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Start Date:2001
People:Balser, Dana
Boyd, Tim
Maciolek, Ardis
Maddalena, Ronald
Robinson, Paul
Van Wrey, Nate
Berlin, Tom
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:NRAO Social Events Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Events--Social events
Description:The picture was taken by Frank Ghigo at the end of a 2001 hike from the Observatory to the store at Cass along the Allegheny Trail. The hike climbs from the western side of the observatory along Slavin Hollow to the top of and then along the ridge of Little Mountain (which is at the western border of the observatory) and finally down to and along the Greenbrier River. The hike is one that has happened almost every year over the past ~30 as part of a summer workshop or school. It usually takes about 4 hours, so ice cream is a welcome reward. Enjoying their well-earned ice cream are: left to right seated on porch - Dana Balser, Tim Boyd; top step - Ardis Maciolek (now Herold), unidentified, Ron Maddalena, summer student Paul Robinson; bottom step - Nate Van Wey, Tom Berlin, unidentified. [show more]
Start Date:1970
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Donley, Shawn
Deniston, Dale
Pettersson, Bengt
Williams, Diane
Levine, Alan
Rots, Arnold
Bromberg, Kevin
Sengupta, Uday
Cox, Charles
Allen, Michael
Chu, Steven
Cooper, Fred
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Description:1970 summer students in Green Bank. Front row, left to right: Shawn Donley, Dale Deniston, Bengt Pettersson, Diane Williams, Alan Levine. Back row: Arnold Rots, Kevin Bromberg, Uday Sengupta, Charles Cox, Michael Allen, Steven Chu, Fred Cooper
Start Date:1971
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Giovanelli, Riccardo
Smith, Barbara
Lucignani, Linda
Boyle, Robert
Koo, David
Yeung, Patrick
Fawley, William
Smith, Haywood
Zabek, Mark
Burke, David
Lada, Charles
Giguere, Paul
McMillan, Robert
Fullmer, James
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1971 summer students in Green Bank. Seated, left to right: Riccardo Giovanelli, Barbara Smith, Linda Lucignani, Robert Boyle. 2nd row: David Koo, Patrick Yeung, William Fawley, Haywood Smith, Mark Zabek. 3rd row: David Burke, Charles Lada, Paul Giguere, Robert McMillan, James Fullmer. Not present when photo was taken: Keith Sword, James Jafolla, Louis Gross, Allan Spradling, Trinh Thuan. [show more]
Start Date:1971
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Mutel, Robert
Olson, Staffan
Sweeney, Dennis
Houck, Robert
Hemenway, Paul
Hoffman, Nelson
Cantrell, Nelson
Dennison, Brian
Camana, Peter
Tapia-Perez, Santiago
Hartoog, Mark
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1971 summer and co-op students in Green Bank: Robert Mutel, Staffan Olson, Dennis Sweeney, Robert Houck, Paul Hemenway (not student), Nelson Hoffman, Kenneth Cantrell, Brian Dennison, Peter Camana, Santiago Tapia-Perez, Mark Hartoog
Start Date:1972
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Chin, Francis
Fisher, Vernon
Chesley, Duncan
Benzel, Paul
Maas, Stephen
Jorgenson, Gary
Bechis, Dennis
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document
Description:1972 Green Bank summer students and coop students: Francis Chin, Vernon Fisher, Duncan Chesley, Paul Benzel, Stephen Maas, Gary Jorgenson, Dennis Bechis.
