 1926-1999. Interviewed 12 January 1978 at the University of Washington, length of interview: 35 minutes

Description: Maarten Schmidt, 1929-2022. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Maarten Schmidt, 1929- . Interviewed 18 August 1975 at the AAS Meeting in San Diego, length of interview: 55 minutes.

Description: Peter A. G. Scheuer, 1930-2001. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Peter A. G. Scheuer, 1930-2001, Interviewed 27 August 1976 at the IAU Meeting in Grenoble, Interview length: 50 minutes.

Description: Allan R. Sandage, 1926-2010. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Allan R. Sandage, 1926-2010. Interviewed 19 May 1976 at Berkeley (Astronomical Society of the Pacific), length of interview: 16 minutes.

Description: Vagharshak A. Sanamyan, 1917-2010. Interviewed 9 December 1980 in Byurakan, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Alexander E. Salomonovich, 1916-1989. Publications card, correspondence with Sullivan, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Interviewee: Alexander E. Salomonovich
Alexander E. Salomonovich, 1916-1989. Interviewed 17 August 1981 at the URSI meeting in Washington DC, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Alexander E. Salomonovich, 1916-1989. Interviewed 19 November and 11 December 1980 at the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow, only notes taken of interviews. Also present was P.D. Kalachev, antenna structural engineer.

Description: Oleg N. Rzhiga, dates unknown. Interviewed 11 December 1980 at the Institute of Radio Electronics in Moscow with A. M. Shakhovskoy, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Nikolai F. Ryzhkov, dates unknown. Interviewed 5 December 1980, only notes were taken of interview.

Description: Martin Ryle, 1918-1984. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's 1976 interview, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan and others, Sullivan's notes, photos. 8 folders.

Description: Martin Ryle, 1918-1984. Interviewed 8 June 1981 at Cambridge, length of interview: 20 minutes. Part of the original interview, approximately 90 minutes in the middle, was accidentally erased in 1985 by U. Washington Audio-visual Department. No notes…

Description: Martin Ryle, 1918-1984. Interviewed 19 August 1976 at Cavendish, length of interview: 130 minutes.

Description: Olof E. H. Rydbeck, 1911-1999. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, photos.

Description: Olof E. H. Rydbeck, 1911-1999. Interviewed 15 September 1978 by telephone from Groningen to Onsala, Sweden, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Barrie Rowson, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: Barrie Rowson, dates unknown. Interviewed: 12 August 1976 at Jodrell Bank, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Nancy G. Roman, 1925-2018. Publications card, selected pages from transcription of Tatarewicz's 1983 interview of Roman.

Description: Nancy G. Roman, 1925-2018. Interviewed 16 June 1978 at the University of Maryland at College Park, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Brian J. Robinson, 1930-2004. Transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: Brian J. Robinson, 1930-2004. Interviewed 20 July 1973, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Morton S. Roberts, 1926-2024. Interviewed 18 August 1972 in Groningen, length of interview: 40 minutes.

Description: James A. Roberts, 1927- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: James A. Roberts, 1927- . Interviewed 28 February 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics, Sydney, length of interview: 80 minutes.

Description: Henry Rishbeth, 1931-2010. Publications card.

Description: Henry Rishbeth, 1931-2010. Interviewed 3 August 1978 at the URSI Meeting in Helenski, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: Jorma J. Riihimaa, 1929-2011. Correspondence with Sullivan, archival material (including material on Tuominen). No interview was conducted.

Description: Grote Reber, 1911-2002. Publications card, archival material, transcriptions of Sullivan's interviews, correspondence with Sullivan and others, publications, bibliography. 7 folders.

Description: Grote Reber, 1911-2002. Interviewed 12 March 1978 in Tasmania, length of interview: 90 minutes.

Description: Grote Reber, 1911-2002. Interviewed 25 October 1975 at the University of Washington, length of interview: 195 minutes.

Description: Vladimir A. Razin, 1931-2012. Interviewed 11 December 1980 in Moscow, only notes taken of interview.

Description: John "Jack" A. Ratcliffe, 1902-1987. Correspondence with Sullivan, archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Ernst Raimond, 1932-2010. Publications card.

Description: Ernst Raimond, 1932-2010. Interviewed 26 August 1976 in Grenoble, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: Venkataraman Radhakrishnan, 1929-2011. Archival material.

Description: Venkataraman Radhakrishnan, 1929-2011. Interviewed 26 March 1972 in Winsum, length of interview: 112 minutes.

Description: Edward Mills Purcell, 1912-1997. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: Edward Mills Purcell, 1912-1997. Interviewed 16 November 1977 at the University of Washington, length of interview: 55 minutes.

Description: Wolfgang Priester, 1924-2005. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Wolfgang Priester, 1924-2005. Interviewed 30 August 1976 at the IAU Meeting in Grenoble, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Wolfgang Priester, 1924-2005. Interviewed 19 February 1973 in Bonn, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Robert Price, 1929-2008. Publications card, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Robert Price, 1929-2008. Interviewed 17 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Wasington D.C., length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Gennady W. Potapenko, 1895-1979. Transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Gennady W. Potapenko, 1895-1979. Interviewed 21 August 1975 at his home in Pasadena, length of interview: 15 minutes.

Description: Gennady W. Potapenko, 1895-1979. Interviewed 26 December 1974 by phone from the University of Washington to Pasadena, length of interview: 16 minutes.

Description: John A. Pierce, 1907-1996. Correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo. No interview was conducted.

