Doc Ewen: The Horn, HI, and Other Events in US Radio Astronomy
by Doc Ewen, © 2003
Slide presentation: Millimeter Wave Radiometry in the 1990s
Section 4: PADLOC: Passive Active Detection and LOCalization
The PADLOC (Passive Active Detection and LOCalization) radarometer mode integrates a radar with a radiometer operating in the same frequency band in a manner that allows simultaneous use of a common scanning antenna. [It was originally called "Radarometer", but everyone thought that was a spelling error, so it was renamed PADLOC.] An airborne test unit PADLOC was assembled and successfully flown over the Pioneer Valley test range in September 2000. We are indebted to John Kapitzky for the photos taken on the day of the flight.
Slide 1: PADLOC conceptual diagram.
Slide 2: Tuning up PADLOC the day before flight.
Slide 3: Doc Ewen discussing fog conditions with pilot.
Slide 4: Discussing preflight ground test.
Slide 5: Relocating optical camera on PADLOC.
Slide 6: Adjusting PADLOC.
Slide 7: Attaching PADLOC to helicopter nose mount.
Slide 8: Installing PC and power in Ranger.
Slide 9: Connecting system cable.
Slide 10: All systems go.
Slide 11: Ready for take-off.
Slide 12: Engine warm-up.
Slide 13: Reporting lift-off.
Slide 14: Checking the air space.
Slide 15: Heading south.
Slide 16: Over taxi strip.
Slide 17: In Westover's sight.
Slide 18: Visual and radiometric images.
Slide 19: Simultaneous radiometer and radar images.
Slide 20: Simultaneous radiometer and radar images.
Modified on Monday, 13-Jun-2005 18:41:01 EDT by Ellen Bouton