Publications of A. Richard Thompson, 1954-
This list includes publications through October 2009. Publications are listed chronologically under the following categories::
Articles in the Open Literature
Hanbury Brown, R., Palmer, H. P., and Thompson, A. R. Galactic Radio Sources of Large Angular Diameter. Nature, 173, 945-946, 1954.
Hanbury Brown, R., Palmer, H. P., and Thompson, A. R. A Rotating-Lobe Interferometer and Its Application to Radio Astronomy. Phil. Mag., 46, 857-866, 1955.
Hanbury Brown, R., Palmer, H. P., and Thompson, A. R. Polarization Measurements on Three Intense Radio Sources. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 115, 487-492, 1955.
Morris, D., Palmer, H. P., and Thompson, A. R. Five Radio Sources of Small Angular Diameter. Observatory, 77, 103-106, 1957.
Maxwell, A., Swarup, G., and Thompson, A. R. The Radio Spectrum of Solar Activity. Proc. I.R.E., 46, 142-148, 1958; reprinted in The Radio Noise Spectrum, D. H. Menzel, Ed., Harvard Univ. Press, 101-110, 1960.
Thompson, A. R., The Correlation of Solar Radio Bursts with Magnetic Activity and Cosmic Rays. Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy (IAU Symp. 9 and URSI Symp. 1), R. N. Bracewell, Ed., Stanford University Press, 210-213, 1959.
Thompson, A. R. Solar Radio Astronomy at Fort Davis, Texas. I.G.Y. Bulletin, No. 29, 16-18; also printed in Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, Suppl., 40, No. 4, 1959.
Maxwell, A. Thompson, A. R., and Garmire, G. The Association of Solar Radio Bursts with Auroral Streams. Planet. Space Sci., 1, 325-332, 1959.
Thompson, A. R., and Maxwell, A. Solar Radio Bursts and Low-Energy Cosmic Rays. Nature, 185, 89-90, 1960.
Thompson, A. R., and Maxwell, A. Solar Radio Bursts and Cosmic Rays Planet. Space Sci., 2, 104-109, 1960.
Thompson, A. R. Spectral Observations of Solar Radio Bursts: I. Receiving Equipment. Astrophys. J., 133, 643-648, 1961.
Thompson, A. R. Sweep Frequency Observations of Meteor Scatter Bursts. J. Atmos. Terrest. Phys., 22, 161-165, 1961.
Maxwell, A., and Thompson, A. R. Spectral Observations of Solar Radio Bursts: II. Slow Drift Bursts and Coronal Streamers. Astrophys. J., 135, 138-150, 1962.
Thompson, A. R. Type IV (Continuum) Radio Bursts from the Sun. J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 17 Suppl. A II (Proc. of International Conference on Cosmic Rays and the Earth Storm), 198-203, 1962.
Thompson, A. R., and Maxwell, A. Spectral Observations of Solar Radio Bursts: III. Continuum Bursts. Astrophys. J., 136, 546-558, 1962.
Maxwell, A., Hughes, M. P., and Thompson, A. R. Catalog of Type II (Slow-Drift) and Type IV (Continuum) Solar Radio Bursts. J. Geophys. Res., 68, 1347-1354, 1963.
Swarup, G. Thompson, A. R. and Bracewell, R. N. The Structure of Cygnus A. Astrophys. J., 138, 305-309, 1963.
Thompson, A. R. and Krishnan, T. Observations of the Six Most Intense Sources with a 1.0' Fan Beam. Astrophys. J., 141, 19-33, 1965.
Moffet, A. T., Schmidt, M., Slater, C. H., and Thompson, A. R. The Radio Source 3C17. Astrophys. J., 148, 283-286, 1967.
Thompson, A. R., Colvin, R. S., and Stanley, G. J. Measurements of the Flux Densities, Positions and Angular Widths of Planetary Nebulae at 10- and 21-cm Wavelengths. Astrophys. J., 148, 429-442, 1967.