Description: John "Jack" Hobart Piddington, 1910-1997. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: John "Jack" Hobart Piddington, 1910-1997. Interviewed 13 March 1978 at the National Measurements Laboratory in Sydney, length of interview: 70 minutes.

Material on James W. Phillips
Description: James W. Phillips, 1914- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's 1978 interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: James W. Phillips, 1914- . Interviewed 31 August 1978 by telephone from Groningen to Gloucestershire, length of interview: 50 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-08-31

Description: Gordon H. Pettengill, 1926- . Publications card, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Gordon H. Pettengill, 1926- , Interviewed 31 August 1976 in Grenoble, length of interview: 34 minutes.

Description: Allen M. Peterson, 1922-1994. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Allen M. Peterson, 1922-1994. Interviewed 22 September 1981 at NASA/Ames, California, length of interview: 27 minutes.

Description: Arno A. Penzias, 1933-2024. Partial transcription (4.5 pages only) of Sullivan's interview, archival material, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Arno A. Penzias, 1933-2024. Interviewed 23 January 1974 in Seattle, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Ruby Payne-Scott, 1912-1981. Sullivan's notes, archival material, photo.

Description: Ruby Payne-Scott, 1912-1981. Interviewed 3 March 1978 by telephone to her home in Sydney, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Joseph L. Pawsey, 1908-1962. 1960 interview of Pawsey and R. G. Giovanelli on the Australian ABC TV show "Horizon", archival material, photo . No interview was conducted.

Description: Ivan I. K. Pauliny-Toth, 1935-2005. Interviewed 31 August 1976 in Grenoble, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Material on Sydney John Parsons
Description: Sydney John Parsons, dates unknown. Correspondence with Sullivan, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: Sydney John Parsons, dates unknown. Interviewed 19 September 1978 by telephone from Cambridge to Warwickshire, length of interview: 67 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-09-19

Description: Yuri N. Pariiskii, dates unknown. Publications card, correspondence with Sullivan, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Yuri N. Pariiskii, dates unknown. Interviewed 20 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Patrick Palmer, 1940- . Interviewed 9 March 1973 at Groningen, length of interview: 7 minutes.

Description: Henry P. Palmer, 1926-1990. Publications card, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, archival material.

Description: Henry P. Palmer, 1926-1990. Interviewed 18 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 75 minutes.

Description: Michael W. Ovenden, 1926-1987. Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Michael W. Ovenden, 1926-1987. Interviewed 1 September 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Ernst J. Opik, 1893-1985. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Jan Hendrik Oort, 1900-1992. Publications card, transcriptions of Sullivan's interviews (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material, correspondence with Sullivan. Additional material on Oort is included in the files on Leiden in the…

Description: Jan Hendrik Oort, 1900-1992. Interviewed 6 September 1978 at Leiden, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Jan Hendrik Oort, 1900-1992. Interviewed 16 March 1972 at Leiden, length of interview: 38 minutes.

Description: Jan Hendrik Oort, 1900-1992. Interviewed 7 September 1971 at Green Bank, West Virginia, length of interview: 15 minutes.

Description: John A. O'Keefe, 1917-2000. Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: John A. O'Keefe, 1917-2000. Interviewed 1 September 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 10 minutes.

Description: Patrick A. O'Brien, dates unknown. Publications card, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Patrick A. O'Brien, dates unknown. Interviewed 31 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to London, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Charles Nordmann, 1881-1940. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: John D. Murray, 1924- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John D. Murray, 1924- . Interviewed 2 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 80 minutes.

Description: Christiaan Alexander "Lex" Muller, 1923-2004. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: Christiaan Alexander "Lex" Muller, 1923-2004. Interviewed 23 August 1973 at Enschede (Technische Hogeschool Twente), length of interview: 105 minutes.

Description: Philip A. Morrison, 1915-2005. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: Philip A. Morrison, 1915-2005. Interviewed 6 September 1976 in Paris, length of interview: 32 minutes.

Description: David Morris, dates unknown. Interviewed 4 February 1972 at Meudon, length of interview: 37 minutes.

Description: Fumio Moriyama, 1927-2018. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Fumio Moriyama, 1927-2018. Interviewed 17 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Andrei P. Molchanov, dates unknown. Interviewed 28 November 1980 in Leningrad, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Ivan G. Moiseev, dates unknown. Interviewed 2 December 1980 in Simeiz, Crimea, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Alan T. Moffet, 1936-1987. Archival material.

Description: Alan T. Moffet, 1936-1987. Interviewed 11 August 1978 at Groningen, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Kenichi Miya, 1915-2004. Correspondence with Sullivan, archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Harry C. Minnett, 1917-2003. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Harry C. Minnett, 1917-2003. Interviewed 2 March and 6 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 125 minutes.

Description: Rudolph Minkowski, 1895-1976. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), photo.

Description: Rudolph Minkowski, 1895-1976. Interviewed 7 June 1974 at his home in Berkeley, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Bernard Y. Mills, 1920-2011. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Bernard Y. Mills, 1920-2011. Interviewed 25 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 165 minutes.

Description: Peter M. Millman, 1906-1990. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Peter M. Millman, 1906-1990. Interviewed 18 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Peter G. Mezger, 1928-2014. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Peter G. Mezger, 1928-2014. Interviewed 22 November 1973 in Bonn, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Donald H. Menzel, 1901-1976. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Donald H. Menzel, 1901-1976. Interviewed 18 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 70 minutes.

