J.E. Hibbard
J.H. van Gorkom
Columbia University
Michael P. Rupen
David Schiminovich
The Rogues Gallery is really best viewed in its entirety. You are welcome to download all 181 individual ps.gz files; however, for best viewing you should order Conference Series Vol. 240 from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Go here for the order form.
We have begun a compilation of HI
maps of peculiar galaxies kindly
contributed by individual investigators, many as part of the ``Gas &
Galaxy Evolution'' conference. In this gallery we present images of
the first 180 objects, which includes over 400 individually
cataloged galaxies. The images consist of a greyscale
representation of the optical morphology and an accompanying optical
image with HI contours superimposed. A web-based ``living Gallery''
is being maintained on the NRAO homepage (presently at