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The forms etc. mentioned in this mailing are available at
                                                       22 December 1999

                G A S   A N D   G A L A X Y   E V O L U T I O N

            A Conference in Honor of the 20th Anniversary of the VLA

                   Socorro, New Mexico, USA,  21-24 May 2000

                     S E C O N D   A N N O U N C E M E N T


This is the second announcement for the Gas and Galaxy Evolution conference,
jointly sponsored by NRAO and New Mexico Tech, to be held in Socorro, New
Mexico, on 21-24 May 2000.  

This announcement contains general information on the meeting, plus ASCII
forms for registration, abstract submission, and applications for student
travel support.

This announcement and all forms can be accessed on the Internet either on
the Web or via anonymous ftp.
  * On the Web: takes you directly to the home
  * Using anonymous FTP: the site is
      or simply ftp, then cd pub/staff/vla2000 .

Each meeting participant should submit
  * the FINAL REGISTRATION FORM     (due  1 March 2000)
    ==> note that attendance is limited to 160 people, so it is important
      to register early
  * the STUDENT TRAVEL SUPPORT FORM (due  1 March 2000)
    ...for students who would like to be considered for travel support
  * the ABSTRACT FORM               (due 14 April 2000)
    ...for those interested in presenting an oral or poster paper
    ==> note that there can only be a limited number of oral presentations

  In celebration of 20 years of VLA observations, NRAO and New Mexico Tech 
  are jointly sponsoring a conference in Socorro, New Mexico, on
  21-24 May 2000.  The theme is the role of gas in galaxy evolution, 
  concentrating on the interplay between galaxies and their environments, 
  with some emphasis on HI imaging.  Questions we hope to address include:  
  What are the residual signatures of the formation process around galaxies?  
  Do galaxies evolve along the Hubble sequence?  If so, how, and in what 
  direction? Do mergers really convert spirals to ellipticals?  Can continuing 
  accretion `grow' dynamically-cold disks into the present?  What can we learn 
  about the history and fate of galaxies from the structure of their gaseous 
  envelopes?  We would like to confront the vast range of current observations 
  with theoretical predictions and interpretations, and to map out new 
  directions for the future.  The conference will conclude with a celebration 
  of the twentieth anniversary of the VLA, held at the VLA site. 

  A preliminary list of the major sessions is as follows:

     I. Gas Content as a Function of z, in the context of large scale structure

    II. Galaxy Formation and High-Redshift Galaxies

   III. Nearby Galaxies in (Trans)formation
    IV. Nearby Galaxies
       A. Stable long lived structures or continually evolving?
       B. Dark matter aspects of HI work  
     V. The Influence of Galaxies on Their Surroundings

    VI. Environmental Effects on the Gas in Galaxies

   VII. Outstanding Questions and Future Instruments

  VIII. Summary


   1mar00   Early registration closes 
            Deadline for requests for student support (see below)

  14apr00   Deadline for submission of abstracts

   7may00   Deadline for (blocked) motel reservations

  20may00   Reception

  21may00   First day of meeting

  24may00   Last day of meeting
            VLA 20th birthday celebration

  15jul00   Manuscripts due at NRAO


  Jacqueline van Gorkom, chair (Columbia Univ.)
  James Binney (Oxford) 
  Julianne Dalcanton (Univ. of Washington) 
  Ron Ekers (CSIRO) 
  Ken Freeman (ANU) 
  John Hibbard (NRAO/CV) 
  Michael Rupen (NRAO/Socorro) 
  Renzo Sancisi (Bologna) 
  Francois Schweizer (Carnegie Institute) 
  Linda Sparke (Univ. of Wisconsin) 
  David Westpfahl (New Mexico Tech) 
  Ann Zabludoff (Univ. of Arizona) 

  Michael Rupen (, Chris Carilli, Tracy Clarke, David Finley,
  Skip Lagoyda, Gustaaf van Moorsel, Terry Romero, David Thilker, Marc
  Verheijen, David Westpfahl, Min Su Yun


REGISTRATION (deadline 1 March 2000)
  Anyone wishing to attend the meeting must fill out a registration
  form, either (preferably) using the Web form, accessible from, or by emailing the ASCII form (appended to
  this document, or available from the same Web site) to

  ***WARNING: Over 150 people have already expressed an interest in
    attending; the local venue limits us to a total of about 160.  Please
    send your registration in as soon as possible, even if you are not
    yet able to provide your travel information.  Once you do know your 
    travel plans, please pass them along to us, preferably by e-mail to


  The registration fee is
    US$ 195  if received on or before 1 March 2000 ("early fee")
    US$ 225  if received after 1 March 2000        ("late fee")
    US$ 275  if received at the meeting            ("walk-up fee")

  Payment **MUST** be in US dollars.  Payment options include credit cards
  (VISA or Mastercard only), personal checks, and travelers' checks; cash may 
  be used only if paying at the meeting.  Checks can be paper-mailed to the 
  address given in the registration form. If you prefer to use a credit card,
  please be aware that we employ no special encryption software, and so cannot
  guarantee that credit information sent via e-mail or through the Web will
  not be intercepted.   If you do not wish to e-mail the credit card number
  and expiration date, please send a separate FAX or paper mailing with these 
  details.  Please indicate how you will pay the registration fee on the 
  registration form.

