2002 Proceedings
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2002 Table of Contents
Tuesday - Thursday, March 26-28, 2002
Maxwell-Dworkin Building
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Session 1: SIS I, Chair: Raymond Blundell
Fixed-Tuned Waveguide 0.6 THz SIS Mixer with Wide Band IF
A. Baryshev, E. Lauria, R. Hesper, T. Zijlstra, W. Wild
Saturation by Noise and CW Signals in SIS Mixers
A.R. Kerr
Quantum-limited Mixing in a Transformer-coupled SIS Resonator for the 600 GHz Frequency Band
C-Y.E. Tong, R. Blundell, K.G. Megerian, J.A. Stem, H.G. LeDuc
Design and Characterization of 225 — 370 GHz DSB and 250 — 360 GHz SSB Full Height Waveguide SIS Mixers
A. Navarrini, B. Lazareff, D. Billon-Pierron, I. Peron
Session 2: HEB I, Chair: Dan Prober
Detailed Characterization of Quasi-Optically Coupled Nb Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers in the 0.6 — 3 THz Range
W.F.M. Ganzevles, P. Yagoubov, W.J. Vreeling, J.R. Gao, P.A.J. de Korte, T.M. Klapwijk
A Hot Spot Model for HEB Mixers Including Andreev Reflection
H. Merkel
The sensitivity and IF bandwidth of waveguide NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer on MgO buffer layers over crystalline quartz
D. Meledin, C-Y.E. Tong, R. Blundell, N. Kaurova, K. Smimov, B. Voronov, G. Goltsman
Quantum Noise Contribution to the, Receiver Noise Temperature of HEB THz Heterodyne Receivers
E. Kollberg, S. Yngvesson
A Broadband Terahertz Heterodyne Receiver with an NbN HEB Mixer
S. Cherednichenko, M. Kroug, P. Khosropanah, A. Adam, H. Merkel, E. Kollberg, D. Loudkov, B. Voronov, G Gol'tsman, H. Richter, H.-W. Hübers
Session 3: Detectors, Chair: Erik Kollberg
Recent Progress on Photon-Counting Superconducting Detectors for Submillimeter Astronomy
J.D. Teufel, T.R. Stevenson, W.-T. Hsieh, M.J. Li, C.M. Stahle, E. J. Wollack, D.E. Prober, R.J. Schoelkopf
Spectral Sensitivity and Temporal Resolution of NbN Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors
A. Verevkin, J. Zhang, W. Slysz, R. Sobolewski, A. Lipatov, 0. Okunev, G. Chulkova, A. Komeev, K. Smirnov, G.N. Gol'tsman, A. Semenov
Kinetic Inductance THz Mixer for Space Applications
Andrei V. Sergeev, Vladimir V. Mitin, Boris S. Karasik, and William R. McGrath
Broadband Direct Detection Submillimeter Spectrometer with Multiplexed Superconducting Transition Edge Thermometer Bolometers
Dominic J. Benford, Troy A. Ames, Jay A. Chervenak, S. Harvey Moseley, Rick A. Shafer, Johannes G. Staguhn, George M. Voellmer, François Pajot, Cyrille Rioux, Thomas G. Phillips, Bruno Maffei, and Kent D. Irwin
Critical Temperature Dependence of Heterodyne Mixing in Superconducting Nb based Hot-Electron Bolometers
I. Siddiqi, D.E. Prober, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc
Session 4: Systems, Chair: Scott Paine
Terahertz Initiatives at the Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST/RO)
Antony A. Stark, Adair P. Lane, Christopher L. Martin, Richard A. Chamberlin, Jacob Kooi, and Christopher K. Walker
SMART: The KOSMA Sub-Millimeter Array Receiver for Two frequencies
U.U. Graf, S. Heyminck, E.A. Michael, S. Stanko, C.E. Honingh, K, Jacobs, R. Schieder, and J. Stutzki
