2011 Proceedings
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2011 Table of Contents
April 25-28, 2011
Loews Ventana Canyon Resort
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Session 1 Terahertz Systems I, Chair: Christopher Groppi
THz Interferometers in Geosynchronous Orbit, - Status and Results
A. Emrich, E. Ryman, J. Embretsén, A. Carlström, J. Christensen and J. Riesbeck
Liquid-Cryogen Free Frontend for a 2.5-THz Heterodyne Receiver
H.-W. Hübers, H. Richter, S. G. Pavlov, A. D. Semenov, L. Mahler, A. Tredicucci, H. E. Beere, D. A. Ritchie, K. Il'in, and M. Siegel
Towards Multi-Pixel Heterodyne Terahertz Receivers
V. Belitsky, V. Desmaris, D. Dochev, D. Meledin, and A. Pavolotsky
NIKA: a Dual Band KIDs Camera
L. Ferrari, A. Benoit, A. Bideaud, L. J. Swenson, M. Roesch, F.X. De'sert, S. Doyle, A. Endo, A. Cruciani, P. Ade, A.M. Baryshev, J.J.A. Baselmans, O. Bourrion, P. Camus, C. Giordano, C. Hoffmann, S. Leclercq, J. M. Perez, P. Mauskopf, K.F. Schuster, C. Tucker, C. Vescov, and S.J.C. Yates
Invited Talk:
"Millimeter and Submillimeter Observations of Asteroids and Comets With the MIRO Instrument on the Rosetta Spacecraft"
Dr. Samuel Gulkis, NASA JPL
Session 2 Coherent Detectors I, Chair: Jacob Kooi
Radiation Mixer Based on the 2DEG in a GaN Heterostructure
B. S. Karasik, J. J. Gill, T. J. Crawford, I. Mehdi, and A. V. Sergeev
Integrated Balanced SIS Mixer at 500 GHz
M. P. Westig, C. E. Honingh, and K. Jacobs
Performance of a Twin-Slot Antenna Coupled NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer at 2.5 THz
W. Zhang, Jian- R. Gao, M. Hajenius, W. Miao, P. Khosropanah, T. M. Klapwijk, S.-C. Shi, and D. Hayton
Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Junction Properties' Variations Due to Storage and Mounting
A. Pavolotsky, D. Dochev, and V. Belitsky
Session 3 THz Sources I, Chair: Tom Crowe
Steady-State and Transient Thermal Analysis of High-Power Planar Schottky Diodes
A. Y. Tang, E. Schlecht, G. Chattopadhyay, R. Lin, C. Lee, J. Gill, I. Mehdi, and J. Stake
Design of a High-Power 1.6 THz Schottky Tripler Using 'On-chip' Power-Combining and Silicon Micromachining
J. V. Siles, B. Thomas, G. Chattopadhyay, A. Maestrini, C. Lee, E. Schlecht, C. Jung, and I. Mehdi
Fundamental-Mode Operation of Superlattice Electronic Devices in D-Band (110-170 GHz)
H. Eisele, S. P. Khanna, E. H. Linfield, and L. H. Li
Power Combined Gallium Nitride Amplifier with 3 Watt Output Power at 87 GHz
A. Fung, J. Ward, G. Chattopadhyay, R. Lin, L. Samoska, P. Kangaslahti, I. Mehdi, B. Lambrigtsen, P. Goldsmith, M. Micovic, A. Kurdoghlian, K. Shinohara, I. Milosavljevic, and D. H.Chow
A 2.5-2.7 THz Room Temperature Electronic Source
A. Maestrini, I. Mehdi, R. Lin, J. V. Siles, C. Lee, J. Gill, G. Chattopadhyay, E. Schlecht, B. Thomas, and J. Ward
Invited Talk:
"Future Incoherent Detector Arrays"
Dr. Harvey Moseley, NASA GSFC
Session 4 Incoherent Detectors I, Chair: Teunis Klapwijk
Development of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors for NIKA
M. Roesch, A. Benoit, A. Bideaud, N. Boudou, M. Calvo, A. Cruciani, S. Doyle, H.G. Leduc, A. Monfardini, L. Swenson, S. Leclercq, P. Mauskopf and K.F. Schuster for the NIKA Collaboration
The SPICA-SAFARI Detector System: TES Detector Arrays with Frequency Division Multiplexed SQUID Readout
B. D. Jackson, P. A. J. de Korte, J. van der Kuur, P. D. Mauskopf, J. Beyer, M. P. Bruijn, A. Cros, J.-R. Gao, D. Griffin, R. den Hartog, M. Kiviranta, G. de Lange, B.-J. van Leeuwen, C. Macculi, L. Ravera, N. Trappe, H. van Weers, and S. Withington
A Study on Photon Counting Interferometry in Terahertz Frequencies
