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2009 Table of Contents

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April 20-22, 2009

Omni Hotel

Charlottesville, Virginia

  1. Session M1: ALMA Cartridges, Chair: Wolfgang Wild

  2. Session M2: SIS Receivers, Chair: Jacob Kooi

  3. Session M3: THz Sources, Chair: Imran Mehdi

  4. Session M4: QCLs, Chair: Brian Ellison

  5. Session T1: First Light THz Instruments, Chair: Anthony Kerr

  6. Session T2: Direct Detectors, Chair: Brian Jackson

  7. Session T3: THz Systems, Chair: Patrick Pütz

    • T3A: GUBBINS: A Novel Millimeter-Wave Heterodyne Interferometer

      P.K. Grimes, M.J.R. Brock, C.M. Holler, J. John, M.E. Jones, O.G. King, J. Leech, A.C. Taylor, G. Yassin, K.Jacobs, and C. Groppi

    • T3B: SuperCam: A 64 Pixel Heterodyne Array Receiver for the 350 GHz Atmospheric Window

      Christopher Groppi, Christopher Walker, Craig Kulesa, Dathon Golish, Jenna Kloosterman, Sander Weinreb, Glenn Jones, Joseph Barden, Hamdi Mani, Tom Kuiper, Jacob Kooi, Art Lichtenberger, Thomas Cecil, Gopal Narayanan, Patrick Pütz, Abby Hedden

    • T3C: Clover - Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode Polarization

      P. K. Grimes, P. A. R. Ade, M. D. Audley, C. Baines, R. A. Battye, M. L. Brown, P. Cabella, P. G. Calisse, A. D. Challinor, P. J. Diamond, W. D. Duncan, P. Ferreira, W. K. Gear, D. Glowacka, D. J. Goldie, W. F. Grainger, M. Halpern, P. Hargrave, V. Haynes, G. C. Hilton, K. D. Irwin, B. R. Johnson, M. E. Jones, A. N. Lasenby, P. J. Leahy, J. Leech, S. Lewis, B. Maffei, L. Martinis, P. Mauskopf, S. J. Melhuish, C. E. North, D. O’Dea, S. M. Parsley, L. Piccirillo, G. Pisano, C. D. Reintsema, G. Savini, R. Sudiwala, D. Sutton, A. C. Taylor, G. Teleberg, D. Titterington, V. Tsaneva, C. Tucker, R. Watson, S. Withington, G. Yassin, J. Zhang, and J. Zuntz

    • T3D: A Test Flight Instrument for the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory (STO)

      C. Walker, C. Kulesa, C. Groppi, E. Young, P. Bernasconi, H. Eaton, N. Rolander, C. Lisse, D. Hollenbach, J. Kawamura, P. Goldsmith, W. Langer, H. Yorke, J. Sterne, A. Skalare, I. Mehdi, S. Weinreb, J. Kooi, J. Stutzki, U. Graf, C. Honingh, P. Puetz, C.L. Martin

    • T3E: Main Parameters and Instrumentation of Millimetron Space Mission

      A.M. Baryshev, W. Wild, S.F. Likhachev, V.F. Vdovin, G.N. Goltsman, and N.S. Kardashev

  8. Session T4: Components and Novel Applications, Chair: Thomas Crowe

  9. Session W1: Schottky Mixers and Detectors, Chair: Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers

  10. Session W2: HEB Mixers and Receivers, Chair: Boris Karasik

  11. Session W3: Receivers and Backends, Chair: Victor Belitsky

  12. Session W4: Testing and Measurements, Chair: Bertrand Thomas

  13. POSTER SESSIONS, Chairs: Eric Bryerton, Arthur Lichtenberger & Robert Weikle, P1: Sources

  14. POSTER SESSIONS, P2: Waveguides, Antennas, and Quasi-Optics

  15. POSTER SESSIONS, P3: Novel Devices and Measurements

  16. POSTER SESSIONS, P4: Schottky Diodes


  18. POSTER SESSIONS, P6: Physics and Measurements of SIS Devices

  19. POSTER SESSIONS, P7: HEB and Direct Detectors

  20. POSTER SESSIONS, P8: Receivers and Backends

  21. Participants & Conference Photos

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