Published reference: An HI Rogues Gallery, Hibbard, J.E., van Gorkom, J.H., Rupen, M.P., & Schiminovich, D.S., 2001, in ASP Conf. Ser. 240, Gas & Galaxy Evolution, eds. J.E. Hibbard, M.P. Rupen, & J.H. van Gorkom, (ASP, San Francisco), 659
This is a somewhat circular argument, since the prime evidence for an interaction is often the extent of the gas distribution, and there are papers in the literature for nearly all of the objects in this class claiming an interacting or merging origin based on this fact.
We note that many of the galaxies in other parts of the Gallery have HI clouds with no identified optical counterparts, but are classified according to their most dominant HI characteristics.

John Hibbard
Tue Sep 18 17:11:04 EDT 2001