H. Matsuo, T. Matsuo, and I.S. Ohta
Optical Characterization at 1.5-3 THz of High Sensitivity TES Detectors Designed for Future Far-Infrared Space Missions
P. D. Mauskopf, D. Morozov, P. A. R. Ade, D. Griffin, D. Goldie, D. Glowacka, A. Velichko, and S. Withington
Poster Session and Reception
Kilopixel Superconducting Bolometer Arrays for Near-Space Astrophysics Applications
D. J. Benford, C. A. Jhabvala, N. S. Jethava, T. M. Miller, S. H. Moseley, E. H. Sharp, J. G. Staguhn, E. J. Wollack, K. D. Irwin, and G. C. Hilton
Performance of the First ALMA Band 5 Production Cartridge
B. Billade, O. Nyström, D. Meledin, E. Sundin, I. Lapkin, M. Fredrixon, V. Desmaris, H. Rashid, M. Strandberg, S.-E. Ferm, H. Wang, H. Xu, M. Obrocka, B. Ellison, A. Pavolotsky, and V. Belitsky
Receiver Optics and 1.9 THz HEB Mixers for STO
M. Brasse, U. U. Graf, C. E. Honingh, K. Jacobs, M. Justen, P. Pütz, M. Schultz, and J. Stutzki
Compact Micromachined Infrared Bandpass Filters for Planetary Spectroscopy
A. D. Brown, S. Aslam, J. A. Chervenak, W. C. Huang, W. Merrell, and M. Quijada
Measure the Beam Wavefronts of a Terahertz Source
M. Cui, J.N. Hovenier, Y. Ren, J.R. Gao, and T.M. Klapwijk
Test Facility Development for the SPICA-SAFARI Instrument
P. Dieleman, B. Vandenbussche, B. M. Swinyard, W. Jellema, M. Ferlet, L. Meinsma, W. M. Laauwen, L. Ferrari, H. Smit, and M. Eggens
Development of Planar Schottky Diodes
V. Drakinskiy, P. Sobis, A.-Y. Tang, T. Bryllert, and J. Stake
Design, Fabrication, and Alignment of the SuperCam Telescope Relay Optics
M. Borden, D. Golish, C. D. d'Aubigny, C. Groppi, J. Kloosterman, T. Cottam, X. Xu, D. Lesser, S. Silva, C. Kulesa, C. Walker, and B. Cuerden
Phocus Radiometer Payload
O. Nyström, T. Ekebrand, C. Emrich, M. Krus, A. Emrich, D. Murtagh, and V. Belitsky
Spectrometers for THz Radiometers
M. Krus, J. Embretsén, A. Emrich, and S. Back-Andersson
STEAMR Breadboard Results and Demonstrator Status
A. Emrich, P.Sobis, J. Embretsén, and K. Kempe
ALMA WVR Final Report
M. Wannerbratt, T. Ekebrand, A. Emrich, P.Sobis, U. Krus, S. Back-Andersson, D. Runesson, and M. Krus
Antenna Lens Array for Large Scale M-KIDs Camera
L. Ferrari, A. M. Baryshev, J.J.A. Baselmans, and S.J.C. Yates
Optical Test Facility for SAFARI Bolometers
L. Ferrari, M.D. Audley, G. D. Lange, J. R. Gao, D. Griffin, G. Keizer, P. Khosropanah, and P. Mauskopf
The Supercam 8-pixel Integrated Focal Plane Unit
C. Groppi, D. Golish, C. Walker, B. Love, C. Kulesa, S. Weinreb, J. Kooi, and A. Lichtenberger
The Supercam Local Oscillator Multiplexing Unit
C. Groppi, D. Golish, B. Love, C. Kulesa, and C. Walker
Terahertz Response of YBCO HEB Homodyne Detectors
A. Hammar, S. Cherednichenko, and S. Bevilacqua
YBCO HEB THz mixers
A. Hammar, S. Cherednichenko, and S. Bevilacqua
"32-channel Multi-Chip-Module" The Cryogenic Readout System for Submillimeter/Terahertz Cameras
Y. Hibi, H. Matsuo, T. Ookawa, H. Nagata, H. Ikeda, and M. Fujiwara
1.1 THz Multi-pixel Heterodyne Receiver for APEX
N. Hurtado, U. U. Graf, C. E. Honingh, K. Jacobs, M. P. Westig, R. Güsten, and J. Stutzki
Development of THz Quantum Cascade Laser as a Local Oscillator for Heterodyne Receivers
Y. Irimajiri, S. Shiba, N. Sekine, I. Hosako, T. Koyama, T. Yamakura, H. Maezawa, and S. Yamamoto
In-Orbit Performance and Current Status of the SMILES Mission
K. Kikuchi, S. Mizobuchi, T. Nishibori, R. Sato, Y. Irimajiri, S. Ochiai, F. Ohtsubo, K. Mizukoshi, H. Ozeki, T. Manabe, and M. Shiotani
Operating of the Superconducting Integrated Receiver Channel of the TELIS Atmospheric Sounder.