BLAST — A New Balloon-Borne Submillimeter Telescope
S. Dicker, P. Ade, J. Bock, J. Cung, E. Chapin, M. Devlin, M. Griffin, J. Gunderson, M. Halpern, P. Hargrave, D. Hughes, J. Klein, C. Mactavish, G. Marsden, P. Mauskopf, B. Netterfield, L. Olmi, M. Rex, D. Scott, G. Tucker, M. Truch, M. Viero
Prospects for Terahertz Radio Astronomy from Northern Chile
R. Blundell, J.W. Barrett, H. Gibson, C. Gottleib, T.R. Hunter, R. Kimberk, S. Leiker, D. Marrone, D. Meledin, S. Paine, D.C. Papa, R.J. Plante, P. Riddle, M.J. Smith, T.K. Sridharan, C.E. Tong, R.W. Wilson, M.A. Diaz, L. Bronfman, J. May, A. Otarola, S.J.E. Radford
Session 5: Sources I, Chair: Antti Raisanen
1400 — 1900 GHz Membrane Based Schottky Diode Tiiplers
Alain Maestrini, Goutam Chattopadhyay, Erich Schlecht, David Pukala and Imran Mehdi
1500 GHz Tunable Source Using Cascaded Planar Frequency Doublers
N. Erickson, G. Narayanan, R. Grosslein, G. Chattopadhyay, A. Maestrini, E. Schlecht, I. Mehdi, S. Martin
Harmonic Balance Optimization of Terahertz Schottky Diode Multipliers Using an Advanced Device Model
E. Schlecht, G. Chattopadhyay, A. Maestrini, D. Pukala, J. Gill, I. Mehdi
Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Planar Varactor Sideband Generators
Haiyong Xu, Gerhard S. Schoenthal, Robert M. Weikle, Jeffrey L. Hesler, and Thomas W. Crowe
Session 6: Signal Generation via Optical Mixing, Chair: Jonas Zmuidzinas
A Photonic Local Oscillator for an SIS Mixer in the 100 GHz Band
T. Noguchi, A. Ueda, H. Iwashita, Y. Sekimoto, M. Ishiguro, T. Ishibashi, H. Ito, T. Nagatsuma
Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Electrodynamic Properties of Polymer Electro-Optic Materials
Mark Lee, 0leg Mitrofanov, and Howard E. Katz
THz Field Generation and Manipulation by Coherent Control Over Phonon-Polaritons
T. Feurer, Joshua C. Vaughan, Nikolay S. Stoyanov, David W. Ward, Keith A. Nelson
Novel Tunable Source for Generation of THz Radiation
L. Maleki, H. Javadi, V. Ilchenko
Generation of Millimetre and Sub-Millimetre Waves by Photomixing in a 1.55 um Wavelength Photodiode
P.G. Huggard, B.N. Ellison, P. Shen, N.J. Gomes, P.A. Davies, W.P. Shillue, A. Vaccari, J.M. Payne
Session 7: HEB II, Chair : Jon Kawamura
Performance of Terahertz Heterodyne Receiver with a Superconducting Hot-Electron Mixer
Alexei Semenov, Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers, Heiko Richter, Manfred Birk, Michael Krocka, Ulrich Mair, Konstantin Smirnov, Grigory Gol'tsman, Boris Voronov
Noise Temperature for Nb DHEB Mixer Receiver for Far-Infrared Spectroscopy
E. Gerecht, C.D. Reintsema, E.N. Grossman, A.L. Betz, R.T. Boreiko
Tantalum Hot-Electron Bolometers for Low-Noise Heterodyne Receivers
Anders Skalare, William McGrath, Bruce Bumble, Henry G. LeDuc
Improved Equivalent Circuit for Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers Fed by Twin Slots
Paolo Focardi, Andrea Neto, Waal R. McGrath, Bruce Bumble, Henry G. LeDuc
Gain Bandwidth of Photon-Cooled HEB Mixer made of NbN Thin Film with MgO Buffer Layer on Si
Yuriy B. Vachtomin, Matvey 1. Finkel, Sergey V. Antipov, Boris M. Voronov, Konstantin V. Smimov, Natalia S. Kaurova, Vladimir N. Drakinski, and Gregory N. Gol'tsman