Thompson, A. R., and Colvin, R. S. Further Observations of Planetary Nebulae at 10 cm Wavelength, Including the Peculiar Nebula NGC6302. Astrophys. J., 150, 345-348, 1967.
Thompson, A. R. Optical Depths and Electron Temperatures of Two Planetary Nebulae Derived from Their Radio-Frequency Spectra. Astrophys. Lett., 1, 25-29, 1967.
Downs, G. S., and Thompson, A. R. The Distribution of Polarization in the Crab Nebula at a Wavelength of 9.8 cm. Astrophys. J., 152, L65-L69, 1968.
Thompson, A. R. Radio Measurements of Planetary Nebulae. I.A.U. Symposium No. 34, Planetary Nebulae, D. E. Osterbrock and C. R. O'Dell, Eds., D. Reidel, 112-121, 1968.
Thompson, A. R. Electron Temperatures in the Outer Regions of Planetary Nebulae. Astrophys. Lett., 2, 201-204, 1968.
Thompson, A. R., Riddle, A. C., and Lang, K. R. Observations of the Occultation of Sagittarius A by the Moon. Astrophys. Lett., 3, 49-50, 1969.
Thompson, A. R., Colvin, R. S., and Hughes, M. P. The 21-cm Absorption Profiles of DR 21 and the Source Near NGC6857. Astrophys. J., 158, 939-951, 1969.
Thompson, A. R., and Colvin, R. S. An Attempt to Detect Neutral Hydrogen in Planetary Nebulae. Astrophys. J., 160, 363-368, 1970.
Colvin, R. S., Hughes, M. P., Thompson, A. R., and Verschuur, G. L. Galactic Hydrogen Absorption at 21-cm Wavelength in the Direction of Virgo. Astrophys. Lett., 6, 211-214, 1970.
Bracewell, R. N., Colvin, R. S., Price, K. M., and Thompson, A. R. Stanford’s High Resolution Radio Interferometer. Sky & Telescope, 42, 2-7, 1971.
Hughes, M. P., Thompson, A. R., and Colvin, R. S. An Absorption-Line Study of the Galactic Neutral Hydrogen at 21-cm Wavelength. Astrophys. J. Suppl., 23, 323-370, 1971.
Downs, G. S., and Thompson, A. R. The Distribution of Linear Polarization in Cassiopeia A at Wavelengths of 9.8 and 11.1 cm. Astron. J., 77, 120-133, 1972.
Bracewell, R. N., and Thompson, A. R. The Main Beam and Ring-Lobes of an East-West Rotation Synthesis Array. Astrophys. J., 182, 77-94, 1973.
Bracewell, R. N., Colvin, R. S., D'Addario, L. R., Grebenkemper, C. J., Price, K. M., and Thompson, A. R. The Stanford Five-Element Radio Telescope. Proc. IEEE, 61, 1249-1257, 1973.
Thompson, A. R., and Bracewell, R. N. Interpolation and Fourier Transformation of Fringe Visibilities. Astron. J., 79, 11-24, 1974.
Thompson, A. R.. The Planetary Nebulae as Radio Sources. Vistas in Astronomy, 16, A. Beer, Ed., Pergamon Press, 309-328, 1974.
Granlund, J., Thompson, A. R., and Clark, B. G. An Application of Walsh Functions in Radio Astronomy Instrumentation. IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., EMC-20, 451-453, 1978.
Johnson, H. M., Balick, B., and Thompson, A. R. VLA Observations of Stellar Planetary Nebulae. Astrophys. J., 233, 919-924, 1979.
Thompson, A. R. The Effects of the Proposed Satellite Power System on the VLA. Workshop on Satellite Power Systems (SPS) Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy, CONF 7905143, P. A. Ekstrom and G. M. Stokes, Eds., U.S.Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Res., SPS Proj. Div., Washington, D.C., 135-142, 1980.
Thompson, A. R., and Sinha, R. P. An Upper Limit on the Mass Loss Rate from the Nuclei of Planetary Nebulae. Astron. J., 85, 1240-1241, 1980.