O. S. Kiselev, M. Birk, P. N. Dmitriev, A. B. Ermakov, L. V. Filippenko, H. Golstein, B. van Kuik, A. de Lange, G. D. Lange, A. M. Selig, P. G. Wagner, and V. P. Koshelets
Dual-Chip Power Combiner using 300 GHz Tripler with Diamond Heat-Spreaders
C. Lee, L. Samoska, R. Lin, B. Thomas, A. Maestrini, and I. Mehdi
Initial Terahertz Probing of Carbon Nanofiber Composite Coatings as Potential Quasi-Optical THz Shielding and Attenuation Devices
L. Liu, T. Wang, A. Biswas, and C. M. Megaridis
Investigation of a Simple Truncated Waveguide Phase Shifter
N.P. Lourie, D.T. Chuss, R.M. Henry, and E.J. Wollack
Advances Towards an ALMA Band-1 Receiver
F.P. Mena, N. Reyes, P. Zorzi, C. Jarufe, J. Pizarro, L. Bronfman, and J. May
Test of a Waveguide Orthomode Transducer for the 385-500 GHz Band
A. Navarrini, C. Groppi, R. Lin, and G. Chattopadhyay
TES Bolometers with High-Frequency Readout Circuit
S. V. Shitov
Status of ALMA Band 7 Cartridge Production
S. Mahieu, D. Maier, B. Lazareff, A. Navarrini, G. Celestin, J. Chalain, D. Geoffroy, F. Laslaz, and G. Perrin
A 230 GHz Unilateral Finline Mixer on Silicon Substrate
Y. Zhou, P. Grimes, G. Yassin, J. Leech, K. Jacobs, and P. Puetz
3.5 THz Quantum Cascade Laser at 70 K as Local Oscillator
Y. Ren, P.J. de Visser, J.N. Hovenier, W. Zhang, J.R. Gao, T.M. Klapwijk, S.C. Shi, T-Y. Kao, S. Kumar, Q. Hu, and J. L. Reno
Invited Talk:
"The South Pole Telescope: Operations and Early Results"
Dr. Antony Stark, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
Session 5 Incoherent Detectors II, Chair: Harvey Moseley
Doped Lead Telluride-Based Alloys - a New Type of Sensitive Detectors of Terahertz Radiation
D.E. Dolzhenko, A.V. Nicorici, L.I. Ryabova, and D.R. Khokhlov
Optical Sensitivity Measurements in Nano-HEB Detectors
B. S. Karasik and R. Cantor
Low Noise Transition Edge Sensor (TES) for the SAFARI Instrument on SPICA
P. Khosropanah, R.A. Hijmering, M. Ridder, M.A. Lindeman, L. Gottardi, M. Bruijn, J. van der Kuur, P.A.J. de Korte, J.R. Gao, and H. Hoevers
Optical Characterization of High Sensitivity TES Detectors Designed for the SPICA/SAFARI 30-60 µm Channel
D. Morozov, P. D. Mauskopf, P. A. R. Ade, D. Griffin, J.R. Gao, H. F. C. Hoevers, P. Khosropanah, R. Hijmering, M. Ridder, and M. Bruijn
Session 6 Coherent Detectors II, Chair: Patrick Puetz
Scalable Terahertz-Frequency HEB Mixers
F. Boussaha, J. Kawamura, J. Stern, A. Skalare, and V. White
A Quasi-Optical NbN Mixer with 800K DSB Noise Temperature at 2.5 THz
Y. Delorme, R. Lefèvre, W. Miao, A. Féret, W. Zhang, T. Vacelet,F. Dauplay, L. Pelay, J. Spatazza, M. B. Trung, J-M. Krieg, Y.Jin, P. Khosropanah, J. R. Gao, and S. C. Shi
560 GHz, 664 GHz and 1.2 THz Schottky Based MMIC Sub-Harmonic Mixers for Planetary Atmospheric Remote Sensing and FMCW radar