Session 8: Interactive Forum
Quasi-Optical Beam Waveguide Analysis Using Frame Based Gaussian Beam Expansion
Torsten Bondw and Stig Busk Sørensen
A Superconductive Parallel Junction Array Mixer for Very Wide Band Heterodyne Submillimeter-Wave Spectrometry
F. Boussaha, Y. Delorme, M. Salez, M.H. Chung, F. Dauplay, B. Lecomte, J.G. Caputo,
V. Thevenet
WaFIRS, A Waveguide Far-IR Spectrometer: Enabling Space-Borne Spectroscopy of High-z Galaxies in the Far-IR and Submm
C.M. Bradford, J.J. Bock, M. Dragovan, L. Earle, J. Glenn, B. Naylor, H. Nguyen, J. Zmuidzinas
Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometers on Freestanding Silicon Nitride Membrane Strips Using Flip-Chip Mounting
M. Brandt, J. Stodolka, T. Tils, C.E. Honingh, K Jacobs
A Fast, Very Sensitive Calorimetric Power meter for Millimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths
Neal Erickson
Feasibility Study for the Focalisation of the New 40m Radiotelescope of Centro
Astronomic de Yebes
E. Garcia, L. de Haro, J.A. López Fernández, F. Tercero, B. Galocha, J.L. Besada
NbN Film Development for Phonon-Cooled HEB Devices
E. Gerecht, A.K. Bhupathiraju, E.N. Grossman, J. Nicholson, F. Rodriguez-Morales, D. Gu, and K.S. Yngvesson
A Dual Reflector Feed System for a Sub-MM Hologram CATR
Janne Häkli, Tomi Koskinen, Juha Ala-Laurinaho, Jussi Sälly, Anne Lönnqvist, Julia Mallat, Jussi Tuovinen, Antti V. Räisänen
Mixer Development for HIFI Band 2 (640 - 800 GHz)
C.E. Honingh, M. Justen, R. Teipen, T. Tils, K. Jacobs
The HIFI Focal Plane Unit
B.D. Jackson, K.J. Wildeman, N.D. Whyborn
An Interferometric Microwave Comb Generator
R. Kimberk, C.E. Tong, H. Gibson, R.W. Wilson, R. Blundell, S. Paine, T.R. Hunter
Development of the HIFI Band 3 and 4 Mixer Units
G. de Lange, B.D. Jackson, M. Eggens, H. Golstein, W.M. Laauwen, L. de Jong, S. Kikken, C. Pieters, H. Smit, D. Van Nguyen
DC and IF Bandwidth Measurements of Superconducting Diffusion-Cooled Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers based on Nb/Au Bilayer
X. Lefoul, P. Yagoubov, M. Hajenius, W.J. Vreeling, W.F.M. Ganzevles, J.R. Gao, P.A.J. de Korte, T.M. Klapwijk
Broadband Fourier transform Spectrometer (FTS) Measurements of Spiral and Double-Slot Planar Antennas at Terahertz Frequencies
D. Loudkov, P. Khosropanah, S. Cherednichenko, A. Adam, H. Merkel, E. Kollberg, G Gol'tsman
Progress in SIS Device Fabrication for HIFI Mixer Band 2 at KOSMA
P. Pütz, S. Glenz, C.E. Honingh, K. Jacobs
Low Noise Cryogenic IF Amplifiers for Super Heterodyne Radioastronomy Receivers
Christophe Risacher, Victor Belitsky
Integrated Niobium Thin Film Air Bridges as Variable Capacitors for Superconducting GHz Eletronic Circuits
Matthias Schicke and Karl-Friedrich Schuster
Simulation of the Performance of a 5-Junction Array for 780-950GHz
S.C. Shi, M.J. Wang, and T. Noguchi
A Superconducting Spectrometer with Phase-Locked Josephson Oscillator
S.V. Shitov, V.P. Koshelets, P.N. Dmitriev, L.V. Filippenko, An. B. Ermakov, V.V. Khodos, V.L. Vaks
Automatic Tuning of SMART, KOSMA's 490/810 GHz Array Receiver
