2009 Proceedings
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April 20-22, 2009
Omni Hotel
Charlottesville, Virginia
Session M1: ALMA Cartridges, Chair: Wolfgang Wild
M1A: Prototype ALMA Band 5 Cartridge: Design and Performance
V. Belitsky, I. Lapkin, B. Billade, E. Sundin, A. Pavolotsky, D. Meledin, V. Desmaris, M. Strandberg, R. Finger, O. Nyström, M. Fredrixon, S.E. Ferm, H. Rashid, and D. Henke
M1B: Evaluation of ALMA Band 8 S/N01 Cartridge
Y. Sekimoto, Y. Iizuka, T. Ito, K. Kumagai, N. Satou, M. Kamikura, Y. Serizawa, N. Naruse, Y. Niizeki, Y. Fujimoto, and W. L. Shan
M1C: Series Production of State-of-the-Art 602-720 GHz SIS Receivers for Band 9 of ALMA
B. D. Jackson, R. Hesper, J. Adema, J. Barkhof, A. M. Baryshev,T. Zijlstra, S. Zhu, and T. M. Klapwijk
M1D: Development of the 787-950 GHz ALMA Band 10 Cartridge
Y. Uzawa, T. Kojima1, M. Kroug, M. Takeda, M. Candotti, Y. Fujii, W.-L. Shan, K. Kaneko, S.Shitov, and M.-J. Wang
Session M2: SIS Receivers, Chair: Jacob Kooi
M2A: 230 GHz sideband-separating mixer array
Doris Maier
M2B: ALMA Band 5 (163-211 GHz) Sideband Separation Mixer
Bhushan Billade, Victor Belitsky, Alexey Pavolotsky, Igor Lapkin, and Jacob Kooi
M2C: Development of SIS Mixers for SMA 400-520 GHz Band
Chao-Te Li, Tse-Jun Chen, Tong-Liang Ni, Wei-Chun Lu, Chuang-Ping Chiu, Chong-Wen Chen, Yung-Chin Chang, Ming-Jye Wang, and Sheng-Cai Shi
M2D: An 800 GHz SIS Receiver for the RLT Incorporating a HIFI Band 3-type Mixer and SiGe LNA
A. Hedden, H. Li, E. Tong, S. Paine, R. Blundell, J. Kawamura, C. Groppi, C. Kulesa, C. Walker, G. de Lange, T. Klapwijk, T. Zijlstra, H. Mani, and S. Weinreb
M2E: Broadband SIS mixer for 1 THz Band
A. Karpov, D. Miller, J. A. Stern, B. Bumble, H. G. LeDuc, J. Zmuidzinas
Session M3: THz Sources, Chair: Imran Mehdi
M3A: Terahertz Local Oscillator Sources
T.W. Crowe, J.L. Hesler, W.L. Bishop, G.S. Schoenthal, and K. Hui
M3B: Tunable THz Source with Harmonic Multiplier Based on Superlattice Structures
V.L. Vaks, A.N. Panin, S.I. Pripolzin, D.G. Paveliev, and U.I. Koshurinov
M3C: Terahertz Sideband Generator Array on Extended Silicon Dielectric Lens
Haiyong Xu, Sami H. Hawasli, Lei Liu, Jeffrey L. Hesler, and Robert M. Weikle, II
M3D: Diamond Heat-Spreaders for Submillimeter-Wave GaAs Schottky Diode Frequency Multipliers
Choonsup Lee, John Ward, Robert Lin, Erich Schlecht, Goutam Chattopadhyay, John Gill, Bertrand Thomas, Alain Maestrini, Imran Mehdi, and Peter Siegel
Session M4: QCLs, Chair: Brian Ellison
M4A: Integration of Lithographically Microfabricated Rectangular Waveguides and THz Quantum Cascade Lasers
M.C. Wanke, C.D. Nordquist, M. Lee, C.L. Arrington, A.M. Rowen, M.J. Cich, A.D. Grine, C.T. Fuller, E.A. Shaner, E.W. Young, and J.L. Reno
M4B: Phase-locking of a 2.7-THz Quantum Cascade Laser to a Microwave Reference
