1999 Proceedings
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1999 Table of Contents
March 16 - 18, 1999
On the Grounds of The University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Session 1, Sources I, Chair: Phil Koh
Time Resolved Measurements of Flux-Flow Oscillator Linewidth
U. Müller, K. Jacobs
Design of a Distributed Terahertz Photomixer
E. Duerr, K. A. Mcintosh, S. Verghese
Traveling-Wave Photomixers Based On Noncollinear Optical/Terahertz Phase-Matching
Shuji Matsuura, Geofrey A. Blake, R. A. Wyss, J. C. Pearson, Cristoph Kadow, Andrew W. Jackson, Arthur C. Gossard
Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on Copper Substrate for Generation of Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Waves
Lars Dillner, Jan Stake, Stein Hullung, Chris Mann, Erik Kollberg
The Complete Analytical Simulation of Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Multipliers
L Dillner, M. L. Oldfield, C. M. Mann, B. E. J. Alderman
Session 2, Schottky Mixers, Chair: Richard Bradley
177-207 GHz Radiometer Front End, Single-Side-Band Measurements
I. Galin, C. Schnitzer, R. J. Dengler, O. Quintero
Progress in Submillimeter Wavelength Integrated Mixer Technology
Steven M. Marazita, Kai Hui, Jeffrey L. Hesler, William L. Bishop, Thomas W. Crowe
Anti-Parallel Planar Schottky Diodes for Subharmonically-Pumped 220 GHz Mixer
C. -I. Lin, M. Rodríguez-Gironés, A. Simon, J, Zhang, P. V. Piironen, V. S. Möttönen, J. T. Louhi, H. L. Hartnagel, A. V. Räisänen
A Fixed-Tuned 400 GHz Subharmonic Mixer Using Planar Schottky Diodes
Jeffrey L. Hesler, Kai Hui, Song He, Thomas W. Crowe
Regarding the IF Output Conductance of SIS Tunnel Junctions and the Integration with Cryogenic InP MMIC Amplifiers
J. W. Kooi, F. Rice, G. Chattopadhyay, S. Sundarum, S. Weinreb, and T. G. Phillips
E-Beam SIS Junction Fabrication Using CMP and E-Beam Defined Wiring Layer
Patrick Puetz, Karl Jacobs
A 550 GHz Dual Pularized Quasi-Optical SIS Mixer
Goutam Chattopadhyay, David Miller, Jonas Zmuidzinas, and Henry G. LeDuc
DC and Terahertz Response in Nb SIS Mixers with NbTiN Striplines
B. D. Jackson, N. N. Iosad, B. Leone, J. R. Gao, T. M. Klapwijk, W. M. Laauwen, G. de Lange, H. van de Stadt
A Wide Band Ring Slot Antenna Integrated Receiver
Andrey Baryshev, Sergey Shitov, Andrey Ermakov, Lyudmila Fillipenko, Pavel Dmitriev
Session 3 was not delineated in the printed Proceedings as a separate section.