Description: T. Kochu Menon, 1926- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: T. Kochu Menon, 1926- . Interviewed 19 March 1975 and 18 October 1978 at NRAO, length of 1975 interview: 40 minutes.

Description: M.L. "Lit" Meeks, 1923-2013. Interviewed 26 August 1971 at the AAS Meeting at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, length of interview: 23 minutes.

Description: George C. McVittie, 1904-1988. Transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: George C. McVittie, 1904-1988. Interviewed 30 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: Richard X. McGee, 1921-2012. Publications card, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Richard X. McGee, 1921-2012. Interviewed 27 February 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 55 minutes.

Description: L. L. McCready, 1910-1976. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: William H. McCrea, 1904-1999. Archival material.

Description: William H. McCrea, 1904-1999. Interviewed 23 May 1988 in Bologna, length of interview: 13 minutes.

Description: Edward F. McClain, 1921-2008. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Edward F. McClain, 1921-2008. Interviewed 23 December 1973 at his home in Morningside, Maryland, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: W. Bruce McAdam, 1931- . Publications card, archival material.

Description: W. Bruce McAdam, 1931- . Interviewed 17 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Cornell H. Mayer, 1921-2005. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interviews, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Cornell H. Mayer, 1921-2005. Interviewed 21 June 1978 at the Naval Research Laboratory, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Cornell H. Mayer, 1921-2005. Interviewed 30 September 1971 at the Naval Research Laboratory, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Alan Maxwell, 1926- . Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: Alan Maxwell, 1926- . Interviewed 25 May 1973 at Groningen, length of interview: 10 minutes.

Description: Leonid I. Matveyenko, 1929-2019. Publications card and interview notes.

Description: Leonid I. Matveyenko, 1929-2019. Interviewed 18 November 1980 at the Moscow Institute of Space Research, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Thomas A. Matthews, dates unknown. Kenneth I. Kellermann's detailed notes on the interview, 1 February 2012.

Description: Thomas A. Matthews, dates unknown. Interviewed 18 December 1973 at the University of Maryland, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Donald S. Mathewson, 1929- . Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Donald S. Mathewson, 1929- . Interviewed 28 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: David Martyn, 1906-1970. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Laurence A. Manning, 1923-2015. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Laurence A. Manning, 1923-2015. Interviewed 18 June 1979 at Stanford University, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Kenneth E. Machin, 1924-1988. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Kenneth E. Machin, 1924-1988. Interviewed 3 March 1981 at Cambridge, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: A. C. Bernard Lovell, 1913-2012. Publication card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Edge/Mulkay 1971 interview, correspondence, and archival material about Jodrell Bank and Lovell. 4 folders.

Description: A. C. Bernard Lovell, 1913-2012. Interviewed 1 September 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 80 minutes.

Description: Oliver Joseph Lodge, 1851-1940. Archival material, Sullivan's notes. No interview was conducted.

Description: Jack L. Locke, 1921-2010. Archival material.

Description: Jack L. Locke, 1921-2010. Interviewed 17 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: C. Gordon Little, 1924-2017. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: C. Gordon Little, 1924-2017. Interviewed 14 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington D.C., length of interview: 15 minutes.

Description: Alec G. Little, 1925-1985. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Alec G. Little, 1925-1985. Interviewed 8 March 1978 at the University of Sydney, length of interview: 40 minutes.

Description: Arthur Edward Lilley, 1928-2020. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Arthur Edward Lilley, 1928-2020. Interviewed 14 August 1979 at Harvard, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Patricia R. R. Leslie (married name: Patricia R. Foster), dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: Patricia R. R. Leslie (married name: Patricia R. Foster), dates unknown. Interviewed 29 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Bristol, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: James Lequeux, 1934- . Interviewed 11 July 1972 at Groningen, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: Fred J. Lehany, 1915-1994. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Fred J. Lehany, 1915-1994. Interviewed 13 March 1978 at the National Measurement Laboratory in Sydney, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Michael L. Large, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: Michael L. Large, dates unknown. Interviewed 16 March 1978 by telephone from CSIRO/Radiophysics to the University of Sydney, length of interview: 40 minutes.

Description: Marius Laffineur, 1904-1987. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: Marius Laffineur, 1904-1987. Interviewed 30 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Norman R. Labrum, 1921-2011. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Norman R. Labrum, 1921-2011. Interviewed 1 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 27 minutes.

Description: Arkady D. Kuz'min, 1923-2009. Publications card. See interview notes in Working Files - Institutions - U.S.S.R.

Description: Arkady D. Kuz'min, 1932-2009. Interviewed 21 November 1980 at Puchino, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Mukul Ranjan Kundu, 1930-2010. Archival material.

Description: Mukul Ranjan Kundu, 1930-2010. Interviewed 18 December 1973 at the University of Maryland, length of interview: 33 minutes.

Description: John D. Kraus, 1910-2004. Archival material, transcription of Sullivan's interview.

Description: John D. Kraus, 1910-2004. Interviewed 25 March 1975 at the AAS Meeting in Bloomington, Indiana, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Vladimir Alexsándrovich Kotel'nikov, 1908-2005. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: D.V. Korol'kov, -1984. Interviewed 5 December 1980 at RATAN-600, Zelenchakskaya, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Max M. Komesaroff, -1988. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Max M. Komesaroff, -1988. Interviewed 28 February 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Karl Otto Kiepenheuer, 1910-1975. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan. No interview was conducted.