Start Date:1972
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Wey, Changlin
Yeung, Patrick
Gandet, Tom
Bania, Tom
Gibson, David
Peterson, Steven
Chandler, John
Diadiuk, Vicky
Lucignani, Linda
True, Michael
Bonnell, Pamela
Zook, Alma
Kennett, Rosemary
Hansen, Stanley
Petterson, Lars
Stickney, Philip
Grayson, Daniel
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document
Description:1972 Charlottesville summer students: Bottom row l-r: Changlin Wey, Patrick Yeung, Tom Gandet, Tom Bania, David Gibson. Middle row l-r: Steven Peterson, John Chandler, Vicky Diadiuk, Linda Lucignani, Michael True. Top row l-r: Pamela Bonnell, Alma Zook, Rosemary Kennett, Stanley Hansen, Lars Petterson, Philip Stickney, Daniel Grayson. [show more]
Start Date:1975-06
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Carter, Michael
Baines, Kevin
Soukop, Judith
Brasunas, John
Waldhuter, Jeffrey
Glassco, Richard
Marscher, Alan
Berg, David
Cosner, Kenneth
Burns, Jack
Gorman, Walter
Teyssier, Edward
Kust, Alice
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Description:Charlottesville and Green Bank summer students in 1975 at a late June picnic in Green Bank. Standing left to right: Michael Carter, Kevin Baines, Judith Soukup, John Brasunas, Jeffrey Waldhuter, Richard Glassco, Alan Marscher, David Berg, Kenneth Cosner, Jack Burns, Walter Gorman; seated left to right: Edward Teyssier, Alice Kust. [show more]
Start Date:1976
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Buta, Ron
Rothman, Tony
Morgan, Jim
Harper, Kathy
Kovalan, Mark
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document
Description:1976 Green Bank summer students: Front l-r: Ron Buta, Tony Rothman, Jim Morgan. Back l-r: Kathy Harper, Mark Kovalan.
Start Date:1978
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Verter, Fran
MacMinn, Stephen
Norrod, Roger
Buckman, Marlene
Ashby, Mark
Tereby, Susan
Fiedler, Ralph
Bertschinger, Ed
Jones, Mike
Keel, William
Tiitus, Annika
Herter, Terry
Freuh, Marian
Hanish, Bob
Wallenhorst, Steve
Miller, Guy
Sewal, Jim
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document
Description:1978 CV and GB summer summer students: L-r: Fran Verter (GB), Stephen MacMinn (GB), Roger Norrod (GB), Marlene Buckman (CV), Mark Ashby (GB), Susan Tereby (CV), Ralph Fiedler (CV), Ed Bertschinger (CV), Mike Jones (CV), William Keel (CV), Annika Tiitus (CV), Terry Herter (CV), Marian Freuh (CV), Bob Hanish (CV), Steve Wallenhorst (CV), Guy Miller (CV), Jim Sewal (CV). [show more]
Start Date:1981
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Knoke, Jim
Chang, Chong-An
Wolpert, Dave
Davidov, Tony
Nakatsuka, Roy
Skuppin, Reinhard
Crocker, Debe
Coleman, Paul
Tucker, Deanne
Lewis, Jim
Ratcliffe, Steve
Sturgis, Elizabeth
Bornmann, Carol
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1981 Charlottesville summer students. Left to right, top row: Jim Knoke, Chong-An Chang, Dave Wolpert, Tony Davidov, Roy Nakatsuka, Steve Ratcliffe, Reinhard Skuppin, Debe Crocker; in front: Paul Coleman, Deanne Tucker, Jim Lewis, Elizabeth Sturgis, Carol Bornmann. [show more]
Start Date:1981
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Fitzsimmons, Michael
Andrews, Michael
Mighell, Kenneth
Calvert, Robert
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document
Description:1981 New Mexico summer students: l-r: Michael Fitzsimmons, Michael Andrews, Kenneth Mighell, Robert Calvert.
Start Date:1987
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Johnston, Mark
Ross, Richard
Ellis, Tim
Borowec, Kate
Will, Tony
Churchwell, Steve
Stevens, Bjorn
Bloch, Eric
Bautz, Pat
Seielstad, George A.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1987 Green Bank summer students Mark Johnston, Richard Ross, Tim Ellis, Kate Borowec, Tony Will, Steve Churchwell, and Bjorn Stevens are in front of the cafeteria with Erich Bloch (NSF Director), Pat Bautz (NSF Astronomy Division Director), and George Seielstad, NRAO Assistant Director for Green Bank [show more]
Start Date:1996
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Larson, Daniel
Armstrong, John
Putman, Mary
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:Charlottesville REU96 summer students tour the Green Bank Telescope. Left to right, Daniel Larson, John Armstrong and Mary Putman.
