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Start Date:2004-03
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Brown, David
Martin, George
Halstead, Tracy
Milner, Ruth
Pokorny, Martin
Rose, Dave
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Computing, Software, and Information Services Series
Unit:Photographs Unit
Type:Still Image
Description:Once each year the CIS systems administrators have a face-to-face meeting to discuss Common Computing Environment issues. The meetings rotate between sites and the March 2004 meeting was in Green Bank. Attendees had a high and low altitude tour of the GBT on a somewhat damp day. After returning from their vertiginous trip to the top, the red hat group contemplated engineering work in progress on the track. Left to right: Dave Brown, George Martin, Tracy Halstead, Ruth Milner, Martin Pokorny, and their GBT tour guide, Dave Rose, in the white hard hat. [show more]
Start Date:1976-09-24
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Clark, Barry
Blankenship, Linda
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Facilities--VLA--Array Site
Description:In late September 1976, with early VLA construction happening outside, Barry Clark and Linda Blankenship [Sowinski] work at the site. Barry recalls that his terminal was a SuperBee, connected to the Modcomp real-time system, and that the terminal on the table to his left was connected to the Dec-10. Both were dumb terminals connected to rack-sized computers. [show more]
Start Date:2005-07-11
Location:Washington, D.C.
People:Russell, Adrian
Dickman, Robert L.
Schrader, Brian
Marzilli, Chris
Porter, Bill
Beasley, Tony
Sunley, Judy
Wootten, Al
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:MMA/ALMA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Description:In the AUI offices in Washington, DC, participants celebrate the 11 July 2005 signing with Vertex of the contract for 25 ALMA production antennas. Left to right: Adrian Russell (just partly visible), Bob Dickman (then at NSF), Brian Schrader (VertexRSI Project Director), Chris Marzilli (General Dynamics Executive VP), Bill Porter, Tony Beasley, Judy Sunley (NSF), and Al Wootten. [show more]
Start Date:1980-11
Location:Socorro, NM
People:Napier, Peter
Salter, Chris
Gibson, Dave
Hunt, Gareth
Bignell, Carl
Randolph, Bill
Ewald, Rosalie
Cornwell, Tim
Rigby, Eva Jean
Ekers, Brook
Russell, Eric
Rigby, Clair
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:NRAO Social Events Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Events--Social events
Description:The winning cricket team, Socorro, November 1980. Front row: Peter Napier, Chris Salter, Dave Gibson, Gareth Hunt [captain]. Back row: Carl Bignell (holding Celeste and John Bignell), Bill Randolph, Rosalie Ewald, Tim Cornwell, Eva Jean Rigby, Brook Ekers, Eric Russell, Clair Rigby. The VLA team (pictured) beat the Socorro team. Players represented the USA, Jamaica, India, England, Holland, New Zealand, and Canada. Writing in the January 1981 Observer (v.22#1), Chris Salter said, "Passers by could be forgiven for imagining that mystical rites were being performed on the playing fields of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology on Saturday November 8th [1980]. The fact of the matter is that the slow perambulations and weird cavortings of fourteen white clad figures did not mark a frightening outbreak of alien worship but the progress of the first Socorro/VLA cricket match." [show more]
People:Prince, Helen Dodson
Hedeman, Ruth
Malitson, Harriet Hutzler
Creator:Papers of Nan Dieter Conklin
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Helen Dodson Prince is seated at the center with the document in her hand. Her University of Michigan colleague Ruth Hedeman is on the far right, and Harriet Hutzler Malitson, Goucher student and friend of Nan Dieter Conklin is behind Helen Dodson Prince. The other women are unidentified. Photo courtesy of Ruth Hedeman and Jody Hedeman Couser. [show more]
Start Date:1963-06-26
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Oref, Wally
Barkley, Clifford
Drake, Dorothy
Gum, Merritt
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Green Bank WV Operations Series
