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Radio Astronomy Contributions to Technology and National
Radio astronomy is a national resource that contributes to American
competitiveness and drives progress in key technologies. Technical
innovations developed or enhanced for radio astronomy are found in
communication antennas, transistor design, cryogenic coolers, medical
and scientific imaging, time and frequency standards, atomic clocks and
GPS navigation, precision spacecraft navigation, laser rangefinders, and
location of cell phone 911 calls. Read more on-line.
New Discoveries &
- February 18, 2008
- Very Large Array Retooling for 21st-Century Science
- February 15, 2008
- World-Wide Effort Bringing ALMA Telescope Into Reality
- January 11, 2008
- Massive Gas Cloud Speeding Toward Collision With Milky Way
- January 10, 2008
- New VLA Images Unlocking Galactic Mysteries
- January 10, 2008
- IMAGE RELEASE: New Hydrogen Clouds in the M81 Group of Galaxies
- January 9, 2008
- Radio Telescopes' Precise Measurements Yield Rich Scientific Payoffs
- January 8, 2008
- Cosmic Radio Series Brings Celestial Science Down to Earth
- January 8, 2008
- VLBA Movies Reveal New Details of Cosmic Jets
- December 18, 2007
- New View of Distant Galaxy Reveals Furious Star Formation
- December 17, 2007
- Black Hole Fires at Neighboring Galaxy (Chandra X-Ray Observatory Press Release)
- December 7, 2007
- International Agreement Will Advance Radio Astronomy
- October 8, 2007
- VLBA Changes Picture of Famous Star-Forming Region
- September 27, 2007
- Powerful Radio Burst Indicates New Astronomical Phenomenon
- September 26, 2007
- High-School Teams Joining Massive Pulsar Search
- August 23, 2007
- Astronomers Find Enormous Hole in the Universe
- July 30, 2007
First ALMA Transporter Ready for Challenging Duty
- July 23, 2007
- Interstellar Chemistry Gets
More Complex With New Charged-Molecule Discovery
- July 23, 2007
- New Book Recounts Exciting,
Colorful History of Radio Astronomy in Green Bank, West
- June 29, 2007
- German Astronomer Karl Menten
Is 2007 Jansky Awardee
- June 25, 2007
- NRAO Salutes Past, Looks
to Future in 50th-Anniversary Science Meeting
- June 5, 2007
- NRAO Teams With NASA Gamma-Ray
- May 31, 2007
VLBA Teams With Optical Interferometric to Study Star's
Layers (European Southern Observatory Press Release)
- May 28, 2007
- Star Cluster Holds
Midweight Black Hole, VLA Indicates.
- May 10, 2007
- "Missing Mass" Found in
Recycled Dwarf Galaxies
- May 3, 2007
- Mercury's Core Molten, Radar
Study Shows
- April 18, 2007
- Brown Dwarfs: a New
Class of Stellar Lighthouse
- March 7, 2007
- ALMA Achieves Major
Milestone With Antenna-Link Success
- January 25, 2007
- Chilean Teachers Begin
Exchange Program Visit in Magdalena
- January 9, 2007
- Radio Telescopes Provide Key
Clue on Black Hole Growth
- January 8, 2007
- VLBA Helps Build New Picture of
Star-Forming Regions