Thompson, A. R. The Effects of a Satellite Power System on Ground-Based Astronomy. Final Proceedings of the Solar Power Satellite Program Review, Conf-800491, U.S. Dept. of Energy, SPS Project Div., Washington, D.C., 419-422, 1980.
Thompson, A. R., Clark, B. G., Wade, C. M., and Napier, P. J. The Very Large Array. Astrophys. J. Suppl., 44, 151-167, 1980.
Thompson, A. R. Effects of a Satellite Power System on Ground-Based Radio and Radar Astronomy. Radio Science, 16, 35-45, 1981.
Thompson, A. R. The Response of a Radio-Astronomy Synthesis Array to Interfering Signals. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-30, 450-456, 1982.
Thompson, A. R., and D'Addario, L. R. Frequency Response of a Synthesis Array: Performance Limitations and Design Tolerances. Radio Science, 17, 357-369, 1982.
Napier, P. J., Thompson, A. R., and Ekers, R. D. The Very Large Array: Design and Performance of a Modern Synthesis Radio Telescope. Proc. IEEE, 71, 1295-1320, 1983.
D'Addario, L. R., Thompson, A. R., Schwab, F. R., and Granlund, J. Complex Cross Correlators with Three-Level Quantization: Design Tolerances. Radio Science, 19, 931-945, 1984.
Thompson, A. R. Early Interferometry at Jodrell Bank. Serendipitous Discoveries in Radio Astronomy, Proceedings of NRAO Workshop No. 7, Green Bank, May 4-6, 1983, K. I. Kellermann and B. Sheets, Eds., National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, 146-153, 1984.
Layland, J. W., Napier, P. J., and Thompson, A. R. A VLA Experiment - Planning for Voyager at Neptune. Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report, 42-82, April-June 1985, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, 136-142, 1985.
Kellermann, K. I., and Thompson, A. R. The Very Long Baseline Array. Science, 229, 123-130, 1985.
Thompson, A. R. The Interferometer in Practice. Synthesis Imaging, Proceedings of NRAO Workshop No. 13, Socorro, New Mexico, Aug. 5-9, 1985, R. A. Perley, F. R. Schwab, and A. H. Bridle, Eds., National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, 9-30, 1986.
Kellermann, K. I., and Thompson, A. R. The Very Long Baseline Array. Scientific American, 258, No. 1 (Jan.), 54-63, 1988.
Thompson, A. R. The Interferometer in Practice. Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy, R. A. Perley, F. R. Schwab, and A. H. Bridle, Eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series Vol. 6, 11-37, 1989.
Thompson, A. R., Coordination Between the Radio Astronomy Service and the Radiodetermination Satellite Service in the 1612 MHz Band. Light Pollution, Radio Interference and Space Debris, IAU Colloq. No. 112, D. L. Crawford, Ed., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series Vol. 17, 205-212, 1989.
Brown, R. L., Kerr, A. R. , Thompson, A. R., and Schwab, F. R. High Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy at Terahertz Frequencies. Observatories at Earth Orbit and Beyond, IAU Colloq. 123, Y. Kondo, Ed., 509-515, Kluwer, Netherlands, 1990.
Bagri, D. S. and Thompson, A. R. Hardware Considerations for High-Dynamic-Range Imaging. Radio Interferometry: Theory, Techniques, and Applications, T. J. Cornwell and R. J. Perley, Eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser., 19, 47-54, 1991.
Thompson, A. R. and Bagri, D. S. A Pulse Calibration System for the VLBA. Radio Interferometry: Theory, Techniques, and Applications, T. J. Cornwell and R. J. Perley, Eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser., 19, 55-59, 1991.
Thompson, A. R., Gergely, T. E., and Vanden Bout, P. A. Interference and Radio Astronomy. Physics Today, 44, no. 11 (November), 41-49, 1991.
Thompson, A. R. The Millimeter Array. IEEE International Microwave Symposium Digest (June 1-5, 1992, Albuquerque, NM), Ed. D. W. Reid, vol. III, 1247-1250, 1992.