A.M. Baryshev, P. Khosropanah, W. Zhang, W. Jellema, J.N. Hovenier, J.R. Gao, T.M. Klapwijk, D.G. Paveliev, B.S. William, S. Kumar, Q. Hu, J.L. Reno, B. Klein, J.L. Hesler
Session T1: First Light THz Instruments, Chair: Anthony Kerr
T1A: First 1.3 THz Observations at the APEX Telescope
C. Risacher, D. Meledin, V. Belitsky, and P. Bergman
T1B: First Light of the TELIS instrument
Gert de Lange, Pavel Yagoubov, Hans Golstein, Arno de Lange, Bart van Kuik, Joris van Rantwijk, Ed de Vries, Johannes Dercksen, Ruud Hoogeveen, Valery Koshelets, Oleg Kiselev, and Andrey Ermakov
T1C: Performance of HIFI in Flight Conditions
Pieter Dieleman, David Teyssier, Thomas Klein, John C. Pearson, Willem Jellema, Jacob W. Kooi, Jonathan Braine, Pat. W. Morris, Albrecht R.W. de Jonge, Rob de Haan, Wouter. M. Laauwen, Heino P. Smit, Nick D. Whyborn, Peter R. Roelfsema, Frank P. Helmich, and Thijs W.M de Graauw, on behalf of the HIFI team.
T1D: HIFI Instrument Stability as Measured during the Thermal Vacuum Tests of the Herschel Space Observatory
J. W. Kooi and V. Ossenkopf
Session T2: Direct Detectors, Chair: Brian Jackson
T2A: Development of Low-Noise Multiband Imaging Arrays using Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKID) for Groundbased Submillimeter Astronomy
O. Noroozian, N.G. Czakon, P.K. Day, J.-S. Gao, J. Glenn, S. Golwala, H. LeDuc, P.R. Maloney, B. Mazin, D. Moore, H. T. Nguyen, J. Sayers, J. Schlaerth, J. E. Vaillancourt, A. Vayonakis, and J. Zmuidzinas
T2B: Noise Measurements in Ti Hot-Electron Nanobolometers
S.V. Pereverzev, D. Olaya, M.E. Gershenson, R. Cantor, and B.S. Karasik
T2C: Low Thermal Conductance Transition Edge Sensor (TES) for SPICA
P. Khosropanah, B. Dirks, J. van der Kuur, M. Ridder, M. Bruijn, M. Popescu, H. Hoevers, J.-R. Gao, D. Morozov, and P. Mauskopf
T2D: Effect of Lifetime Broadening of Superconducting Energy Gap on Quasiparticle Tunneling Current
Takashi Noguchi, Toyoaki Suzuki, Akira Endo, Masato Naruse, Yasunori Hibi, Hiroshi Matsuo, and Yutaro Sekimoto
T2E: Kinetic Inductance Detectors with Integrated Antennas for Ground and Space-Based Sub-mm Astronomy
A. Baryshev, J.J.A. Baselmans, S. Yates, A. Neto, D. Bekers, G. Gerini, Y.J.Y. Lankwarden, Bernd Klein, R. Barends, H. Hoevers, and T.M. Klapwijk
Session T3: THz Systems, Chair: Patrick Pütz
T3A: GUBBINS: A Novel Millimeter-Wave Heterodyne Interferometer
P.K. Grimes, M.J.R. Brock, C.M. Holler, J. John, M.E. Jones, O.G. King, J. Leech, A.C. Taylor, G. Yassin, K.Jacobs, and C. Groppi
T3B: SuperCam: A 64 Pixel Heterodyne Array Receiver for the 350 GHz Atmospheric Window
Christopher Groppi, Christopher Walker, Craig Kulesa, Dathon Golish, Jenna Kloosterman, Sander Weinreb, Glenn Jones, Joseph Barden, Hamdi Mani, Tom Kuiper, Jacob Kooi, Art Lichtenberger, Thomas Cecil, Gopal Narayanan, Patrick Pütz, Abby Hedden
T3C: Clover - Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode Polarization
