Start Date:1999 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Zemerick, Scott Wilson, Jeanine DeYoung, Chris Durbin, Jonathan Sand, David Mason, Porter Bambic, Dustin Murray, Christina Power, Chris |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:1999 Green Bank and Charlottesville summer students in Charlottesville. L-r.: Scott Zemerick (GB), Jeanine Wilson (GB), Chris DeYoung (GB), Jonathan Durbin (CV), David Sand (GB), Porter Mason (CV), Dustin Bambic (CV), Christina Murray (CV), Chris Power (CV). [show more]
Start Date:1999 Location:Kitt Peak, AZ People:Coil, Allison McGrath, Liz Jones, Bryan Mohan, Niruj Brogan, Crystal Young, Chad Schwartz, Colleen Lystrup, Mackenzie Smith, Hannah Osgood, Darrell Cheung, Teddy |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:1999 Summer students from Socorro visit the NRAO-Kitt Peak 12m telescope. (left to right, standing): Allison Coil, Liz McGrath, Bryan Jones, Niruj Mohan, Crystal Brogan, Chad Young, Colleen Schwartz, Makenzie Lystrup, Hannah Smith, (sitting) Darrell Osgood, and Teddy Cheung at the 12-meter NRAO telescope. [show more]
Start Date:2000 Location:Socorro, NM People:Murphy, Nate Ostrowski, Terese Teng, Stacy Zauderer, Ashley Verheijen, Marc Lubin, Lori Clarke, Tracy Becker, Kate Clarke, Melanie Roos, Marti Woodruff, Tim Fassnacht, Chris Fallon, Mike Lang, Cornelia Petric, Andreea Golap, Kumar Mellon, Rick Bower, Geoffrey Miller, Neal Anderson, James |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:This "mad hats" photo, taken in summer 2000, includes Socorro REU students, some of their advisers, and others. Left to right: row 1, kneeling: Nate Murphy - REU, Terese Ostrowski - REU, Stacy Teng - REU, Ashley Zauderer - REU, Marc Verheijen - Jansky Fellow. Row 2, immediately behind kneeling row: Lori Lubin - Chris Fassnacht's wife, Tracy Clarke - Jansky Fellow and co-leader of the 2000 REU program, Kate Becker - REU, Melanie Clarke - REU. Row 3, standing: Marti Roos - wife of Jansky Fellow Marc Verheijen, Tim Woodruff(?) - REU, Nathan ? - New Mexico Tech undergrad, Chris Fassnacht - Jansky Fellow and co-leader of the 2000 REU program, Mike Fallon - husband of NRAO pre-doc Cornelia Lang, Cornelia Lang - NRAO pre-doc, Andreea Petric - a NRAO pre-doc, Kumar Golap - NRAO/NM staff, Rick Mellon - REU, Geoff Bower - Jansky Fellow, Dave ? - Socorro resident. Row 4: Neal Miller - NRAO pre-doc, James Anderson - NM Tech grad student. [show more]
Start Date:2000 Location:VLA Site, NM People:Clarke, Tracy Finley, David Teng, Stacy Becker, Kate Clarke, Melanie Murphy, Nate Lubin, Lori Mellon, Rick Momjian, Emmanuel Fassnacht, Chris |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2000 New Mexico summer students at the VLA site. Front row L to R: Tracy Clarke (REU Program co-head), Dave Finley, Stacy Teng, Kate Becker, Melanie Clarke (?), unknown, unknown. Back row L to R: Nate Murphy, Lori Lubin (?), Rick Mellon, unknown, unknown, Emmanuel Momjian, Chris Fassnacht (REU program co-head). [show more]
Start Date:2001 Location:VLA Site, NM People:Finley, David Boley, Aaron Donley, Jennifer Frankel, Marjorie Kunz, Matthew Perley, Daniel Wong, Diane |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2001 New Mexico students get an up-close tour of a VLA antenna, with NRAO's Public Information Officer Dave Finley (in the yellow hard hat) as their guide. Students: Daniel Perley (grey shirt in foreground), Matthew Kunz (blue shirt), Marjorie Frankel (blue tank top and white shorts), Diane Wong (green pants), Jennifer Donley (green shirt behind Marjorie), and Aaron Boley (white shirt in background). Others unidentified. [show more]
Start Date:2001 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Robinson, Paul Lister, Matt Wallace, Michael Simon, Richard Freeland, Emily Rupert, Julie Manganello, Zachary Williams, Melissa Hibbard, John Wootten, Al |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Some of the 2001 Summer students from Green Bank and Charlottesville before touring NRAO's Central Development Lab (l-r): Paul Robinson (GB student), Matt Lister (CV mentor), Michael Wallace (GB student), Richard Simon (CV mentor), Emily Freeland (CV student), Julie Rupert (CV student), Zach Manganello (CV student), Melissa Williams (GB student), John Hibbard (CV mentor), and Al Wootten (CV mentor). [show more]
Start Date:2001 Location:VLA Site, NM People:Valentine, Virginia Flynn, Sarah Raymondson, Daisy Rosengard, Rebecca |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2001 Tucson summer students visit the VLA. Left to right: Virginia Valentine, Sarah Flynn, Daisy Raymondson, Rebecca Rosengard.