Napier, P. J., Bagri, D. S., Clark, B. G., Rogers, A. E. E., Romney. J. D., Thompson, A. R., and Walker, R. C. The Very Long Baseline Array. Proc. IEEE, 82, 658-672, 1994.
Thompson, A. R. The VLBA Receiving System: Antenna to Data Formatter. Very Long Baseline Interferometry and the VLBA, J. A. Zensus, P. J. Diamond, and P. J. Napier, Eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. 82, 73-92, 1995.
Swenson, G. W. Jr., and Thompson, A. R. Radio Noise and Interference (Revision of Chapter). Reference Data for Engineers: Radio, Electronics, Computer and Communications, Eighth Ed., 1995.
Thompson, A. R. Chapters 1, 4, and 6. International Telecommunication Handbook on Radio Astronomy, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, Geneva, 1995.
Thompson, A. R. System Design for the Millimeter Array. Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes, T. G. Phillips, Ed., Proc. SPIE 3357, 453-462, 1998.
Thompson, A. R. Fundamentals of Radio Interferometry. Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy, G. B. Taylor, C. R. Carilli, and R. A. Perley, Eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series, 180, 11-36, 1998.
Vanden Bout, P. A., Brundage, W. D., Clarke, J.S., Emerson, D. T., McKinnon, M. M., Taylor, G. B., and Thompson, A. R. Results of Measurements by the NRAO of the Level of Interference to Radio Astronomy by Iridium. Proc. Commsphere 99 Symposium, Toulouse, France, 1999.
Emerson, D. T. and Thompson, A. R. Relative Sensitivity of Full-wave and Half-wave Detectors in Radiometry. Radio Science, 38, 1016, doi:10.1029/2002RS002721, 2003.
Thompson, A. R., Emerson, D. T., and Schwab, F.R. Convenient Formulas For Quantization Efficiency. Radio Science, 42, RS3022, doi:10.1029/2006RS003585, 2007.
Baars, J. M. W., D’Addario, L. R., and Thompson, A. R. Advances in Radio Telescopes. Proc. IEEE, 97, 1373-1376, 2009.
Baars, J. M. W., D’Addario, L. R., and Thompson, A. R. Radio Astronomy in the Early Twenty-First Century. Proc. IEEE, 97, 1377-1381, 2009.
Wootten, A. and Thompson A. R. The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array. Proc. IEEE, 97, 1463-1471, 2009.
Thompson, A. R. The Harvard Radio Astronomy Station at Fort Davis, Texas. J. Astron. History and Heritage, 13, 17-27, 2010.
Thompson, A. R. and Frater, R. H. Ronald N. Bracewell: An Appreciation. J. Astron. History and Heritage, 13, 172-178, 2010.
Edited Proceedings
Thompson, A. R. and D'Addario, L. R., Editors. Synthesis Mapping, Proceedings of NRAO Workshop No. 5, Socorro, New Mexico, June 21-25, 1982, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, 1982. (A. R. Thompson is also author of Lectures 1 and 5 in this volume.)
J. W. M. Baars, L. R. D’Addario, and A. R Thompson, Editors. Advances in Radio Telescopes. Special Issue of Proc. IEEE, 97, No. 8, August 2009.
Thompson, A. R., Moran, J. M., and Swenson, G. W., Jr. Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1986, (534 pages). Reprinted by Krieger Publishing Co, Malabar, FL, 1991, third printing 1994. Russian language edition translated by L. I. Matveenko et al., Mir, Moscow, 1989.
Second Edition (692 pages), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001, and Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2004. Russian language second edition translated by L. I. Matveenko et al., Moscow, 2003.
Third Edition (872 pages), Springer Open, Cham, 2017.
NRAO Reports and Memoranda (Numbered series)
107 - Tolerances on the Phase and Amplitude Responses of the VLA Receiving System, 2/00/73.
109 - Delay Errors in the VLA, 3/19/73.