Unit:Green Bank Site Selection, Procurement and Development Unit
Subunit:Green Bank Facilities Construction and Early Photographs Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Subject:Facilities--Green Bank, West Virginia
Description:In June 1963, NRAO acquired two blue-bodied diesel buses with silver tops to carry the increasing number of curious visitors to the telescopes in Green Bank. According to the June 1963 issue of The Observer, NRAO had just "struck another blow against man-made radio noise. Tourist cars with their noisy ignition systems will sit in the parking lot while their occupants take a care-free tour of the site and facilities." From left: Wally Oref, Clifford Barkley, Dorothy Drake, Merritt Gum [show more]
Start Date:1994
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Heatherly, Sue Ann
Payne, Bob
Simon, Bob
Clark, Mark
Fisher, Rick
Shears, Sue
Warner, Becky
Taylor, Zula
Lacasse, Rich
Ziegler, Carol
Williams, David
Behrens, George
Burgess, David
McKinnon, Mark
Hall, Rich
Reigel, Henrietta
Curry, Shirley
Hanshew, Ray
Morgan, Greg
Shank, Bill
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:NRAO Social Events Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Events--Social events
Description:In fall 1994 a wellness program in Green Bank and Charlottesville encouraged employees to begin a regular walking program with a challenge between the two sites. Which site's walkers could "travel" to the most VLBA antennas? Green Bank walkers won the challenge by traveling a total of 3151 miles, "visiting" Hancock, North Liberty, Los Alamos, and Pie Town. Charlottesville participants walked 2564 miles. In this photo, Green Bank walkers celebrate their success. Left to right: Sue Ann Heatherly, Bob Payne, Bob Simon, Mark Clark, Rick Fisher, Sue Shears, Becky Warner, Zula Taylor, Rich Lacasse, Carol Ziegler, David Williams, George Behrens, David Burgess, Mark McKinnon, Rich Hall, Henrietta Reigel, Shirley Curry, Ray Hanshew, Greg Morgan, Bill Shank. [show more]
Start Date:1991-05-01
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Byrd, Robert C.
Lutz, Julie
Massey, Walter
Mollohan, Robert
Burke, Bernard F.
Seielstad, George A.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT)
Description:Senator Robert C. Byrd speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Green Bank Telescope. On the platform behind him: Julie Lutz (NSF Astronomy Division Director), Walter Massey (NSF Director), Robert Mollohan (former WV Congressman), Bernard F. Burke (National Science Board member), George Seielstad (NRAO Green Bank Site Director). [show more]
Start Date:1991-05-01
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Vanden Bout, Paul
Hall, Robert
Lutz, Julie
Byrd, Robert C.
Massey, Walter
Mollohan, Robert
Burke, Bernard F.
Seielstad, George A.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT)
Description:Paul Vanden Bout speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Green Bank Telescope. On the platform behind him: Robert Hall (GBT Project Manager), Julie Lutz (NSF Astronomy Division Director), West Virginia Senator Robert C. Byrd, Walter Massey (NSF Director), Robert Mollohan (former WV Congressman), Bernard F. Burke (National Science Board member), George Seielstad (NRAO Green Bank Site Director). [show more]
Start Date:1991-05-01
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Hughes, Robert
Hall, Robert
Vanden Bout, Paul
Lutz, Julie
Byrd, Robert C.
Massey, Walter
Mollohan, Robert
Burke, Bernard F.
Seielstad, George A.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT)
Description:Robert Hughes speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Green Bank Telescope. On the platform behind him: Robert Hall (GBT Project Manager) and Paul Vanden Bout (NRAO Director) behind the flag, Julie Lutz (NSF Astronomy Division Director), West Virginia Senator Robert C. Byrd, Walter Massey (NSF Director), Robert Mollohan (former WV Congressman), Bernard F. Burke (National Science Board member), George Seielstad (NRAO Green Bank Site Director). [show more]
Start Date:2000-12
People:Lively, John
Hardy, Eduardo
Faber, Sandra
Brown, Robert L.