Start Date:1996
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Weatherly, Matthew
Larson, Daniel
Holsclaw, Gregory
Armstrong, John
Zuber, Julianne
Putman, Mary
Wang, Brian
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1996 Green Bank and Charlottesville REU students gather in Charlottesville. Left to right: Matthew Weatherly (GB), Daniel Larson (CV), Gregory Holsclaw (GB), John Armstrong (CV), Julianne Zuber (GB), Mary Putman (CV), and Brian Wang (CV).
Start Date:1998
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Bunker, Kjersten
Stinson, Greg
Woodney, Laura
West, Andrew
Golub, Jessica
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1998 Summer Students (L-R): Kjersten Bunker, Greg Stinson, Laura Woodney, Andrew West and Jessica Golub at the controls of the 43m telescope in Green Bank.
Start Date:1999
Location:Kitt Peak, AZ
People:Coil, Allison
McGrath, Liz
Jones, Bryan
Mohan, Niruj
Brogan, Crystal
Young, Chad
Schwartz, Colleen
Lystrup, Mackenzie
Smith, Hannah
Osgood, Darrell
Cheung, Teddy
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1999 Summer students from Socorro visit the NRAO-Kitt Peak 12m telescope. (left to right, standing): Allison Coil, Liz McGrath, Bryan Jones, Niruj Mohan, Crystal Brogan, Chad Young, Colleen Schwartz, Makenzie Lystrup, Hannah Smith, (sitting) Darrell Osgood, and Teddy Cheung at the 12-meter NRAO telescope. [show more]
Start Date:1999
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Zemerick, Scott
Wilson, Jeanine
DeYoung, Chris
Durbin, Jonathan
Sand, David
Mason, Porter
Bambic, Dustin
Murray, Christina
Power, Chris
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1999 Green Bank and Charlottesville summer students in Charlottesville. L-r.: Scott Zemerick (GB), Jeanine Wilson (GB), Chris DeYoung (GB), Jonathan Durbin (CV), David Sand (GB), Porter Mason (CV), Dustin Bambic (CV), Christina Murray (CV), Chris Power (CV). [show more]
Start Date:2000
Location:Socorro, NM
People:Murphy, Nate
Ostrowski, Terese
Teng, Stacy
Zauderer, Ashley
Verheijen, Marc
Lubin, Lori
Clarke, Tracy
Becker, Kate
Clarke, Melanie
Roos, Marti
Woodruff, Tim
Fassnacht, Chris
Fallon, Mike
Lang, Cornelia
Petric, Andreea
Golap, Kumar
Mellon, Rick
Bower, Geoffrey
Miller, Neal
Anderson, James
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:This "mad hats" photo, taken in summer 2000, includes Socorro REU students, some of their advisers, and others. Left to right: row 1, kneeling: Nate Murphy - REU, Terese Ostrowski - REU, Stacy Teng - REU, Ashley Zauderer - REU, Marc Verheijen - Jansky Fellow. Row 2, immediately behind kneeling row: Lori Lubin - Chris Fassnacht's wife, Tracy Clarke - Jansky Fellow and co-leader of the 2000 REU program, Kate Becker - REU, Melanie Clarke - REU. Row 3, standing: Marti Roos - wife of Jansky Fellow Marc Verheijen, Tim Woodruff(?) - REU, Nathan ? - New Mexico Tech undergrad, Chris Fassnacht - Jansky Fellow and co-leader of the 2000 REU program, Mike Fallon - husband of NRAO pre-doc Cornelia Lang, Cornelia Lang - NRAO pre-doc, Andreea Petric - a NRAO pre-doc, Kumar Golap - NRAO/NM staff, Rick Mellon - REU, Geoff Bower - Jansky Fellow, Dave ? - Socorro resident. Row 4: Neal Miller - NRAO pre-doc, James Anderson - NM Tech grad student. [show more]
Start Date:2000
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Clarke, Tracy
Finley, David
Teng, Stacy
Becker, Kate
Clarke, Melanie
Murphy, Nate
Lubin, Lori
Mellon, Rick
Momjian, Emmanuel
Fassnacht, Chris