Start Date:2001 Location:Socorro, NM People:Teng, Stacy Murray, Christina Devine, Katie Frankel, Marjorie Donley, Jennifer Moorthy, Bhasker Wong, Diane Kunz, Matthew Adelstein, Jason Perley, Daniel Fine, Michael Boley, Aaron Anderson, James |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2001 New Mexico summer students: Front row (left to right): Stacy Teng, Christina Murray, Katie Devine, Marjorie Frankel, Jennifer Donley, Bhasker Moorthy, Diane Wong. Back row (left to right): Matthew Kunz, Jason Adelstein, Daniel Perley, Michael Fine, Aaron Boley, James Anderson. [show more]
Start Date:2002 Location:Socorro, NM People:Chollet, Eileen Kelly, John Douthit, Melissa Perley, Daniel Crossley, Jared Peterson, Karen Anderson, James Metzger, Brian Pollack, Lindsey Devine, Katie Vogt, Corina Cyganowski, Claudia Fukuda, Teresa Ye, Jason |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:New Mexico summer students, 2002: (left to right) back row: Eilleen Chollet, John Kelly, Melissa Douthit, Daniel Perley, Jared Crossley, Karen Peterson, James Anderson, Brian Metzger, Lindsey Pollack, and Katie Devine. Front row: Corina Vogt, Claudia Cyganoswski, Therese Fukuda, and Jason Ye. [show more]
Start Date:2002 Location:VLA Site, NM People:Flynn, Sara Cull, Selby |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Tucson 2002 summer students Sara Flynn and Selby Cull visit the VLA.
Start Date:2002 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kom, Antone Runion, Gene Thacker, Tim Effland, John Casey, Michele Homan, Dan Sheaff, Clay Bradley, Richard Strait, Matthew |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Charlottesville summer students, 2002: (left to right) Antone Kom, Gene Runion (mentor), Tim Thacker, John Effland (mentor), Michele Casey, Dan Homan (mentor), Clay Sheaff, Rich Bradley (mentor) and Matthew Strait.
Start Date:2002 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Manganello, Zachary Kent, Brian Kjonaas, Tamara Orban, Chris Tandy, Brian Fakes, Tony Kartaltepe, Jayhan Cutshall, Ryan Ostaff, Steve Johnson, Chelen Fleming, Dave |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2002 Green Bank summer students. L-r, back row: Zachary Manganello, Brian Kent, Tamara Kjonaas, Chris Orban; middle row: Brian Tandy, Troy Fakes (co-op), Jayhan Kartaltepe, Cutshall, Ryan. Front row, l-r, Research Experience for Teachers program participants: Steve Ostaff, Chelen Johnson, Dave Fleming. [show more]
Start Date:2003 Location:Socorro, NM People:Borders, Tiffany Williams, Matt Monsalvo, Itziar Soderberg, Alicia Spitler, Laura Cool, Richard Nordhaus, Miranda Clearfield, Christopher Ly, Chun Landes, Emily Manness, Holly |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:New Mexico summer students 2003, l.-r: Tiffany Borders, Matt Williams (RE Teachers), Itziar Monsalvo, Alicia Soderberg, Laura Spitler, Richard Cool, Miranda Nordhaus, Christopher Clearfield, Chun Ly, Emily Landes. Seated in front: Holly Manness.
Start Date:2003 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Thomsen, Porter Grichener, Alex Kelly, John Wye, Lauren Mahmud, Mehreen Martin, Jodie Roark, Christine |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Charlottesville 2003 summer students, l.-r.: Porter Thomsen, Alex Grichener, John Kelly, Lauren Wye, Mehreen Mahmud, Jodie Martin, Christine Roark.