111 - Design of the Electronic System to Minimize the Effects of Interference, 3/00/73.
112 - Tolerances in the Two-Bit Sampler, 4/09/73.
115 - Bandwidths for the VLA Receiving System, 7/18/73.
116 - Some Tolerances Relating to Spurious Responses, 8/29/73, Addendum 9/06/73.
118 - The Bandwidth Effect ('Delay Beam') for a Synthesis Array and Related Requirements for the IF Filter Characteristics, 11/13/73.
122 - Phase Switching in the VLA, 1/16/74.
124 - Design of the Fringe Rotator System (Rev. 1), 10/16/74.
129 - The Response of the VLA to Interfering Signals, 1/75.
135 - Electronic-System Cabling in the Control Building, 2/76.
137 - Modification of the Frequency Conversion Scheme at the Antennas, 4/15/76.
159 - The Master Local Oscillator Subsystem, with L. R. D’Addario, 7/77.
167 - The Effects of Waveguide Velocity Dispersion and the Discreet Delay Steps on the Accuracy of Measurement of the Visibility Phase, 1/78.
172 - A Synchronous Pulse Calibration System for the VLA, 4/78.
174 - Preliminary Observations of the Navstar I Satellite, with J. Dolan, 6/78.
178 - Further Observations of the Navstar I Satellite, 10/78.
180 - Phase Lock Loop Parameters of F2 and F3 Modules, 3/79.
183 - Harmful Interference Levels for the VLA, 7/79.
188 - An Experimental Test of the Response of the VLA to an Interfering Signal, with T. M. Percival, 10/79.
192 - Closure Accuracy and Related Instrumental Tolerances, 2/80, Addendum 3/00/80.
194 - The Linearity of the Detector in Module F4, 8/80.
195 - The VLA Interference Monitoring System, with C. D. Barnett, 8/80.
202 - Directional Frequency Offsets in Round-Trip Phase Monitoring Schemes, with Application to the IRAM Array and the VLA, 03/81.
205 - Radio Interference at the VLA Site, 03/82.
210 - Measurement of Potential Interference From the IONDS Transmissions of the Navstar Series of Satellites, 09/83.
211 - Radio Interference From High Voltage Power Lines, 07/84.
125 - The Effect of Beam Offsets on Polarization Measurements, 07/07/76.
1 - VLA System Design, Detailed Considerations (VLA Electronics Memoranda 107, 109, 112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 124), [1974].
3 - IF Receiver, Module T5, 5/74.
4 - LO Offfset, Module T4A and T4B, [1974].
5 - IF Control, Module T6, 2/75.
6 - Fringe Generator, Module T7, 3/75.
8 - 2-4 GHz Synthesizer, Module L6, 2/76.
29 - An Introduction to the VLA Electronics System, 3/77.
17 - VLB Array, 8/80.
81 - Frequency Protection for the Transcontinental Radio Telescope, 3/82.
192 - Signal Quantization in the VLB Array, 3/83.
240 - Microwave Links, 6/83.
246 - Further Notes on Microwave Links, 7/83.
291 - Choice of Site for the Southern NM Antenna, 11/83.
346 - Tolerances on Polarization Mismatch, 3/84.
522 - Phase Switching, Fringe Rotation, and the Orthogonality of Walsh Functions and Square Waves, with J. Granlund, 1/86.
537 - Systems Engineering, 3/86.
598 - Periodic Signal Errors and the FX Correlator, 5/87.
622 - A Pulse Calibration Scheme for the VLBA, with D. S. Bagri, 3/88
7 - Design of the LO System in VLBA Memo. No. 303, 1/84.
39 - Dynamic Range and Interference Thresholds in the Front-End and IF Units, with E. Schlecht, 3/85.
76 - Electronics Documentation, 7/86.
78 - Electronics Packaging, 8/86.
96 - Frequency Conversion System for the 23 GHz Band, 9/87.
127 - Modification of Mark 3A Systems to Increase Compatibility with the VLBA, 1/89.