Description: Semen Émmanuilovich Khaĭkin, 1901-1968. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Frank J. Kerr, 1918-2000. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's three interviews (reviewed and edited by Sullivan and Kerr), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photos.

Description: Frank J. Kerr, 1918-2000. Interviewed 25 February 1976 at the University of Maryland, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Frank J. Kerr, 1918-2000. Interviewed 8 June 1972 at Sullivan's home in Winsum, Holland, length of interview: 14 minutes.

Description: Frank J. Kerr, 1918-2000. Interviewed 3 October 1971 while traveling from Washington D.C. to Charlottesville, Virginia, length of interview: 135 minutes.

Description: Kenneth I. Kellermann, 1937- . Archival material.

Description: Kenneth I. Kellermann, 1937- . Interviewed 19 March 1975 at NRAO with Harry van de Laan, length of interview: 75 minutes.

Description: Philip Keenan, 1908-2000. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan. No interview was conducted.

Description: Nikolai S. Kardashev, 1932-2019. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: Nikolai S. Kardashev, 1932-2019. Interviewed 24 August 1978 by phone from Groningen to Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Naum L. Kaidanovskii, 1907- . Publications card, archival material. See interview notes in Working Files - Institutions - U.S.S.R.

Description: Naum L. Kaidanovskii, 1907- . Interviewed 26 November 1980 at Pulkovo Observatory, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Franz D. Kahn, 1926-1998. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Franz D. Kahn, 1926-1998. Interviewed 21 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: May A. Kaftan-Kassim, 1928-2020. Publications card.

Description: May A. Kaftan-Kassim, 1928-2020. Interviewed 13 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington D.C., length of interview: 21 minutes.

Description: J. Ralph Johler, 1919-2013. Publications card.

Description: J. Ralph Johler, 1919-2013. Interview 17 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington D.C., only notes taken of interview.

Description: Roger C. Jennison, 1922-2006. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan), transcription of 1972 Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.…

Description: Roger C. Jennison, 1922-2006. Interviewed 31 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 90 minutes.

Description: Karl Jansky, 1905-1950. Archival material, publications, correspondence, Sullivan correspondence about Jansky. 7 folders. Also included are a VHS and DVD of the 8 June 1998 Jansky Monument Dedication at Holmdel, NJ. No interview was conducted.

Description: C. Moreau Jansky, 1895-1975. Transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: C. Moreau Jansky, 1895-1975. Interviewed 29 December 1973 at his home in Washington D.C., length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: John Jaeger, 1907-1979. Publications card, archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Vera N. Ikhsánova, dates unknown. Interviewed 27 November 1980 at Pulkovo Observatory, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Hein Hvatum, 1923-2008. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Hein Hvatum, 1923-2008. Interviewed 23 May 1985 at NRAO in Charlottesville, Virginia, Length of interview: 47 minutes.

Description: George Hutchinson, dates unknown. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, photo. No interview was conducted.

Description: Victor A. Hughes, 1925-2001. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Victor A. Hughes, 1925-2001. Interviewed 17 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Fred Hoyle, 1915-2001. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Fred Hoyle, 1915-2001. Interviewed 22 May 1988 in Bologna, length of interview: 118 minutes.

Description: Fred Hoyle, 1915-2001. Interviewed 23 April 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Cambria. Oral transcription (audio here) 27 April 1981. NB: Sullivan's notes say, "Recording turned out to be so faint that I felt it best to listen to it and separately…

Description: William E. Howard III, 1932-2016. Transcription of Sullivan's interview.

Description: William E. Howard III, 1932-2016. Interviewed 7 September 1971 at NRAO in Green Bank, West Virginia, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: Jakob Houtgast, 1908-1982. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Ben G. Hooghoudt, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: Ben G. Hooghoudt, dates unknown. Interviewed 21 August 1979 at the IAU Meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Bertil Höglund, 1930- . Archival material.

Description: Bertil Höglund, dates unknown. Interviewed 28 September 1972 in Bologna, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: David C. Hogg, 1936- . Publications card.

Description: David C. Hogg, 1936- . Interviewed 14 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington D.C., length of interview: 40 minutes.

Description: Jan A. Högbom, 1929- . Publications card.

Description: Jan A. Högbom, 1929- . Interviewed 15 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 70 minutes.

Description: James V. Hindman, 1919- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: James V. Hindman, 1919- . Interviewed 14 March 1978 at CSRIO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 95 minutes.

Description: Eric R. Hill, dates unknown. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Eric R. Hill, dates unknown. Interviewed 7 March 1978 at CSIRO/Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 40 minutes.

Description: Arthur J. Higgs, 1904-1991. Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Arthur J. Higgs, 1904-1991. Interviewed 16 March 1978 by telephone from CSIRO/Radiophysics to his home in Sydney, length of interview: 32 minutes

Description: James Hey, 1909-2000. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, photo. No interview was conducted.

Description: Antony J. Hewish, 1924- . Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Antony J. Hewish, 1924- . Interviewed 19 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 55 minutes.

Description: H. Lawrence Helfer, 1929- . Publications card.

Description: H. Lawrence Helfer, 1929- . Interviewed 12 June 1984 at the AAS Meeting in Baltimore, length of interview: 33 minutes.

Description: Denis W. Heightman, 1911-1984. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Denis W. Heightman, 1911-1984. Interviewed 17 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Essex, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Jean Heidmann, 1923-2000. Archival material.

Description: Jean Heidmann, 1923-2000. Interviewed 8 July 1976 at Meudon, length of interview: 16 minutes.