P. K. Grimes, P. A. R. Ade, M. D. Audley, C. Baines, R. A. Battye, M. L. Brown, P. Cabella, P. G. Calisse, A. D. Challinor, P. J. Diamond, W. D. Duncan, P. Ferreira, W. K. Gear, D. Glowacka, D. J. Goldie, W. F. Grainger, M. Halpern, P. Hargrave, V. Haynes, G. C. Hilton, K. D. Irwin, B. R. Johnson, M. E. Jones, A. N. Lasenby, P. J. Leahy, J. Leech, S. Lewis, B. Maffei, L. Martinis, P. Mauskopf, S. J. Melhuish, C. E. North, D. O’Dea, S. M. Parsley, L. Piccirillo, G. Pisano, C. D. Reintsema, G. Savini, R. Sudiwala, D. Sutton, A. C. Taylor, G. Teleberg, D. Titterington, V. Tsaneva, C. Tucker, R. Watson, S. Withington, G. Yassin, J. Zhang, and J. Zuntz
T3D: A Test Flight Instrument for the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory (STO)
C. Walker, C. Kulesa, C. Groppi, E. Young, P. Bernasconi, H. Eaton, N. Rolander, C. Lisse, D. Hollenbach, J. Kawamura, P. Goldsmith, W. Langer, H. Yorke, J. Sterne, A. Skalare, I. Mehdi, S. Weinreb, J. Kooi, J. Stutzki, U. Graf, C. Honingh, P. Puetz, C.L. Martin
T3E: Main Parameters and Instrumentation of Millimetron Space Mission
A.M. Baryshev, W. Wild, S.F. Likhachev, V.F. Vdovin, G.N. Goltsman, and N.S. Kardashev
Session T4: Components and Novel Applications, Chair: Thomas Crowe
T4A: New Results on Terahertz Detection by Carbon Nanotubes
Enrique Carrion, Martin Muthee, Jason Donovan, Richard Zannoni, John Nicholson, Eric Polizzi, and K. Sigfrid Yngvesson
T4B: In situ Quantitative THz Gas Analysis
John C. Pearson, Brian J. Drouin, Ken B. Cooper, and Robert A. Stachnik
T4D: Ultra-Gaussian Horns for ClOVER – a B-Mode CMB Experiment
P.A. Ade, R. J. Wylde, and J. Zhang
Session W1: Schottky Mixers and Detectors, Chair: Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers
W1A: Broadband Schottky Receivers for Atmospheric Studies
K. Hui, J.L. Hesler, and T.W. Crowe
W1B: Sub-Millimeter Wave MMIC Schottky Subharmonic Mixer Testing at Passive Cooling Temperatures
B. Thomas, E. Schlecht, A. Maestrini, J. Ward, G. Chattopadhyay, R. Lin, J. Gill, C. Lee, and I. Mehdi
W1C: A 200 GHz Schottky Diode Quasi-Optical Detector Based on Folded Dipole Antenna
L. Liu, H. Xu, Y. Duan, A. W. Lichtenberger, J. L. Hesler, and R. M. Weikle, II
Session W2: HEB Mixers and Receivers, Chair: Boris Karasik
W2A: NbN Phonon-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer with Additional Diffusion Cooling
S. A. Ryabchun, I. V. Tretyakov, M. I. Finkel, S. N. Maslennikov, N. S. Kaurova, V. A. Seleznev, B. M. Voronov, and G. N. Gol’tsman
W2B: Quantum Noise Contribution to NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Receiver
W. Zhang, P. Khosropanah, J.R. Gao, E.L. Kollberg, K.S. Yngvesson, T. Bansal, J.N. Hovenier, and T.M. Klapwijk
W2C: Development of 1.5 THz Waveguide NbTiN HEB Mixers
L. Jiang, T. Yamakura, Y. Irimajiri, K. Shimbo, S. Shiba, T. Shiino, N. Sakai, P. G. Ananthasubramanian, H. Maezawa, and S. Yamamoto