B. Thomas, J. Siles, J. Gill, C. Lee, K. Cooper, A. Maestrini, S. Gulkis and I. Mehdi
First Results of the Sideband-Separating Mixer for ALMA Band 9 Upgrade
A. Khudchenko, R. Hesper, A. Baryshev, F. P. Mena, G. Gerlofma, T. Zijlstra, T. M. Klapwijk, J. W. Kooi, and M. Spaans
High Sensitivity Waveguide HEB Mixers at 2.5 THz
P. Pütz, M. Brasse, J. R. Gao, K. Jacobs, M. Justen, P. Khosropanah, W. Miao, M. Schultz, S. C. Shi, W. Zhang, and C. E. Honingh
Invited Talk:
Dr. Jonas Zmuidzinas, Caltech/JPL
Session 7 Optics and Components, Chair: Christian dAubigny
The Experimental Demonstration of a Low-Cost 37-Horn Focal-Plane Array Consisting of Smooth-Walled Multiple-Flare Angle Horns Fabricated by Direct Drilling
J. Leech, B. K. Tan, G. Yassin, P. Kittara, and S. Wangsuya
Effect of Phase Slippage and Higher Order Beam Modes in a 340GHz Focal Plane Array Optics
A. Murk, M. Whale, and M. Renker
VNA Measurements in the 0.75-1.1 THz Band
J.L. Hesler, K. Hui, B. Foley, S. Durant, and T.W. Crowe
Session 8 THz Systems II, Chair: Victor Belitsky
A Multibeam 2SB SIS Receiver at 3mm Wavelength
J. Yang, W.L. Shan, S.C. Shi, Q.J. Yao, Y.X. Zuo, Z.H. Lin, S.H. Chen, Q.G. Huang, X.G. Zhang, W.Y. Duan, A.Q. Cao, S. Li, Z.Q. Li, J.Q. Zhong, J. Liu, and K. Liu
Invited Talk:
Dr. Erick Young
Session 8 continued
Development of the 1.3-1.5 THz Band Superconducting HEB Mixer Receivers for ASTE 10 m Telescope
T. Shiino, L. Jiang, R. Furuya, T. Yamaguchi, S. Shiba, T. Sakai, N.Sakai, Y. Watanabe, O. Ohguchi, H. Maezawa, T. Yamakura, Y. Irimajiri, and S. Yamamoto
Temperature and Frequency Resolution of a 3.5 THz Heterodyne Spectrometer Using a Quantum Cascade Laser
Y. Ren, J.N. Hovenier, J.R. Gao, T.M. Klapwijk, S.C. Shi, T-Y. Kao, Q. Hu, and J. L. Reno
Antenna Coupled MKID Test Camera on APEX Telescope: On Sky Perfomace
A.M. Baryshev, J.J.A. Baselmans, A. Endo, S.J.C. Yates, L. Ferrari, R. Guesten, S. Heyminck, T. Klein, B. Klein, L. Esteras, S. Hoohgurtel, A. Weiss, M. Schuller, and T.M. Klapwijk
The Kilopixel Array Pathfinder Project (KAPPa): A 16 pixel 660 GHz Pathfinder Instrument with an Integrated Heterodyne Focal Plane Detector
C. Groppi, C. Wheeler, H. Mani, S. Weinreb, D. Russell, J. Kooi, A. Lichtenberger, and C. Walker
Invited Talk:
"THz Astronomy, Past, Present and Future,"
Dr. Thijs de Graaw, ALMA
Invited Talk:
"Exploring the Terahertz Universe: Capabilities and Early Science Results of the Herschel Space Observatory"
Paul Goldsmith, NASA JPL
Session 9 THz Systems III, Chair: Andrey Baryshev
The Stratospheric THz Observatory (STO): Preparations for Science Flight
C. Walker, C. Kulesa, J. Kloosterman, T. Cottam, C. Groppi, P. Bernasconi, H. Eaton, N. Rolander, B. Carkhuff, S. Hechtman, J. Gottlieb, D. Neufeld, C. Lisse, A. Stark, D. Hollenbach, J. Kawamura, P. Goldsmith, W. Langer, H. Yorke, J. Sterne, A. Skalare, I. Mehdi, S. Weinreb, J. Kooi, J. Stutzski, U. Graf, C. Honingh, P. Puetz, C. Martin, D. Lesser, and M. Wolfire
