Objects Unit
The first shipment of material Reber sent to NRAO from Tasmania in 1994 included many crates of radio and electronic equipment and other objects. The bulk of what was sent remains in Green Bank, with some in storage and some on display at the Science Center. The Archives has one wooden packing crate containing the following (box contents are as originally shipped by Reber): boomerangs, chess/checkers/backgammon game board, thermometer, radiometer, pocket and stop watches, pencil sharpeners, coins, carbon samples, empty containers (shoe polish tins, salt/pepper shakers), framed chart of "Characteristics of the Earth's Atmosphere," check endorsement stamp, souvenir pencils and pens, Wham-O Frisbee, quartz crystals, collections of labels, seals from freight car used to ship Wheaton antenna to Sterling in 1947, many other miscellaneous curios, and one smooth round rock.
Papers of Grote Reber
Brochures, Maps, Mementos, and Objects Series
Size of Item
One wooden box, 24"x22"x15"
Papers of Grote Reber, “Objects Unit,” NRAO/AUI Archives, accessed March 12, 2025, https://www.nrao.edu/archives/items/show/30836.