Green Bank Chronological Correspondence Subunit
This subunit includes a chronological file of correspondence originating in Green Bank for the period 1957-1993, with the bulk being from 1967 forward. Letters were filed by the site secretary after typing; correspondence is from the Green Bank site director, division heads, and from scientific, engineering, and other Green Bank staff members. Primary correspondents are Robert L. Brown, Michael M. Davis, John W. Findlay, J. Richard Fisher, Edward B. Fomalont, Martha P. Haynes, David E. Hogg, William G. Horne, William E. Howard, Kenneth I. Kellermann, Felix J. Lockman, Wallace R. Oref, Ivan Pauliny-Toth, Gilbert M. Peery, Theodore R. Riffe, Morton S. Roberts, George A. Seielstad, Sebastian von Hoerner. Topics covered include telescope design and construction (including the 36 foot and the VLA as well as telescopes in Green Bank); modifications to telescopes and electronics; safety; observational programs; early requests for observing time; community relations; observatory activities; staff involvement in URSI, IAU, CORF, and other professional organizations; planning for and development of the VLBA; and international collaborations (including extensive correspondence on early US-USSR VLBI experiments). Correspondence on personnel matters and containing confidential information was destroyed.
Records of the NRAO
For additional materials on the US-USSR VLBI experiments, see the Very Long Baseline Interferometry Series and the Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Start Date
End Date
Green Bank WV Operations Series
Green Bank Site Administration Unit
Size of Item
6.5 linear feet
Records of the NRAO, “Green Bank Chronological Correspondence Subunit,” NRAO/AUI Archives, accessed March 12, 2025,