S. Stanko, U.U. Graf, S. Heyminck
Optical Modulation Spectrometer: A Concept Study
Volker Tolls and Rudolf Schieder
Design and Analysis of a Waveguide NbN-based SIS Mixer using a Tuning Circuit with Two Half-Wavelength Distributed Junctions for the 900-GHz Band
Yoshiri Uzawa, Masanori Takeda, Akira Kawakami, and Zhen Wang
Performance Characterization of a 600-700 GHz SIS Mixer
M.J. Wang, C.C. Chin, W.L. Shan, W. Zhang, H.W. Cheng, T. Noguchi, S.C. Shi
A Comparison of Power Measurements from 100 GHz to 600 GHz
Qun Xiao, Yiwei Duan, and Jeffrey L. Hesler
Progress on TREND - A Low Noise Receiver User Instrument at 1.25 THz to 1.5 THz for AST/RO at the South Pole
K.S. Yngvesson, J. Nicholson, Y. Zhuang, X. Zhao, D. Gu, R. Zannoni, E. Gerecht, M. Coulombe, J. Dickinson, T. Goyette, J. Waldman, C.K. Walker, A. Stark, A. Lane
Detection and Interpretation of Bistability Effects in NbN I-IEB Devices
Yan Zhuang and K. Sigfrid Yngvesson
Session 9: Sources II, Chair: Neal Erickson
Superconducting Phase-Locked Local Oscillator for SubMIVI Integrated Receiver
V.P. Koshelets, P.N. Dmitriev, A.B. Ermakov, A.S. Sobolev, M.Yu. Torgashin, V.V. Khodos, V.L. Vaks, P.R. Wesselius, C. Mahaini, J. Mygind
On-Chip Detection of Radiation Power from Flux-Flow Oscillators with Epitaxial and High-Jc NbN/A1N/NbN Junctions
Satoshi Kohjiro, hen Wang, Sergey V. Shitov, Shigehito Miki, Akira Kawakami, and Akira Shoji
Development of Backward Wave Oscillators for Terahertz Applications
Lawrence Ives, Jeff Neilson, Malcom Caplan, Nikolai Chubun, Carol Kory, Mike Read, Steve Schwartzkopf, Ron Witherspoon
Novel Heterostructure Device for THz Power Generation
Z.S. Gribnikov, N.Z. Vagidov, H. Eisele, V.V. Mitin, G.I. Haddad
Session 10: Circuits & Optics, Chair: Urs Graf
A Novel Full Waveguide Band Orthomode
Gopal Narayanan and Neal R. Erickson
Phase and Amplitude Antenna Measurements on an SIS Mixer Fitted with a Double Slot Antenna for ALMA Band 9
M. Carter, A. Baryshev, R. Hesper, S.J. Wijnholds, W. Jellema, T. Zijlstra
Far-Infrared Optics Design & Verification Phase II
Ghassan Yassin, Stafford Withington, Créidhe O'Sullivan, J. Anthony Murphy, Willem Jellema, Paul Wesselius, Tully Peacocke, and Bruno Leone
On the Design of Sub-MM Wave Amplitude Holograms for CATR
Tomi Koskinen, Juha Ala-Laurinaho, Jussi Säily, Janne Häkli, Anne Lönnqvist, Julia Mallat, Jussi Tuovinen, Antti V. Räisänen
A Holographic Measurement System for the SMA Antennas at 680 GHz
T.K. Sridharan, C.E. Tong, M. Saito, N. A. Patel, R. Blundell
Session 11: SIS II, Chair: Tony Stark
Use of Subharmonically Pumped SIS Mixer with High Harmonics Number for Phase and Amplitude Antenna Measurements
A. Baryshev, M. Carter, R. Hesper, S.J. Wijnholds, W. Jellema, T. Zijlstra
Low Noise SIS Mixer with Nb Tuning Circuit for the Frequency above 1 THz
A. Karpov, J. Zmuidzinas, F. Rice, D. Miller, J.A. Stern, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc
THz SIS Mixer Development for HIFI
B.D. Jackson, G. de Lange, W.M. Laauwen, L. de Jong, T. Zijlstra, N.N. Iosad, T.M. Klapwijk
Paper from 12th THz Symposium
- Participants
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