Description: David S. Heeschen, 1926-2012. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: David S. Heeschen, 1926-2012. Interviewed 28 December 1973 at NRAO in Charlottesville, Virginia, length of interview: 47 minutes.

Description: Cyril Hazard, dates unknown. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcriptions of Sullivan's 1973 and 1978 interviews, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview.

Description: Cyril Hazard, dates unknown. Interviewed 3 June 1981 at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, length of interview: 105 minutes.

Description: Cyril Hazard, dates unknown. Interviewed 20 September 1978 at Cambridge, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Cyril Hazard, dates unknown. Interviewed 20 March 1973 at Groningen, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Gerald S. Hawkins, 1928-2003. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of 1973 Gilbert interview, correspondence with Sullivan, photo.

Description: Gerald S. Hawkins, 1928-2003. Interviewed 9 June 1984 at the AAS/HAD in Washington D.C, length of interview: 51 minutes.

Description: Daniel E. Harris, 1934-2015. Publications card.

Description: Daniel E. Harris, 1934-2015. Interviewed 4 August 1976 at Groningen, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Robert Hanbury Brown, 1916-2002. Archival material, Sullivan's notes, publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, photo.

Description: Robert Hanbury Brown, 1916-2002. Interviewed 26 August and 30 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 100 minutes.

Description: Tor Hagfors, 1930-2007. Archival material.

Description: Tor Hagfors, 1930-2007. Interviewed 3 April 1973 at Arecibo, length of interview: 23 minutes.

Description: John P. Hagen, 1908-1990. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John P. Hagen, 1908-1990. Interviewed 27 August 1976 at the IAU Meeting in Grenoble, length of interview: 110 minutes.

Description: Fred T. Haddock, 1919-2009. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Interview with Fred T. Haddock
Description: Fred T. Haddock, 1919-2009. Interviewed 23 January and 27 January 1984 by telephone from Seattle to Michigan, only notes of interview.

Description: Otto Hachenberg, 1911-2001. Archival material, transcription of Sullivan's interview.

Description: Otto Hachenberg, 1911-2001. Interviewed 22 February 1973 in Bonn, Germany, length of interview: 43 minutes.

Description: Colin S. Gum, 1924-1960. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Jesse L. Greenstein, 1909-2002. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of 1975 interview (reviewed by Sullivan and Greenstein), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo. 2 folders.

Description: Jesse L. Greenstein, 1909-2002. Interviewed 13 January 1980 in Pasadena, California, length of interview 115 minutes.

Description: Jesse L. Greenstein, 1909-2002. Interviewed 22 August 1975 at his home in Pasadena, California, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Paul Green, 1924-2018. Transcription of 1979 Schultz interview. No interview was conducted.

Description: Bernd H. Grahl, 1930- . Publications card, October 2011 note from Grahl with additional information.

Description: Bernd H. Grahl, 1930- . Interviewed 12 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington D.C., length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Francis Graham Smith, 1923- . Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Stanislaw Gorgolewski, 1926-2011. Archival material.

Description: Stanislaw Gorgolewski, 1926-2011. Interviewed 31 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 15 minutes.

Description: William E. Gordon, 1918-2010. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: William E. Gordon, 1918-2010. Interviewed 4 August 1978 at the URSI Meeting in Helsinki, length of interview: 27 minutes.

Description: Samuel J. Goldstein, 1925-2000. Archival material.

Description: Samuel J. Goldstein, 1925-2000. Interviewed 6 September 1971 at the Green Bank High Velocity Hydrogen Meeting, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Richard M. Goldstein, 1927-2024. Publications card.

Description: Richard M. Goldstein, 1927-2024. Interviewed 20 June 1985 at the URSI Meeting at the University of British Columbia, length of interview: 37 minutes.

Description: Thomas Gold, 1920-2004. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview, transcription of 1976 Weart interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Thomas Gold, 1920-2004. Interviewed 24 June 1976 at the AAS Meeting in Haverford, length of interview: 90 minutes.

Description: Vitaly L. Ginzburg, 1916-2009. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Vitaly L. Ginzburg, 1916-2009. Interviewed 30 August 1976 in Grenoble, length of interview: 70 minutes. Follow-up interview in Moscow on 19 November 1980, notes only, no tape.

Description: German G. Getmantsev, 1926-1980. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan).

Description: German G. Getmantsev, 1926-1980. Interviewed 1 August 1978 at the URSI Meeting in Helsinki, length of interview: 40 minutes.

Description: Francis F. Gardner, 1924-2002. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Francis F. Gardner, 1924-2002. Interviewed 21 February 1973 in Bonn, Germany, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: John A. Galt, 1925-2012. Transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: John A. Galt, 1925-2012. Interviewed 6 June 1973 in Onsala, Sweden, length of interview: 21 minutes.

Description: Harald T. Friis, 1893-1976. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Harald T. Friis, 1893-1976. Interviewed 3 February 1976 by telephone from the University of Washington to Palo Alto, California, length of interview: 15 minutes.

Description: Kurt Fränz, 1912-2002. Transcription of Sullivan interview, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Kurt Fränz, 1912-2002. Interviewed 11 December 1973 by telephone from Groningen to Ulm, length of interview: 11 minutes.

Description: Kenneth Franklin, 1923-2007. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Donald F. Folland, 1910-1998. Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Donald F. Folland, 1910-1998. Interviewed 19 June 1983 by telephone from the University of Washington to Salt Lake City, Utah, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Donald F. Folland, 1910-1998. Interviewed 26 December 1974 by telephone from the University of Washington to Salt Lake City, Utah, length of interview: 6 minutes.