A Progress Update on Supercam: A 345 GHz, 64-pixel Heterodyne Imaging Spectrometer
J. Kloosterman, C. Groppiy, C. Kulesa, C. Walker, T. Cottam, E. Liggett, D. Lesser, M. Borden, P. Schickling, D. Golish, C. d'Aubigny, S. Weinreb, G. Jonesz, J. Bardenz, H. Maniy, T. K. J. Kooiz, A. Lichtenberger, T. Cecil, P. Puetz, G. Narayanan, A. Heddenyy, and X. Xu
HEAT: The High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope
C. Kulesa, C. Walker, A. Young, J. Storey, and M. Ashley
Balanced Receiver Development for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
J. W. Kooi, R. A. Chamberlin, R. Monje, B. Force, D. Miller, and T. G. Phillips
First Results from GREAT on SOFIA
Jurgen Stutzki
Session 10 Coherent Detectors III, Chair: Gene Lauria
Next Generation of Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers for Future Heterodyne Missions
S. Ryabchun, M. Finkel, I. Tretyakov, A. Maslennikova, N. Kaurova, B. Voronov, and G. Gol'tsman
Performance of a 700 GHz Unilateral Finline SIS Mixer
B.-K. Tan, G. Yassin, P. Grimes, K. Jacobs, and C. Groppi
670 GHz Schottky Diode Based Subharmonic Mixer with CPW Circuits and 70 GHz IF
G. Chattopadhyay, E. Schlecht, C. Lee, J. Gill, R. Lin, S. Sin, I. Mehdi, W. Deal, K. K. Loi, P. Nam, and B. Rodriguez
Cryogenic MMIC Low Noise Amplifiers for W-Band and Beyond
L. A. Samoska, S. Church, K. Cleary, A. Fung, T. C. Gaier, P. Kangaslahti, R. Lai, J. M. Lau, G. Mei, R. Reeves, M. M. Sieth, and P. Voll
Invited Talk:
"THz Transistors"
Bill Deal, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Session 10 continued
Session 11 THz sources II, Chair: Imran Mehdi
Frequency Locking of a 3.5 THz Quantum Cascade Laser Using a Gas Cell
Y. Ren, J.N. Hovenier, M. Cui, D.J. Hayton, J.R. Gao, T.M. Klapwijk, S.C. Shi, T-Y. Kao, Q. Hu, and J. L. Reno
High Power Room Temperature, Compact, Narrow Line THz Source as a Local Oscillator for THz Receivers
M. Scheller, J. Yarborough, A. Young, J. Moloney, C. d'Aubigny, M. Fallahi, M. Koch, S. Koch, and C. Walker
Solid-State LO Sources for Greater than 2THz
T.W. Crowe, J.L. Hesler, S.A. Retzloff, C. Pouzou, and G.S. Schoenthal
Toward a Terahertz Local Oscillator for SOFIA Based on a Quantum-Cascade Laser
H. Richter, S. G. Pavlov, A. D. Semenov, M. Wienold, L. Schrottke, M. Giehler, R. Hey, H. T. Grahn, and H.-W. Hübers
Verification of Spectral Purity in the HIFI Local Oscillator
J. Pearson, D. Teyssier, F. Maiwald, J. Ward, R. Lin, I. Mehdi, J. Kooi, T. Klein, C. Leinz, W. Jellema, and C. Risacher
Session 12 Components and Optics II, Chair: Christian dAubigny
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