Urban, Thomas
Lively, Jean
Faber, Andrew
Creator:Papers of Robert L. Brown
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:On the occasion of the dedication of the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Magellan Telescope in La Serena, Chile, in early December 2000, CIW's John Lively and others took the opportunity to visit the ALMA high site. Left to right: John Lively (CIW), Eduardo Hardy (ALMA), Sandra Faber (U. California Observatories), Bob Brown (NRAO), Thomas Urban (CIW Board Chair), Jean Lively, Andrew Faber. [show more]
Start Date:2001
People:Balser, Dana
Boyd, Tim
Maciolek, Ardis
Maddalena, Ronald
Robinson, Paul
Van Wrey, Nate
Berlin, Tom
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:NRAO Social Events Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Events--Social events
Description:The picture was taken by Frank Ghigo at the end of a 2001 hike from the Observatory to the store at Cass along the Allegheny Trail. The hike climbs from the western side of the observatory along Slavin Hollow to the top of and then along the ridge of Little Mountain (which is at the western border of the observatory) and finally down to and along the Greenbrier River. The hike is one that has happened almost every year over the past ~30 as part of a summer workshop or school. It usually takes about 4 hours, so ice cream is a welcome reward. Enjoying their well-earned ice cream are: left to right seated on porch - Dana Balser, Tim Boyd; top step - Ardis Maciolek (now Herold), unidentified, Ron Maddalena, summer student Paul Robinson; bottom step - Nate Van Wey, Tom Berlin, unidentified. [show more]
Start Date:1955-03-16
People:Carpenter, Martha Stahr
Creator:Papers of Martha Stahr Carpenter
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:View showing U.S. H-line radio astronomer, Martha Stahr Carpenter (Cornell University), posing with the 11m (36 ft) antenna at Potts Hill, during a visit to the Radiophysics Laboratory.
Start Date:1955-03-16
People:Carpenter, Martha Stahr
Creator:Papers of Martha Stahr Carpenter
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:View showing U.S. H-line radio astronomer, Martha Stahr Carpenter (Cornell University), posing with some of the instrumentation in the receiver hut of the 11m (36 ft) antenna at Potts Hill, during a visit to the Radiophysics Laboratory.
Start Date:1955-03-16
People:Carpenter, Martha Stahr
Creator:Papers of Martha Stahr Carpenter
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:View showing U.S. H-line radio astronomer, Martha Stahr Carpenter (Cornell University), posing with the 11m (36 ft) antenna at Potts Hill, during a visit to the Radiophysics Laboratory.
People:Conklin, Nan Dieter
Creator:Papers of Nan Dieter Conklin
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Harvard graduate student Nan Dieter.
People:Martynov, D.Ya.
Shklovsky, Iosif
Conklin, Nan Dieter
Creator:Papers of Nan Dieter Conklin
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Left to right: Prof. D.Ya. Martynov (seated, Director of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute), Prof. I.S. Shklovsky, Nan Dieter Conklin (Image courtesy of N.D. Conklin)
People:Conklin, Nan Dieter
Creator:Papers of Nan Dieter Conklin
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Image courtesy of N.D. Conklin
Start Date:2007-06
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Bouton, Ellen
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium
Description:Ellen Bouton
Start Date:2007-06
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Barger, Amy
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium
Description:Amy Barger
Start Date:2007-06
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Bouton, Ellen
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium
Description:Ellen Bouton, evening reception
Start Date:2007-06
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Lo, Fred
Chandler, Claire
Moran, James M.
Wilson, Robert
Haynes, Martha
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium
Description:Panel: Fred Lo, Claire Chandler, Jim Moran, Bob Wilson, Martha Haynes
Start Date:2007-06
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Haynes, Martha
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium
Description:Martha Haynes
Start Date:2007-06
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Haynes, Martha
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium
Description:Martha Haynes
Start Date:2007-06
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Hewitt, Jacqueline
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium
Description:Jackie Hewitt