128 - Pulse Calibration Detection in the VLBA, 2/89.
7 - LO Transmitter Module (L102) and LO Receiver Module (L105), 1/17/92.
15 - An Introduction to the VLBA Receiving and Recording System, 3/10/93.
29 - The Feasibility of Building a Large Radio Telescope of Offset-Feed Design, 12/9/88.
43 - Possibly-Feasible Approaches to the Design of a Large Offset-Feed Radio Telescope, 12/20/88.
44 - Polarization Effects and Some Other Considerations in Offset-Feed Antennas, 1/09/89.
49 - RSI Proposed Horizontal Axis Offset Design, 2/9/89.
50 - Some Thoughts on an Active Surface, Pointing Accuracy, and the Offset-feed Design for the Green Bank Antenna, 4/13/89.
57 - Possible Antenna Site by the Greenbrier River, with W. Sizemore, 5/18/89.
62 - Prime Focus and Cassegrain Operation, and the Focal Ratio of the Green Bank Telescope, 6/6/89, Addendum, 6/13/89.
6 - Operation of the GBT at 3 mm Wavelength, 8/4/89.
11 - The Choice Between Symmetrical and Unblocked-Aperture Designs, 9/1/89.
18 - Homology and the Position of the Arm, 10/12/89.
21 - Comments on Surface Adjustment to Nominal vs Nearby Paraboloid, 10/25/89.
60 - Active Correction at the Primary Reflector or the Subreflector?, 10/26/90.
The OV7 Demodulator Module, with L. R. D’Addario, 8/97.
88 - Quantization Noise, with D. T. Emerson, 1/21/05.
65 - Some Consideration on the IF and Transmission System of the Millimeter Array, 4/91.
71 - MMA Systems Engineering Questions and Comments, 12/91.
107 - Sharing Time and/or Antennas Between Total Power and Interferometric Observations, 1/94.
109 - MMA System Update, 3/94.
116 - (Reprint of VLB Scientific Memo. 125) 5/94.
142 - MMA Working Group Report, A. R. Thompson, D. Bagri, B. G. Clark, J. E. Carlstrom, L. R. D'Addario, D. Emerson, R. P. Escoffier, J. Romney, S. Padin, R. A. Sramek, D. Thornton, and W. J. Welch, 9/95.
165 - System Design Considerations for the Atacama Array, A. R. Thompson, D. Bagri, B. G. Clark, J. E. Carlstrom, L. R. D'Addario, D. Emerson, R. P. Escoffier, J. Romney, S. Padin, R. A. Sramek, D. Thornton, and W. J. Welch, 2/97.
168 - Relative Sensitivities of Single and Double Sideband Receivers for the MMA, with A. R. Kerr, 4/97, Addendum 5/97.
190 - A System Design for the MMA, 11/97.
220 - Quantization Efficiency for Eight or More Sampling Levels, 7/98.
229 - Some Comments on Instrumental Phase Calibration, with D. S. Bagri, 9/98.
255 - Fine Adjustment in the MMA Delay System, 3/99.
304 - Relative Sensitivity of Double and Single Sideband Systems for Both Total Power and Interferometry, with L. R. D’Addario, 4/00.
388 - Degradation of Sensitivity Resulting from Bandpass Slope, 8/01.
391 - A Square Wave Phase Switching Scheme for a Large Number of Antennas, with L. R. D’Addario, 8/01.
416 - The Relative Sensitivity of Full Wave and Half Wave Detectors in Radio Astronomy, with D. T. Emerson, 4/02.
561 - Delay Errors in Single- and Double-Sideband Interferometer Systems, with L. R. D’Addario, D. T. Emerson, and P. J. Napier, 9/06.
Delay Tracking, Fringe Rotation, and Phase Switching in FASR, 12/10/2007.
34 - Spatial Nulling for Attenuation of Interfering Signals, 7/8/03.
74 - System Considerations for the SKA, with J. D. Bregman, 6/4/06.