MMA/ALMA Site, October 1994
Left to right: Bill Harris (NSF), Hugh Van Horn (NSF), and NRAO Director Paul Vanden Bout standing on level ground at the 16,500 foot MMA - later ALMA - site, with 20,000 foot mountains rising in the background.
In a long article in the Fall 1997 issue of Point Source prompted by Congressional approval of the FY 1998 budget for NSF, which included design and development funding for the Millimeter Array, the late Bob Brown wrote, "Further partnership and cooperative involvement in the MMA is very likely. The NSF would like to see the MMA done as a partnership between their agency (through the NRAO) and another governmental agency or an international partner. Discussions, some quite far along, are being held with both the Japanese National Astronomical Observatory and the European Southern Observatory. These may lead to the MMA being done collaboratively and being expanded well beyond the scale of the project that we have been imagining heretofore. Such partnerships, should they come to pass, will have little effect on our near-term development plans but perhaps profound effects on the long-term evolution of the MMA project."
In a long article in the Fall 1997 issue of Point Source prompted by Congressional approval of the FY 1998 budget for NSF, which included design and development funding for the Millimeter Array, the late Bob Brown wrote, "Further partnership and cooperative involvement in the MMA is very likely. The NSF would like to see the MMA done as a partnership between their agency (through the NRAO) and another governmental agency or an international partner. Discussions, some quite far along, are being held with both the Japanese National Astronomical Observatory and the European Southern Observatory. These may lead to the MMA being done collaboratively and being expanded well beyond the scale of the project that we have been imagining heretofore. Such partnerships, should they come to pass, will have little effect on our near-term development plans but perhaps profound effects on the long-term evolution of the MMA project."
Records of the NRAO
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Photographs Series
MMA Chile Site Subunit
Records of the NRAO, “MMA/ALMA Site, October 1994,” NRAO/AUI Archives, accessed March 11, 2025,