Start Date:2003 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Cowan, Andrew Ciccarelli, John Atchison, Justin Sparks, Robert Wells, Shannon Flores, Regina Geller, Aaron Rubin, Kate |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Green Bank 2003 summer students, l.-r.: Andrew Cowan, John Ciccarelli, Justin Atchison, Robert Sparks, Shannon Wells, Regina Flores, Aaron Geller, Kate Rubin. [This group is notorious/infamous for their performance at the annual Green Bank summer picnic in which they sang "It is Fun to Work at The NRAO" based on the Village People's "YMCA" song.] [show more]
Start Date:2005 Location:Socorro, NM People:Gugliucci, Nicole Mao, Tyson Johnston, JoAnna Bennett, Wendy Wells, Kassandra Jorgensen, Kasandra Levesque, Emily Borg, Kyle Sánchez, Ricardo |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2005 Socorro Summer Students (l-r), front: Nicole Gugliucci, Tyson Mao. Back: JoAnna Johnston, Wendy Bennett, Kassandra Wells, Kasandra Jorgensen, Emily Levesque, Kyle Borg, Ricardo Sánchez.
Start Date:2005 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Gosh, Soumya Durand, James Williams, Peter Brewer, John Mancone, Conor Curtis, Jason Pulliam, Robin Sevilla, David |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2005 Green Bank Summer Students (l-r): Soumya Gosh, James Durand, Peter Williams, John Brewer, Conor Mancone, Jason Curtis, Robin Pulliam, David Sevilla.
Start Date:2005 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Heiderman, Amanda Sandell, Julia Sulman, Ben Freed, Kelly Olorode, Leye Grier, Cate McCarty, Mike |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2005 Charlottesville Summer Students (l-r): Amanda Heiderman, Julia Sandell, Ben Sulman, Kelly Freed, Leye Olorode, Cate Grier, Mike McCarty. Not shown: Vinayak Nagpal.
Start Date:2006 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Martin, Emily Mehta, Kushal Thomas, Kristen Heroux, A.J. Weadon, T.J. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Green Bank summer students pose on one of the site's diesel vehicles in front of the GBT. Left to right: Emily Martin, Kushal Mehta, Kristen Thomas, A.J. Heroux, T.J. Weadon. Not in photo: Manasseh Obi.
Start Date:2006 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Martin, Emily Mehta, Kushal Thomas, Kristen Heroux, A.J. Weadon, T.J. Obi, Manasseh |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Green Bank summer students in the student office at summer's end. Clockwise from 6 o'clock: A.J. Heroux (blue shirt), Manasseh Obi, Kushal Metha, Kristen Thomas, Emily Martin (red shirt), Timothy J. Weadon.
Start Date:2006 Location:Socorro, NM People:Weinzirl, Timothy Zschaechner, Laura Bennett, Wendy Whiting, Catherine Chizek, Malynda Edmonds, Robert Willett, Kyle Mills, Elizabeth Sevilla, David Ginsburg, Adam |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Socorro summer students. Back row from left: Timothy Weinzirl, Laura Zschaechner, Wendy Bennett, Catherine Whiting, Malynda Chizek, Robert Edmonds, Kyle Willett. Seated: Elisabeth Mills, David Sevilla; Adam Ginsburg (lying down). Not shown are Abhirup Datta (NRAO GRP) and Claire Davy (NSF REU) and Rosa Torres Lopez (GRP). [show more]
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Davy, Claire Frey, Lucy Katz, Jennifer Gugliucci, Nicole Stone, Robert (Lecky) Saul, Destry |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Charlottesville summer students, left to right: Claire Davy, Lucy Frey, Jennifer Katz, Nicole Gugliucci, Robert (Lecky) Stone, Destry Saul. Not in photo: Alok Singhal.
Location:Charlottesville, VA |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2007 Charlottesville summer students.
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Sakari, Charli Mocanu, Delia Schneider, Evan Lacasse, Daniel Coakley, Jessica Murphy, Bryan Pennucci, Tim Schenker, Matt Sacash, Brian |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2008 Charlottesville summer students, front left to right: Charli Sakari, Delia Mocanu, Evan Schneider and Daniel Lacasse. Back row, L-R: Jessica Coakley, Bryan Murphy, Tim Pennucci, Matt Schenker and Brian Sacash. Not pictured are Claudia Cyganowski, Allison Hammond and Anthony Hamzeh. [show more]
Start Date:2009-07-31 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Samuel, Francillia Roper, Brian McCauley, Patrick Louie, Melissa Shitanish, Jennifer Lam, Michael |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2009 was the 50th anniversary of the NRAO summer student program. 2009 Charlottesville summer students, left to right: Francillia Samuel, Brian Roper, Patrick McCauley, Melissa Louie, Jennifer Shitanishi, Michael Lam.