W2D: System Performance of NbTiN THz SHEB Waveguide Mixers and Cryogenic SiGe LNA
P. Pütz, M. Schultz, C.E. Honingh, M. Justen, K. Jacobs, J. Bardin, G. Jones, H. Mani, and S. Weinreb
W2E: Integration of a Mobile Terahertz Spectroscopic System Based on HEB Heterodyne Detection
Jack T. Surek, Thomas J. Hofer, and Eyal Gerecht
Session W3: Receivers and Backends, Chair: Victor Belitsky
W3A: ATOMMS: the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer
Christopher Groppi, E. Robert Kursinski, Dale Ward, Aangel Otarola, Kate Sammler, Michael Schein, Sarmad Al Banna, Brian Wheelwright, Steve Bell, Willy Bertiger, Mark Miller, and Herb Pickett
W3B: Water Vapor Radiometer for ALMA
A. Emrich, S. Andersson, M. Wannerbratt, P. Sobis, Serguei Cherednichenko, D. Runesson, T. Ekebrand, M. Krus, C. Tegnader, U. Krus
W3C: Advanced mHEMT Technologies for Space Applications
Axel Hülsmann, Arnulf Leuther, Ingmar Kallfass, Rainer Weber, Axel Tessmann, Michael Schlechtweg, and Oliver Ambacher
W3D: Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-Ends
Peter Sobis, Tomas Bryllert, Arne Ø. Olsen, Josip Vukusic, Vladimir Drakinskiy, Sergey Cherednichenko, Anders Emrich, and Jan Stake
Session W4: Testing and Measurements, Chair: Bertrand Thomas
W4A: Modular VNA Extenders for Terahertz Frequencies
Y. Duan and J.L. Hesler
W4B: A Simple Orthomode Transducer for Centimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths
A. Dunning, S. Srikanth, and A. R. Kerr
W4C: Six-Port Reflectometers for Waveguide Bands WR-15 and WR-2.8
Guoguang Wu, Zhiyang Liu, Lei Liu, Jeffrey L. Hesler, Arthur W. Lichtenberger, and Robert M. Weikle, II
W4D: Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometer
B. Klein, I. Krämer, S. Hochgürtel, R. Güsten, A. Bell, K. Meyer, and V. Chetik
W4E: High Resolution Digital Spectrometer with Correlation and Image Rejection Capabilities
A. Murk, C. Straub, D. Zardet, and B. Stuber
POSTER SESSIONS, Chairs: Eric Bryerton, Arthur Lichtenberger & Robert Weikle, P1: Sources
POSTER SESSIONS, P2: Waveguides, Antennas, and Quasi-Optics
P2A: A New, Simple Method for Fabricating High Performance Sub-mm Focal Plane Arrays by Direct Machining using Shaped Drill Bits
J. Leech, G. Yassin, B.K. Tan, M. Tacon, P. Kittara, A. Jiralucksanawong, and S. Wangsuya
P2B: High Performance Frequency Selective Surfaces for Passive Radiometry
R. Dickie, R. Cahill, H. S. Gamble, V. F. Fusco, P. G. Huggard, M. Henry, M. L. Oldfield, P. Howard, Y. Munro, and P. de Maagt
P2C: The Ring-Centered Waveguide Flange for Submillimeter Wavelengths
A. R. Kerr and S. Srikanth
P2D: Ideal Grid Generates Cross Polarization
B. Lazareff , S. Mahieu, and D. Geoffroy
P2E: Some Experiments Concerning Resolution of 32 Sensors Passive 8 mm Wave Imaging System
