In celebration of 20 years of VLA observations, NRAO and New Mexico Tech are jointly sponsoring a conference on the role of gas in galaxy evolution. This conference will be held in Socorro, New Mexico, on 21-24 May 2000. The theme is the role of gas in galaxy evolution, concentrating on the interplay between galaxies and their environments, with some emphasis on HI imaging. Questions we hope to address include: What are the residual signatures of the formation process around galaxies? Do galaxies evolve along the Hubble sequence? If so, how, and in what direction? Do mergers really convert spirals to ellipticals? Can continuing accretion `grow' dynamically-cold disks into the present? What can we learn about the history and fate of galaxies from the structure of their gaseous envelopes? We would like to confront the vast range of current observations with theoretical predictions and interpretations, and to map out new directions for the future. The conference will conclude with a celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the VLA, held at the VLA site.
November 2001: To be published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific as Conf. Ser. 240, Gas & Galaxy Evolution, eds. J.E. Hibbard, M.P. Rupen, & J.H. van Gorkom, (ASP, San Francisco). Go here for the order form.
Table of Contents for the Conference proceedings (will link to ADS abstracts for all contributions). October 2001: The The HI Rogues Gallery is now on-line.Topics |
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Organizing Committees | Poster | Order Vol. 240 from ASP |
Last modified: Tue Mar 11 10:52:18 EST 2003