Description: A.D. Fokker, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: A.D. Fokker, dates unknown. Interviewed 13 September 1978 by telephone from Groningen to Utrecht, length of interview: 18 minutes.

Description: John W. Findlay, 1915-1994. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John W. Findlay, 1915-1994. Interviewed 14 August and 18 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington D.C., length of interview: 105 minutes.

Description: George B. Field, 1929- . Publications card, archival material.

Description: George B. Field, 1929- . Interviewed 10 January 1979 at the AAS Meeting in Mexico City, length of interview: 20 minutes.

Description: Harold "Doc" Irving Ewen, 1922-2015. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan interview (reviewed and edited by both Sullivan and Ewen), correspondence with Sullivan, publications, archival material, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Harold "Doc" Irving Ewen, 1922-2015. Interviewed 12 August 1979 in Weston, Massachusetts, length of interview: 135 minutes.

Description: Stanley Evans, dates unknown. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Stanley Evans, dates unknown. Interviewed 11 March 1981 at Cambridge, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: John V. Evans, 1933- . Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview.

Description: John V. Evans, 1933- . Interviewed at 7 August 1978 at URSI in Helsinki, length of interview: 55 minutes.

Description: Von R. Eshleman, 1924-2017. Publications card, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Von R. Eshleman, 1924-2017. Interviewed 4 August 1978 at the URSI Meeting in Helsinki, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: William C. Erickson, 1930-2015. Archival material.

Description: William C. Erickson, 1930-2015. Interviewed at 17 August 1975 at Clark Lake Radio Observatory, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: Bruce Elsmore, 1926-2019. Publications card.

Description: Bruce Elsmore, 1926-2019. Interviewed 19 August 1976 at Cambridge and 25 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Clif Ellyett, 1915-2006. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: G. R. "Bill" Ellis, 1921-2011. Publications card.

Description: G. R. "Bill" Ellis, 1921-2011. Interviewed 10 March 1978 at his home in Hobart, Tasmania, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: Joel Elldér, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: Joel Elldér, dates unknown. Interviewed 14 August 1981 at the URSI Meeting in Washington D.C., length of interview: 12 minutes.

Description: Øystein Elgarøy, 1929-1988. Publications card.

Description: Øystein Elgarøy, 1929-1988. Interviewed 30 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 16 minutes.

Description: Tamara M. Egorova, dates unknown. Interviewed 5 December 1980 at Zelenchukskaya. Only notes taken of interview.

Description: Thomas Edison, 1847-1931. Archival material, correspondence. No interview was conducted.

Description: David O. Edge, 1932-2003. Publications card, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: David O. Edge, 1932-2003. Interviewed 10 August 1976 in Edinburgh, length of interview: 115 minutes.

Description: Rolf B. Dyce, 1929-2019. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Rolf B. Dyce, 1929-2019. Interviewed 16 March 1977 at Arecibo, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Lee A. DuBridge, 1901-1994. Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Lee A. DuBridge, 1901-1994. Interviewed 29 March 1983 at his home in Pasadena, California, length of interview: 32 minutes

Description: Zoya V. Dravskikh, dates unknown. Interviewed 26 November 1980 at Pulkovo Observatory, Only notes taken of interview.

Description: Alexander F. Dravskikh, dates unknown. Interviewed 26 November 1980 at Pulkovo Observatory. Only notes taken, no tape.

Description: Frank Drake, 1930-2022. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interviews, archival material.

Description: Frank Drake, 1930- . Interviewed 27 April 1979 at Cornell University, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Frank Drake, 1930- . Interviewed 7 August 1978 at the URSI Meeting in Helsinki, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Helen W. Dodson-Prince, 1905-2002, E. Ruth Hedeman, 1911-2006. Publications card, archival material, Sullivan's notes.

Description: Helen W. Dodson-Prince, 1905-2002, E. Ruth Hedeman, 1911-2006. Interviewed 20 August 1979 at the IAU meeting in Montreal, length of interview: 32 minutes.

Description: Nannielou H. Dieter, 1926-2014. Correspondence with Sullivan, draft of her book, archival material. [NB: The book in expanded form was published in 2006 by the NRAO Archives as Two Paths to Heaven's Gate, by Nan Dieter Conklin.]

Description: Nannielou H. Dieter, 1926-2014. Interviewed 7 September 1971 in Green Bank, West Virginia, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Robert H. Dicke, 1916-1997. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Robert H. Dicke, 1916-1997. Interviewed 18 January 1979 at the University of Washington, length of interview: 20 minutes.

Description: Robert H. Dicke, 1916-1997. Interviewed 22 June 1976 at the AAS Meeting in Haverford, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: John H. DeWitt, Jr., 1906-1997. Sullivan's notes, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, photo.

Description: John H. DeWitt, Jr., 1906-1997. Interviewed 27 June 1978 by telephone from Fairfax County, Virginia to Nashville, Tennessee, length of interview: 65 minutes.

Description: David W. Dewhirst, 1927-2012.

Description: David W. Dewhirst, 1927-2012. Interviewed 18 August 1976 at Cambridge, length of interview: 52 minutes.

Description: Anthonet Hugo de Voogt, 1892-1969. Archival material. No interview was conducted.

Description: Gerard de Vaucouleurs, 1918-1995. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Gerard de Vaucouleurs, 1918-1995. Interviewed 6 September 1976 in Paris, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Jean-François Denisse, 1915-2014. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: Jean-François Denisse, 1915-2014. Interviewed 9 July 1976 at Meudon, length of interview: 75 minutes.