A. Denisov, V.Gorishnyak, S. Kuzmin, V. Miklashevich, V. Obolonskv, V. Radzikhovsky, B. Shevchuk, B. Yshenko’, V. Uliz’ko, J.Y. Son
P2F: A Single 30 cm Aperture Antenna Design for the Operation of 2 Widely Separated Frequency Bands for the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer (ATOMMS)
Sarmad. H. AlBanna, Chris Groppi, Chris Walker, Michael Schein, Steve Bell, Brian Wheelwright, Christian Drouet d'Aubigny, Abram Young, Dathon Golish, E. Robert Kursinski, Angel Otarola, Dale Ward, Kate Sammler, Willy Bertiger, Mark Miller, Herb Pickett
POSTER SESSIONS, P3: Novel Devices and Measurements
P3A: Toward THz Single Photon Detection with a Superconducting Nanobolometer
D. Santavicca, B. Reulet, B. Karasik, S. Pereverzev, D. Olaya, M. E. Gershenson, L. Frunzio, and D. E. Prober
P3C: A New Laboratory for Terahertz Photonics
J. Castillo, C. Barrientos, V. H. Calle, L. Pallanca, F. P. Mena, and E. A. Michael
P3D: Implementation of a Two-Temperature Calibration Load Unit for the Submillimeter Array
C. Edward Tong, D. Cosmo Papa, Steve Leiker, Robert Wilson, Scott Paine, Rob Christensen, and Ray Blundell
P3E: ALMA Band 9 Cartridge Automated Test System
J. Barkhof, B. D. Jackson, A. M. Baryshev, and R. Hesper
POSTER SESSIONS, P4: Schottky Diodes
P4A: A 380 GHz Sub-harmonic Mixer using MMIC Foundry Based Schottky Diodes Transferred onto Quartz Substrate
J. Treuttel, B. Thomas, A. Maestrini, H. Wang, B. Alderman, J.V. Siles, S. Davis, T. Narhi
P4B: Conception and Fabrication of GaAs Schottky Diodes for Mixers
Cecile Jung, Alain Maestrini, Antonella Cavanna, Ulf Gennser, Isabelle Sagnes, Hui Wang, Yong Jin
P5A: A Sideband-Separating Mixer Upgrade for ALMA Band 9
Ronald Hesper, Gerrit Gerlofsma, Patricio Mena, Marco Spaans, and Andrey Baryshev
P5B: Limits of Image Rejection of Sideband-Separating Mixers
D. Maier
P5C: Shot-Noise Characteristics of NbN Superconducting Tunnel Junctions
Jing Li, Xue-Song Cao, Masanori Takeda, Hiroshi Matsuo, Zhen Wang, and Sheng-Cai Shi
P5D: Unilateral finline transition at THz frequencies
Boon Kok Tan and Ghassan Yassin
P5E: Superconducting SIS Mixers with Vertically Stacked Junctions
Ming-Jye Wang, Tse-Jun Chen, Chuang-Ping Chiu, Wei-Chun Lu, Jing Li, and Sheng-Cai Shi
POSTER SESSIONS, P6: Physics and Measurements of SIS Devices
P6A: Magnetic Field Dependence of the Microwave Properties of Proximity Effect Nb/Al Bilayers Close to the Gap Frequency
S. Zhu, T. Zijlstra, C. F. J. Lodewijk, A. Brettschneider, M. van den Bemt, B. D. Jackson, A. M. Baryshev, A. A. Golubov, and T. M. Klapwijk
P6B: Measurement of Electron-Phonon Interaction Time of Niobium using Heating Effect in SIS Tunnel Junction
Boon Kok Tan, Ghassan Yassin, Phichet Kittara, and Jamie Leech
P6C: Submillimeter-wave Emitted by Small Parallel Josephson Junction Arrays
F. Boussaha, A. Féret, M. Salez, C. Chaumont, B. Lecomte, J-M. Krieg and L. Lapierre
