Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 107: The IR luminous merger VV 114.
HI: VLA C+D-array, resolution,
Optical: UH 88'' R-band, FOV= (top),
Notes: Both IC1622 and ESO 541-G021 fall at the
edge of the passband of the observations, so are not
completely mapped in HI.
Reference: Hibbard, J.E., & Yun, M. S. 1996,
in Cold Gas at High Redshift, eds. M. Bremer, H. Rottgering,
P. van der Werf, & C. L. Carilli (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 47.
Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 108: The Arp 158 System.
HI: VLA D-array, resolution,
Optical: DSS, FOV=.
Reference: Iyer et al., these proceedings,
p. 860.
Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 109: The IR luminous merger NGC 6240.
HI: VLA C+D-array, 25'' resolution,
contours= cm
Optical: DSS, FOV=.
Notes: The companion to the south has
no cataloged counterpart.
Reference: Yun & Hibbard, these proceedings,
p. 866.
Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 110: The Toomre Sequence merger NGC520.
HI: VLA C+D-array, 24'' resolution,
contours= cm
Optical: KPNO 0.9m V-band, FOV=.
Notes: The nearby dwarf UGC957 is found to be fully
entrained within the extended ring.
Reference: Hibbard, J. E., & van Gorkom, J. H. 1996, AJ,
111, 655.
Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 111: The IR luminous merger Arp 220.
HI: VLA C+D-array. Upper right: 30'' resolution,
contours= cm
. Lower left:
20'' resolution, contours=
Optical: Upper panels: UH 88'' R-band, FOV=.
Lower panels: DSS, FOV=
Notes: The dotted boxes in the lower right panel delineate
the regions shown in the other panels.
IC 4554 is at a higher redshift than Arp 220, so
presumably a background galaxy. The companion to the northeast has
no cataloged counterpart.
Reference: Yun & Hibbard, these proceedings
p. 866. See also Hibbard, J. E., Vacca,
W. D., & Yun, M. S. 2000, AJ, 119, 1130.