Description: Cornelis de Jager, 1921- . Publications card.

Description: Cornelis de Jager, 1921- . Interviewed 1 September 1978 by telephone from Groningen to Utrecht, length of interview: 23 minutes.

Description: Rodney D. Davies, 1930-2015. Publications card, Transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Rodney D. Davies, 1930-2015. Interviewed 30 August 1976 at Grenoble, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: John G. Davies, 1924-1988. Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan interview (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival materials, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John G. Davies, 1924-1988. Interviewed 12 August 1978 in Groningen, length of interview: 30 minutes.

Description: Mrinal das Gupta, 1923- . Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, photo.

Description: Herbert Daene, 1906-1975. Publications card.

Description: Arthur B. Crawford, 1907-1990. Interviewed 25 August 1977 by telephone from Seattle to Fairhaven, New Jersey, only notes taken of interview.

Description: Arthur E. Covington, 1913-2001. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, publication, photo.

Description: Arthur E. Covington, 1913-2001. Interviewed 23 June 1976 at the AAS meeting in Haverford, length of interview: 112 minutes.

Description: Herman V. Cottony, dates unknown. Publications card.

Description: Herman V. Cottony, dates unknown. Interviewed 16 August 1981. Only notes taken of interview.

Description: Carman H. Costain, 1932-1989. Archival material.

Description: Carman H. Costain, 1932-1989. Interviewed 28 March 1974 at Penticton, length of interview: 50 minutes.

Description: Brian F. C. Cooper, 1917-2000. Publications card, Sullivan's interview notes.

Description: Brian F. C. Cooper, 1917-2000. Interviewed 6 March 1978 at CSIRO Radiophysics in Sydney, length of interview: 60 minutes.

Description: Robin G. Conway, dates unknown. Archival material, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay's interview.

Description: Robin G. Conway, dates unknown. Interviewed 26 November 1973 at Leiden, length of interview: 25 minutes.

Description: Marshall H. Cohen, 1926- . Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview, correspondence with Sullivan, archival material.

Description: Marshall H. Cohen, 1926- . Interviewed 11 August 1978 at Groningen, length of interview: 40 minutes.

Description: Robert J. Coates, 1922- . Publications card.

Description: Robert J. Coates, 1922- . Interviewed 15 August 1981 by telephone from Virginia to his home in Maryland, length of interview: 35 minutes.

Description: John A. Clegg, 1913-1987. Publications card, archival material, Sullivan's interview notes, transcription of 1971 Edge/Mulkay interview, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: John A. Clegg, 1913-1987. Interviewed 28 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Sussex, length of interview: 53 minutes.

Description: Barry G. Clark, 1938- . Publications card.

Description: Barry G. Clark, 1938- . Interviewed 2 May 1978 at the VLA in Socorro, New Mexico, length of interview: 45 minutes.

Description: Wilbur Norman "Chris" Christiansen, 1913-2007. Publications card, transcription of Sullivan's interview (partially reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, photo.

Description: Wilbur Norman "Chris" Christiansen, 1913-2007. Interviewed 27-28 August 1976 at Grenoble, France length of interview: 100 minutes.

Description: Jean L. Casse, 1934- . Interviewed 10 October 1973 at Dwingeloo, Length of interview: 38 minutes.

Description: Thomas D. Carr, 1917-2011. Publications card.

Description: Thomas D. Carr, 1917-2011. Interviewed 19 September 1984 at the IAU/SETI meeting in Boston, Length of interview: 27 minutes.

Description: Elizabeth Alexander, 1908-1958. Archival material.

Description: Francis Graham Smith, 1923- . Interviewed 27 August 1976 in Grenoble, length of interview: 75 minutes.

Description: Bart J. Bok, 1906-1983. Interviewed 5 October 1971 at the Interstellar Molecules Symposium in Charlottesville VA, length of interview: 20 minutes.
Start Date: 1971-10-05

Description: Bernard Burke, 1928-2018. Interviewed 22 September 1981 at NASA in Ames California, length of interview: 50 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-09-22

Description: Bernard Burke, 1928-2018. Interviewed 21 January 1972 at Leiden, length of interview: 45 minutes.
Start Date: 1972-01-21

Description: Interviewed 22 May 1979 at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Tucson, Arizona, length of interview: 60 minutes.
Start Date: 1979-05-22

Description: Geoffrey R. Burbidge, 1935-2010. Interviewed 7 September 1976 in Paris, length of interview: 11 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-09-07

Description: E. Margaret Burbidge, 1919-2020. Interviewed 14 April 1988 in Paris, length of interview: 28 minutes.
Start Date: 1988-04-14

Description: Norman W. Broten, 1921-2015, Interviewed 7 August 1978 at the URSI Meeting in Helsinki, Length of interview: 42 minutes
Start Date: 1978-08-07

Description: Ronald N. Bracewell, 1921-2007, Interviewed 8 January 1980 at San Francisco. Length of interview: 185 minutes
Start Date: 1980-01-08

Description: Alessandro Braccesi, 1937- . Interviewed 28 September 1972 at Bologna, length of interview: 50 minutes.
Start Date: 1972-09-28

Description: E.G. "Taffy" Bowen, 1911-1991. Interviewed 22 June 1978 at Bowen's home in West River, Maryland, length of interview: 65 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-06-22

