13 items found
People is exactly "Swenson, George W., Jr."
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Start Date:1965-00-00
People:Höglund, Brit
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Swenson, Mrs.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Bertil Höglund Photographs Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Events--Social events
Description:Fasching party, hosted by the von Hoerners. [Carol Hogg? Randi Hvatum?], Brit Höglund, George Swenson, Mrs. Swenson.
Start Date:1965-00-00
People:Höglund, Bertil
Grove, George
Chow, Y. Leonard
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Wendker, Heinz
Baars, Jacob W.M.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Bertil Höglund Photographs Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Left to right: Bertil Höglund, George Grove, Y. Leonard Chow, Wim Rougoor, George Swenson, Heinz Wendker, Jaap Baars.
Start Date:1965-00-00
People:Mezger, Peter
Chow, Y. Leonard
Rougoor, Wim
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Wendker, Heinz
Baars, Jacob W.M.
Grove, George
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Bertil Höglund Photographs Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Left to right: Peter Mezger, Y. Leonard Chow, Wim Rougoor, George Swenson, Heinz Wendker, Jaap Baars, George Grove.
Start Date:1965-00-00
People:Mezger, Peter
Chow, Y. Leonard
Rougoor, Wim
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Wendker, Heinz
Baars, Jacob W.M.
Grove, George
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Bertil Höglund Photographs Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Left to right: Peter Mezger, Y. Leonard Chow, Wim Rougoor, George Swenson, Heinz Wendker, Jaap Baars, George Grove.
Start Date:1965-00-00
People:Swenson, George W., Jr.
Wendker, Heinz
Kaftan-Kassim, May
Baars, Jacob W.M.
Hvatum, Hein
Wade, Campbell M.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Bertil Höglund Photographs Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Left to right: George Swenson, Heinz Wendker, May Kaftan-Kassim, Jaap Baars, Hein Hvatum, Cam Wade.
Start Date:1965-00-00
People:Mezger, Peter
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Bertil Höglund Photographs Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Peter Mezger, George Swenson
Start Date:1968-07-02
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Swenson, George W., Jr.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Type:Still Image
Description:George Swenson, 1968
Start Date:1960
Location:Danville, IL
People:Bracewell, Ronald N.
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Creator:Papers of George W. Swenson, Jr.
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print
Description:Ron Bracewell and George Swenson at Vermilion Rover Observatory
Start Date:1963
Location:Danville, IL
People:McVittie, George C.
Hanbury Brown, Robert
Minkowski, Rudolph
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Creator:Papers of George W. Swenson, Jr.
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print
Description:George McVittie, Robert Hanbury Brown, Rudolph Minkowski, and George Swenson at Vermilion River Observatory
Start Date:2000-08
People:Swenson, George W., Jr.
Kraus, John D.
Perger, Warren
Marhefka, Ronald
Munk, Benedikt
Creator:Papers of John Daniel Kraus
Series:Photographs, Moving Images, and Audio Series
Unit:Photographs Unit
Type:Still Image
Description: l.-r. George W. Swenson, Jr., John D. Kraus, Warren F. Perger, Ronald J. Marhefka, Benedikt A. Munk
Start Date:2002-10-11
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Swenson, George W., Jr.
Cohen, Marshall
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Conferences and Talks Series
Unit:Conference Photographs Unit
Subunit:Radio Astronomy at the Fringe Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:George Swenson, Marshall Cohen.
Start Date:2002-10-10
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Swenson, George W., Jr.
van der Laan, Harry
Shaffer, David
Weistrop, Donna
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Conferences and Talks Series
Unit:Conference Photographs Unit
Subunit:Radio Astronomy at the Fringe Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:George Swenson, Harry van der Laan, Dave Shaffer, Donna Weistrop.
Start Date:1961-05
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Getmansev, G.G.
Haddock, Fred T.
Wade, Mary Jane
Edmundsen, S.
Minkowski, Rudolph
Vitkevitch, Victor V.
Struve, Otto
Sorochenko, R.L.
Keller, G.
Kuzmin, A.D.
Bracewell, Ronald N.
Drake, Frank D.
Wade, Campbell M.
McClain, Edward F.
Samanyan, V.A.
Kalachev, P.D.
Stanley, Gordon J.
Barrett, Alan H.
Weaver, Harold F.
Swenson, George W., Jr.
Mayer, Cornell H.
Heeschen, David S.
Kraus, John D.
Field, George B.
Menon, T. Kochu
Seeger, Charles L.
Woltjer, L.
Sandage, Allan R.
Lilley, A. Edward
Blaauw, A.
Kahn, F.D.
Burke, Bernard F.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:Miscellaneous Meetings Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Attendees at USA-USSR Radio Astronomy Symposium, Green Bank, 15-19 May 1961. Seated left to right: G.G. Getmansev, F.T. Haddock, M.S. Wade, S. Edmundsen (interpreter), R. Minkowski, V.V. Vitkevitch, O. Struve, R.L. Sorochenko, J.W. Firor, G. Keller, A.D. Kuzmin, R.N. Bracewell, F.D. Drake. Second row: C.M. Wade, E.F. McClain, V.A. Samanyan, P.D. Kalachev, G.J. Stanley, A.H. Barrett, H.F Weaver, G.W. Swenson Jr., C.H.Mayer, D.S. Heeschen, J.D. Kraus. Third row: G.B. Field, T.K. Menon, C.L. Seeger, L. Woltjer, A.R. Sandage, A.E. Lilley, A. Blaauw, F.D. Kahn, B.F. Burke. Absent from photo: G.R. Burbidge, J.W. Findlay, C.R. Lynds. [show more]