Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 27: The Blue Compact Dwarf NGC4861.
HI: VLA C-array. Lower panels: contours at
resolution. Lower right: at
35'' resolution, greyscales range from
Optical: DSS, FOV= (top),
(lower right).
Notes: The low resolution data reveal
an extended envelope and an companion which has no
apparent counterpart on the DSS image.
Reference: Thuan, Hibbard & Levrier, these proceedings,
p. 864.
Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 28: The ESO 124-G015 System.
HI: ATCA, resolution,
Optical: B-band, FOV=.
Reference: Pisano & Wilcots, these proceedings,
p. 501.
Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 29: The NGC 3359 System.
HI: WSRT. Solid contours: 30'' resolution,
levels= cm
. Dotted
contour: 60'' resolution,
Optical: DSS, FOV=.
Reference: Boonyasait, Gottesman & Broeils, these
proceedings, p. 856.
Gzipped Postscript Version
Figure 30: The M108 System.
HI: VLA D-array, resolution,
Optical: DSS, FOV=.
Notes: The redshift of MCG+09-19-001 is unknown.
Reference: King, D., & Irwin, J. A. 1997, New Astronomy, 2, 251.