For Teachers
A two-year Teacher Enhancement Program for K-12 teachers
from West Virginia and surrounding states,
sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation.
Research Experience for Teachers (RET)
An NSF sponsored program that gives K-12 teachers
research experience by providing "summer jobs"
working alongside a NRAO astronomer or engineer
in Socorro, NM or Green Bank, WV.
Hands-On Universe
A one-week workshop which provides training on the
use of astronomy image processing software.
Chautauqua Short Courses
An NSF sponsored program consisting of
3-day intensive workshops for undergraduate college
faculty held in Green Bank, WV and Socorro, NM.
Radio Astronomy for Teachers
A bi-annual class offered through
New Mexico Tech in Socorro, NM.
More Green
Bank workshops and resources for teachers ...
More on-line resources for teachers ...

For Students
Undergraduate Summer Student Research Assistantships
Partially funded by the NSF's Research Experiences for
Undergraduates (REU) program.
Students spend the summer working with an NRAO advisor
on a research project. Open to undergraduates and
graduating college seniors.
Graduate Summer Student Research Assistantships
Open to graduate students who wish to spend the summer working with
an NRAO advisor on a research project.
Cooperative Education (Co-op) Program
Undergraduate engineering, applied physics, or computer science students
spend two or three semesters working in
cooperation with their academic institution and
the NRAO technical staff on a project
at the forefront of technology.
Graduate Student Internship Program
Short-term internships for graduate
students pursuing research in radio astronomy or
related fields with an NRAO advisor.
Pre-Doctoral Research Program
Provides two years of support for Ph.D.
students in radio astronomy,
engineering, or computer science to do
their thesis research under the supervision of
an NRAO scientist or engineer.
NRAO Student Observing Support Program
Support of graduate and undergraduate
students at U.S. universities
to conduct research with the GBT, VLA(HSA) and VLBA.
Essential Radio Astronomy (ERA)
An on-line one-semester course intended for astronomy
graduate students and advanced undergraduates with backgrounds
in astronomy, physics, or engineering.