  The registration fee covers: NRAO/NMT-provided transport (see below),
  the reception on 20 May 2000, snacks during the morning and afternoon 
  breaks, the conference dinner on 22 May 2000, an abstracts notebook, 
  a copy of the proceedings (including shipping), attendance at the VLA
  20th Anniversary celebration at the VLA site, and access to the gymnasium,
  swimming pool, and tennis courts near the conference.

ABSTRACTS (deadline 14 April 2000)
  If you would like to present an oral or a poster paper, please indicate this
  in your registration form, and submit a separate abstract form either
  (preferably) over the Web, or by e-mail or FAX using the attached ASCII
  version.  Two overhead projectors and one 35-mm slide projector will be
  available for each oral presentation.  Each poster paper will have a
  display area at least 1m x 1m.  Video playback or computer display must
  be indicated by making a note in the "Special Presentation Needs" field of
  the abstract form.

TRAVEL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS (deadline 1 March 2000)
  Limited, and typically only partial, travel support may be available
  for students.  These funds will be allocated to visitors based on review
  by the SOC and in accordance with the rules and procedures of the
  granting agencies.  To be considered for travel support, you *must* also
  submit both a travel grant and an abstract form, preferably over the Web,
  or using the ASCII versions appended to this message.


  Please check with your local US embassy or consulate about visa
  requirements.  If you need a supporting letter from us, please request one
  via e-mail to


  Except as noted above, the registration fee does not cover the costs of
  meals.  For breakfast, a complimentary continental breakfast is available
  at some motels, and there are several nearby restaurants.  During
  the conference, a cafeteria will be open on the New Mexico Tech campus
  within 30 meters of the conference auditorium.  For dinner, there are
  many restaurants within walking distance of the motels.


  Rooms will be blocked out at Socorro motels for the conference, and
  information on these motels will be sent to participants in a general
  mailing in March of 2000.  The daily cost of a single currently
  ranges from $35-$70 and sharing a double from $19-$42 per person
  including tax.  Motel registration will be the responsibility of the
  attendees.  Participants from outside the USA may contact Terry Romero
  ( for assistance in making the reservation.


  Participants should generally fly into Albuquerque International Airport;
  several options are then available to get to Socorro.  Please indicate
  your preferences in the registration form.

  NRAO/NMT BUSES: NRAO/NMT will provide vans or buses to transport meeting
    participants between the Albuquerque International Airport and Socorro.
    The cost is covered by the registration fee.  A *very approximate*
    schedule is
    Leave Airport for Socorro:
      20 May 2000 (Saturday)  1pm,  4pm, 7pm, 10pm
    Leave Socorro for Airport:
      24 May 2000 (Wednesday) 7pm, 9pm
      25 May 2000 (Thursday)  9am, noon
    We will try to match the final schedule to peaks in the numbers of
    incoming/outgoing flights of meeting participants.
  CAR RENTAL: Meeting participants can rent cars at their own expense;
    please make your own reservations.  Participants from outside the USA
    may contact Terry Romero ( for help in making the
    reservation.  There is minimal public transport available in Socorro,
    so those who will be accompanied by their families will probably want to
    rent a car or use their own private vehicle.  Ample free parking is
    available at Socorro motels and near the conference halls.

  COMMERCIAL SHUTTLES: Meeting participants can use commercial shuttles
    at their own expense.  A typical one-way cost is about US$ 50.  Again
    participants from outside the USA should contact Terry Romero
    ( for help in making these reservations.
  More detailed information on ground transport will be sent in the next

  Some meeting participants may find it convenient to spend a night in a
  motel close to the Albuquerque International Airport, depending on their
  travel plans.  Please contact Terry Romero ( for further


  NRAO/NMT will provide vans or buses for transportation betweeen all
  meeting activities and those motels with rooms blocked out for the
  conference (specified in the next mailing).  The cost of this transport is
  covered by the registration fee.

  We are currently exploring options for child day care.  Please list your
  day care needs, if any, on the registration form.  Details of day care
  options will appear in the final mailing.

  Terminals and workstations will be available during daytime and evening
  hours for accessing e-mail and the World Wide Web.  We will also set up
  a guest account for preparing and printing small LaTeX or TeX documents 
  and for FTPing small files.  A FAX machine will also be available.

  If you would like to reduce data during the week of the meeting, or if you
  want to extend your stay to reduce data before or after the meeting, you
  must make independent arrangements for a data reduction visit.  Please
  see the VLA or VLBA Observational Status Summaries for details, or
  simply fill out the appropriate reservation form on the Web, at


  The proceedings will be published by PASP soon after the meeting, and
  shipped directly to the participants.  The costs of both the book and the
  shipping are covered by the registration fee.  There will be a tight
  publication schedule.  LaTeX style files and instructions for their use
  will be available on our Web site at the time of the final mailing.


  Updated meeting information will be made available on the conference home
  page on the World-Wide Web, via  More details
  will also be disseminated in the third and final mailings.  All further
  questions should be sent by e-mail to, or FAXed to
  VLA2000 Conference, c/o Ms. Terry Romero, at 505/835-7027.


We look forward to seeing you!

     -- Michael Rupen (, on behalf of the Scientific and 
        Local Organizing Committees


Last modified 08 February 2000