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:2000 New Mexico summer students at the VLA site. Front row L to R: Tracy Clarke (REU Program co-head), Dave Finley, Stacy Teng, Kate Becker, Melanie Clarke (?), unknown, unknown. Back row L to R: Nate Murphy, Lori Lubin (?), Rick Mellon, unknown, unknown, Emmanuel Momjian, Chris Fassnacht (REU program co-head). [show more]
Start Date:2001
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Finley, David
Boley, Aaron
Donley, Jennifer
Frankel, Marjorie
Kunz, Matthew
Perley, Daniel
Wong, Diane
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:2001 New Mexico students get an up-close tour of a VLA antenna, with NRAO's Public Information Officer Dave Finley (in the yellow hard hat) as their guide. Students: Daniel Perley (grey shirt in foreground), Matthew Kunz (blue shirt), Marjorie Frankel (blue tank top and white shorts), Diane Wong (green pants), Jennifer Donley (green shirt behind Marjorie), and Aaron Boley (white shirt in background). Others unidentified. [show more]
Start Date:2001
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Manganello, Zachary
Thacker, Tim
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:2001 summer students Zach Manganello and Tim Thacker mount the Charlottesville Telescope (CVT) between NRAO and University of Virginia astronomy buildings.
Start Date:2001
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Robinson, Paul
Lister, Matt
Wallace, Michael
Simon, Richard
Freeland, Emily
Rupert, Julie
Manganello, Zachary
Williams, Melissa
Hibbard, John
Wootten, Al
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:Some of the 2001 Summer students from Green Bank and Charlottesville before touring NRAO's Central Development Lab (l-r): Paul Robinson (GB student), Matt Lister (CV mentor), Michael Wallace (GB student), Richard Simon (CV mentor), Emily Freeland (CV student), Julie Rupert (CV student), Zach Manganello (CV student), Melissa Williams (GB student), John Hibbard (CV mentor), and Al Wootten (CV mentor). [show more]
Start Date:2001
Location:Socorro, NM
People:Teng, Stacy
Murray, Christina
Devine, Katie
Frankel, Marjorie
Donley, Jennifer
Moorthy, Bhasker
Wong, Diane
Kunz, Matthew
Adelstein, Jason
Perley, Daniel
Fine, Michael
Boley, Aaron
Anderson, James
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:2001 New Mexico summer students: Front row (left to right): Stacy Teng, Christina Murray, Katie Devine, Marjorie Frankel, Jennifer Donley, Bhasker Moorthy, Diane Wong. Back row (left to right): Matthew Kunz, Jason Adelstein, Daniel Perley, Michael Fine, Aaron Boley, James Anderson. [show more]
Start Date:2001
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Valentine, Virginia
Flynn, Sarah
Raymondson, Daisy
Rosengard, Rebecca
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:2001 Tucson summer students visit the VLA. Left to right: Virginia Valentine, Sarah Flynn, Daisy Raymondson, Rebecca Rosengard.
Start Date:2002
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Manganello, Zachary
Kent, Brian
Kjonaas, Tamara
Orban, Chris
Tandy, Brian
Fakes, Tony
Kartaltepe, Jayhan
Cutshall, Ryan
Ostaff, Steve
Johnson, Chelen
Fleming, Dave
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:2002 Green Bank summer students. L-r, back row: Zachary Manganello, Brian Kent, Tamara Kjonaas, Chris Orban; middle row: Brian Tandy, Troy Fakes (co-op), Jayhan Kartaltepe, Cutshall, Ryan. Front row, l-r, Research Experience for Teachers program participants: Steve Ostaff, Chelen Johnson, Dave Fleming. [show more]