Session 4, HEB I HTc, Chair: Antii Räisänen
Gain and Noise Spectra for YBa2Cu307 Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers
C.-T. Li, G. Schoenthal, B. S. Deaver, Jr., R. M. Weikle II, Mark Lee, R. A. Rao, C. B. Eom
Microwave Mixing and IF Bandwidth in Sub-micron Long High-Tc Hot-Electron Bolometers
Oliver Harnack, Boris Karasik, William McGrath, Alan Kleinsasser, Jeff Barner
Development of High-Tc Detectors For Sub-MM Radiation
G. de Lange, P. de Korte, O. Harnack, M. Darula
YBa2Cu307-δ Hot-Electron Bolometer with Submicron Dimensions
S. Cherednicbenko, F. Rönnung, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenzon, and D. Winkler
Session 5, HEB II Mixer Development, Chair: Stephen Jones
Noise Temperature and Sensitivity Of a NbN Hot-Electron Mixer at Frequencies From 0.7 THz to 5.2 THz
J. Schubert, A. Semenov, G. Gul'tsman, H. -W. Hübers, G. Schwaab, B. Voronov, E. Gershenzon
Improved Characteristics of NbN HEB Mixers Integrated with Log-Periodic Antennas
E. Gerecht, C. F. Musante, H. Jian, Y. Zhuang, K. S. Yngvesson, J. Dickinson, T. Goyette, J. Waldman, P. A. Yagoubov, G. N. Gol'tsman, B. M. Voronov, E. M. Gershenzon
NbN Phonon-Cooled Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer Development at IRAM
C. Rösch, F. Mattiocco, K. H. Gundlach, K. -F. Schuster
Noise and Bandwidth Measurements of Diffusion-Cooled Nb Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers at Frequencies Above the Superconductive Energy Gap
R. A. Wyss, B. S. Karasik, W. R. McGrath, B. Bumble, H. LeDuc
Receiver Measurements at 700 GHz with a Niobium Diffusion-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer
D. Wilms Floet, J. R. Gao, W. F. M. Ganzevles, T. M. Klapwijk, G. de Lange, P. A. J. de Korte
NbN Hot Electron Bolometric Mixers at Frequencies Between 0.7 and 3.1 THz
P. Yagoubov, M. Kroug, H. Merkel, E. Kollberg, H. -W. Hübers, J. Schubert, G. Schwaab, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenzon
Twin-Slot Antenna Coupled Nb Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers at 1 THz and 2.5 THz
W. F. M. Ganzevles, J. R. Gao, D. Wilms Floet, G. de Lange, A. K. van Langen, L. R. Swart, T. M. Klapwijk, P. A. J. de Korte
Fabrication of an Aluminum Based Hot Electron Mixer for Terahertz Applications
P. M. Echternach, H. G. LeDuc, A. Skalare, and W.R. McGrath
Session 6, Simulation Techniques, Chair: Greg Tait
SuperMix: A Flexible Software Library for High-Frequency Circuit Simulation, Including SIS Mixers And Superconducting Elements
John Ward, Frank Rice, Goutam Chattopadhyay, and Jonas Zmuidzinas
Fast Harmonic Balance of SIS Mixers with Multiple Junctions and Superconducting Circuits
Frank Rice, John Ward, Jonas Zmuidzinas, and Goutam Chattopadhyay
Accurate Electromagnetic Characterization of Quasi-Optical Planar Structures
P. Arcioni, M. Bozzi, L. Perregrini, A. R. Ruiz Laso
Efficient Analysis of Quasi-Optical Filters by the BI-RME Method
P. Arcioni, M. Bozzi, D. Giani, and L. Perregrini
A Modified Harmonic-Balance Analysis of Schottky Diode Multipliers Based Upon a Hydrodynamic Transport Model
C. C. Lee, B. L. Gelmont, D. L. Woolard, and C. Fazi
Session 7, Optics & Antennas, Chair: Sanjay Raman
A 200 GHz Near Field Measurement System
C. C. Chin, S. C. Yang, Robert Hu, S. S. Shen
The Design Concept of a Terahertz Imager Using a Ge:Ga Photoconductor 2D Array
Ken-ichi Watabe, Mikio Fujiwara, and Norihisa Hiromoto
A folded Fabry-Perot diplexer Of triangular shape
Herman van de Stadt
Theoretical Analysis of the Potter Horn-Reflector Antenna for Submillimeter-Wave Applications
G. Yassin, S. Withington, P. Kittara, K. G. Isaak
The Gaussian Beam Mode Analysis of Phase Gratings
Créidhe O'Sullivan, J. Anthony Murphy, Neil Trappe, William Lanigan, Ruth Colgan, and Stafford Withington