Description: E.G. "Taffy" Bowen, 1911-1991. Interviewed 24 December 1973 at the Australian Embassy in Washington D.C., length of interview: 75 minutes.
Start Date: 1973-12-24

Description: Hermann Bondi, 1919-2005. Interviewed 14 March 1988 at Churchill College, Cambridge, Length of interview: 29 minutes.
Start Date: 1988-03-14

Description: John Bolton, 1922-1993. Interviewed 15 March 1978 at Parkes, length of interview: 225 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-03-15

Description: John Bolton, 1922-1993. Interviewed 13 August 1976 at Jodrell Bank, length of interview: 35 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-08-13

Description: Bart J. Bok, 1906-1983. Interviewed 5 December 1978 and 7 December 1978 at the University of Washington, length of interview: 60 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-12-05

Description: André Boischot, 1925- . Interviewed 9 July 1976 at Meudon, Length of interview: 42 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-07-09

Description: John H. Blythe, dates unknown, Interviewed 18 May 1981 by telephone from Cambridge to Chelmsford, Length of interview: 45 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-05-18

Description: Emile-Jacques Blum, 1923-2009, Interviewed 28 August 1976 at Grenoble. Interview Length: 65 minutes.
Start Date: 1976-08-28

Description: Ludwig H. C. Biermann, 1907-1986. Interviewed 15 September 1978 by telephone from Groningen to Munich, length of interview: 24 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-09-15

Description: Alfred C. Beck, 1905-1999. Interviewed 22 August 1977 by telephone from Seatttle to Boca Raton, Florida, only notes taken of interview.
Start Date: 1977-08-22

Description: Zoltan Bay, 1900-1992. Interviewed 1 October 1980 at Bay's home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, length of interview: 45 minutes.
Start Date: 1980-10-01

Description: Alan H. Barrett, 1927-1991. Interviewed on 15 August 1979, IAU Meeting at Montreal, length of interview: 37 minutes.
Start Date: 1979-08-15

Description: Alan H. Barrett, 1927-1991. Interviewed on 26 August 1971, AAS Meeting. Length of interview: 35 minutes.
Start Date: 1971-08-26

Description: John E. Baldwin, 1931-2010. Interviewed 9 June 1981, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, length of interview: 100 minutes.
Start Date: 1981-06-09

Description: John E. Baldwin, 1931-2010. Interviewed 26 July 1972, Groningen, length of interview: 120 minutes.
Start Date: 1972-07-26

Description: Viktor A. Ambartsumian, 1908-1996. Interviewed 8 December 1980 at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Armenia. Not recorded - only notes were taken.
Start Date: 1980-12-08

Description: Clabon W. Allen, 1904-1987, Interviewed 14 March 1978 by telephone from Sydney to Canberra, Australia. Length of interview: 24 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-03-14

Description: Jules Aarons, 1921-2008. Interviewed 7 August 1978 at the URSI meeting in Helsinki. Interview length: 14 minutes.
Start Date: 1978-08-07

Description: Bernard Burke, 1928-2018. Publications card, archival material, Sullivan's notes

Description: Geoffrey R. Burbidge, 1935-2010. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcription of Sullivan's interview, archival material.

Description: E. Margaret Burbidge, 1919-2020. Publication card (copy of combined G. and M. Burbidge card), biographical information. See also information in G. Burbidge file.

Description: S. Ya Braude, 1911-2003. Archival material.

Description: Ronald N. Bracewell, 1921-2007. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, correspondence with Sullivan

Description: E.G. "Taffy" Bowen, 1911-1991. Publications card, archival material, transcriptions of Sullivan's interviews (interviews partially reviewed and edited by both Sullivan and Bowen), correspondence. Also included are Sullivan's notes of a conversation…

Description: Hermann Bondi, 1919-2005. Publications card, archival material.

Description: John Bolton, 1922-1993. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcriptions of Sullivan's interviews (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), correspondence with Sullivan, archival material, photo.

Description: Bart J. Bok, 1906-1983. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, transcriptions of Sullivan's interviews (reviewed and edited by Sullivan), archival material.

Description: André Boischot, 1925- . Publications card.

Description: John H. Blythe, dates unknown. Publications card, archival material.

Description: Emile-Jacques Blum, 1923-2009. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan, photo.

Description: Ludwig H. C. Biermann, 1907-1986. Publications card, archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Lloyd Berkner, 1905-1967. Archival material.

Description: Jocelyn Bell-Burnell, 1943- . Archival material, transcript of 15 November 1973 interview by Woolgar.

Description: Zoltan Bay, 1900-1992. Sullivan's interview notes, correspondence with Sullivan, publications.

Description: Alan H. Barrett, 1927-1991. Publications card, archival material

Description: John E. Baldwin, 1931-2010. Publications card, correspondence with Sullivan, Sullivan's notes, archival material

Description: Walter Baade, 1893-1960. Archival material, photo.

Description: Ivan Atanasijevic, 1919-1998. Biographical memoir.

Description: Edward Appleton, 1892-1965. Archival material.

Description: Viktor A. Ambartsumian, 1908-1996. Archival material, photo

Description: Mary Almond, 1928- . Archival material, correspondence with Sullivan.

Description: Clabon W. Allen, 1904-1987. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Hannes Alfven, 1908-1995. Publications card, Sullivan's notes, archival material.

Description: Kenji Akabane, 1927-2015. Correspondence with Sullivan, list of publications.

Description: Jules Aarons, 1921-2008. Publications card, archival material

Collection Tree