POSTER SESSIONS, P7: HEB and Direct Detectors
P7A: A Study of Direct Detection Effect on the Linearity of Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers
Yury V. Lobanov, Cheuk-yu E. Tong, Raymond Blundell, and Gregory N. Gol'tsman
P7B: Multiplexing of Hot-Electron Nanobolometers using Microwave SQUIDs
B.S. Karasik, P.K. Day, and J.H. Kawamura
P7C: Performance Investigation of a Quasi-Optical NbN HEB Mixer at Submillimeter Wavelength
W. Miao, Y. Delorme, A. Feret, R. Lefevre, L. Benoit, F. Dauplay, J.M. Krieg, G. Beaudin, W. Zhang, Y. Ren, and S.C. Shi
P7D: Low Noise Terahertz Receivers Based on Superconducting NbN Hot Electron Bolometers
J. Chen, L. Kang, M. Liang, J. P. Wang, and P. H. Wu
P7E: A Room Temperature Nb5N6 Microbolometer for Detecting 100 GHz Radiation
L. Kang, P.H. Wu, X.H. Lu, J. Chen, Q.J. Yao, and S.C. Shi
P7F: A Dual-Polarization TES Bolometer Detector for CMB B-pol Measurements
V. Yefremenko, G. Wang, A. Datesman, L. Bleem, J. McMahon, C. Chang, J. Pearson, G. Shustakova, A. Crites, T. Downes, J. Mehl, S. Meyer, J. Carlstrom , and V. Novosad
P7G: Highly Sensitive NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer at 5.25 THz
W. Zhang, P. Khosropanah, T. Aggarwal, J.R. Gao, T.M. Klapwijk, W. Miao, and S.C. Shi
POSTER SESSIONS, P8: Receivers and Backends
P8A: Improved Multi-octave 3 dB IF Hybrid for Radio Astronomy Cryogenic Receivers
Inmaculada Malo, Juan Daniel Gallego, Carmen Diez, Isaac López-Fernández, and Cesar Briso
P8B: Analysis, Simulation and Design of Cryogenic Systems for ALMA Band 5 Prototype Cartridge
M. Strandberg, I. Lapkin, V. Belitsky, A. Pavolotsky, and S.-E. Ferm
P8D: Design of a Heterodyne Receiver for Band 1 of ALMA
N. Reyes, P. Zorzi, F. P. Mena, C. Granet, E. Michael, L. Bronfman, and J. May
P8E: GREAT: Ready for Early Science aboard SOFIA
S. Heyminck, R. Güsten, U.U. Graf, J. Stutzki, P. Hartogh, H.-W. Hübers, O. Ricken, B. Klein et al.
P8F: Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) Camera Testing for Submillimeter Astronomy
N.G. Czakon, P.K. Day, J.-S. Gao, J. Glenn, S. Golwala, H. LeDuc, P.R. Maloney, B. Mazin, D. Moore, O. Noroozian, H. T. Nguyen, J. Sayers, J. Schlaerth, J. E. Vaillancourt, A. Vayonakis, and J. Zmuidzinas
P8G: Radiometer MMIC
A. Emrich, T. Pellikka, and S.E. Gunnarsson
P8H: STEAMR Receiver Chain
Peter Sobis, Anders Emrich, and Magnus Hjorth
P8I: A Multi-Beam 2SB Receiver for Millimeter-Wave Radio Astronomy
W.L. Shan, J. Yang, S.C. Shi, Q.J. Yao, Y.X. Zuo, S.H. Chen, A.Q. Cao, Z.H. Lin, W.Y. Duan, J.Q.Zhong, Z.Q. Li, and L. Liu
P8J: CASIMIR – Caltech Airborne Submillimeter Interstellar Medium Investigations Receiver
D. Miller, M. L. Edgar, A. Karpov, S. Lin, S. J. E. Radford, F. Rice, M. Emprechtinger, J. Zmuidzinas, and A. I. Harris
- Participants & Conference Photos
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