Session 8, Posters, Chair: Bobby Weikle
Submillimeter Cryogenic Telescope with Andreev Type Microbolometer for the International Space Station. Project Submillimetron
A. Vystavkin, D. Chouvaev, T. Claeson, D. Golubev, V. Gromov, N. Kardashev, A. Kovalenko, V. Kurt, L. Kuzmin, M. Tarasov, A. Trubnikov, M. Willander
Characterization of the Electron Energy Relaxation Process in NbN Hot-Electron Devices
K. S. Il'in, G. Gol'tsman, B. M. Voronov, Roman Sobolewski
Submillimeter SIS Mixers Using High Current Density Nb/AIN/Nb Tunnel Junctions and NbTiN Films
J. Kawamura, D. Miller, J. Chen, J. Kooi, J. Zmuidzinas, B. Bumble, H. G. LeDuc, and J. A. Stern
Transmission Properties of ZITEX in the Infrared to Submillimeter
D. J. Benford, M. C. Gaidis, J. W. Kooi
Web-Based Simulation of Mixers, Multipliers and Oscillators
Venkat Veeramachaneni, Sandeep Ranade, Tim O'Brien, Stephen Jones, Greg Tait
Combined Circuit-Device Time Domain Simulation of 2.5 THz GAAS Schottky Diode Mixers
Haoyue Wang, Stephen H. Jones, Gregory B. Tait, Chris Mann
A Dual Frequency (810/492 GHz) SIS Receiver System for the Authentic Submillimeter Telescope & Remote Observatory (AST/RO)
C. K. Walker, Jacob Kooi, Karl Jacobs
A Moderate Cost 2.5 THz High Performance Feedhorn
D. S. Wilsher, J. J. Spencer, C. M. Mann, M. C. Gaidis
640 GHz SIS Receiver System for JEM/SMILES on International Space Station
M. Seta, H. Masuko, T. Manabe, J. Inatani, JEM/SMILES Mission Team
Concept of a Superconducting Integrated Receiver with Phase-Lock Loop
Sergey V. Shitov, Valery P. Koshelets, Lyudmilla V. Filippenko, Pavel N. Dmitriev, Andrey M. Baryshev, Willem Luinge, Jin-Rong Gao
A Broad Band Low Noise SIS Radiometer
Alexandre Karpov, Jacques Blondel, Pavel Dmitriev, Valery Koshelets
Session 9, Sources II, Chair: Gerhard Schwaab
A 200 GHz Broadband, Fixed-Tuned, Planar Doubler
David W. Porterfield
Progress in Planar Diode Balanced Doublers
N. R. Erickson, T. W. Crowe, W. L. Bishop, R. P. Smith, S. C. Martin
Improved Diode Geometry for Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactors
Jan Stake, Chris Mann, Lars Dillner, Mattias Ingvarson, Stephen H. Jones, Stein Hullung, Henini Mohamed, Byron Alderman, Martyn Chamberlain, and E. Kollberg,
A 141-GHz Quasi-Optical HBV Diode Frequency Tripler
Stein Hullung, Jan Stake, Lars Dillner, and Erik Kollberg
Session 10, Circuits & Components, Chair: Sigfrid Yngvesson
A Fast and Sensitive Submillimeter Waveguide Power Meter
Neal Erickson
An Accurate Expression for the Input Impedances of One-Sided Microstrip Probes in Waveguide
S. Withington, G. Yassin, J. Leech, K. G. Isaak
Low Cost Direct Machining of Terahertz Waveguide Structures
G. Narayanan, N. R. Erickson, and R. M. Grosslein
A High Resulution Spectrometer for the Investigation of Molecular Structures in the THz Range
G. W. Schwaab, H. -W. Hübers, J. Schubert, Patrik Erichsen, G. Gol'tsman, A. Semenov, A. Verevkin, S. Cherednichenko, E. Gershenzon
Session 11, Analysis, Chair: Stafford Withington
Frequency-Domain Analysis of Diffusion-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers
A. Skalare, W. R. McGrath, B. Bumble, H. G. LeDuc
Optimization of the Normal Metal Hot-Electron Microbolometer
D. Chouvaev, D. Golubev, M. Tarasov, and L. Kuzmin
Optimum Receiver Noise Temperature for NbN HEB Mixers According to the Standard Model
K. Sigfrid Yngvesson, Erik L. Kollberg
Comparison Between Electronic Hot Spot Model and Current-Voltage Characteristics of Superconducting Hot-Electron Bolometers
D. Wilms Floet, J. R. Gao, T. M. Klapwijk, P. A. J. de Korte
A Hot Spot Mixer Model for Superconducting Phonon-Cooled HEB Far Above the Quasiparticle Bandgap
Harald Merkel, Pourya Khosropanah, Pavel Yagoubov, Erik Kollberg
- Participants
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