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People is exactly "Payne, John"
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Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Payne, John
Findlay, John W.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:12 Meter Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Subject:Instruments--12 Meter Telescope
Description:In May 1982, in the Green Bank Warehouse where the work was done, John Payne (left) and John Findlay contemplate engineering issues during the fabrication process for the new surface and back-up structure that would convert Tucson's 36 foot telescope into a 12 meter telescope. The 36 foot closed for resurfacing and upgrade on 15 July 1982, and first observations with the 12 meter were made on 17 January 1984. [show more]
Start Date:1974-06-27
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Payne, John
Balister, Michael
Kellermann, Kenneth I.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:140 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Instruments--140 Foot Telescope
Description:In June 1974, John Payne (back to camera), Mike Balister, and Ken Kellermann consider the four frequency Cassegrain receiver and feed assembly, with optics designed by Peter Napier, that was the prototype system for the VLA and was also used for the VLBA. It was a new and innovative concept, first developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use on their Deep Space Network antennas, where the four feeds were offset from the electrical axis and could be illuminated by rotating the asymmetric subreflector. Here it is being installed for testing on the 140ft antenna in Green Bank. [show more]
Start Date:1974-06-27
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Payne, John
Balister, Michael
Kellermann, Kenneth I.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:140 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Instruments--140 Foot Telescope
Description:In June 1974, John Payne (back to camera), Mike Balister, and Ken Kellermann consider the four frequency Cassegrain receiver and feed assembly, with optics designed by Peter Napier, that was the prototype system for the VLA and was also used for the VLBA. It was a new and innovative concept, first developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use on their Deep Space Network antennas, where the four feeds were offset from the electrical axis and could be illuminated by rotating the asymmetric subreflector. Here it is being installed for testing on the 140ft antenna in Green Bank. [show more]
Start Date:1978-03-15
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Campbell, William
Chestnut, Carl
Turner, Jerry
Wong, Woon Yin
Liptak, George
Turner, Barry
Payne, John
Balister, Michael
Varner, Irene
Weimer, Ron
Stone, Don
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:10 year award recipients - 1967 hires: Bill Campbell, Carl Chestnut, Jerry Turner, ?, Woon Yin Wong, George Liptak, Barry Turner, John Payne, Mike Balister, Irene Varner, Ron Weimer, Don Stone, ?
Start Date:1978-03-15
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Campbell, William
Chestnut, Carl
Turner, Jerry
Wong, Woon Yin
Liptak, George
Turner, Barry
Payne, John
Balister, Michael
Varner, Irene
Weimer, Ron
Stone, Don
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:10 year award recipients - 1967 hires: Bill Campbell, Carl Chestnut, Jerry Turner, unidentified, Woon Yin Wong, George Liptak, Barry Turner, John Payne, Mike Balister, Irene Varner, Ron Weimer, Don Stone, unidentified
Start Date:1975
Location:Kitt Peak, AZ
People:Payne, John
Rhodes, Paul
Gasho, Victor
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:36 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--36 Foot Telescope
Description:The surface accuracy of NRAO's 36 foot telescope in Tucson, which began operation in January 1968, fell significantly short of design specifications. In summer 1975, after measuring and mapping the surface to produce a contour map of surface errors, removing the surface paint, projecting the map onto the surface, and marking the contours on the aluminum surface, staff attempted to correct imperfections in the surface by "foiling the telescope." They filled surface "holes" with layers of 0.005 inch thick adhesive aluminum foil. Corrections were less effective than expected. Later the basic problem turned out not to be imperfections in the surface of the reflector but, rather, that the shape distorted with temperature (aluminum structure attached to a steel support structure - bimetallic strip effect) and also with gravity as the reflector tilted. Uncorrectable defects were part of the impetus for replacing the 36 foot reflector with a new 12 meter reflector. In this photo, John Payne (on the left in plaid cap), Paul Rhodes (right), and Victor Gasho (back to camera behind Paul) are hard at work attaching the adhesive foil. [show more]
Start Date:1969-08-13
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Payne, John
Gum, Maxie
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:36 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Instruments--36 Foot Telescope
Description:John Payne and Maxie Gum with feed for 36 Foot Telescope
Start Date:1977-07-21
People:Payne, John
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:36 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Subject:Instruments--36 Foot Telescope
Description:John Payne with maser for 36 Foot Telescope
Start Date:2005-09-30
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Payne, John
Heeschen, David S.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Employees Unit
Subunit:Retirements Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:"Hoggfest" 30 September 2005. John Payne and Dave Heeschen
Start Date:1974-06
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Balister, Michael
Payne, John
Kellermann, Kenneth I.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:140 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Instruments--Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA)
Description:In June 1974, John Payne (back to camera), Mike Balister, and Ken Kellermann consider the four frequency Cassegrain receiver and feed assembly, with optics designed by Peter Napier, that was the prototype system for the VLA and was also used for the VLBA. It was a new and innovative concept, first developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use on their Deep Space Network antennas, where the four feeds were offset from the electrical axis and could be illuminated by rotating the asymmetric subreflector. Here it is being installed for testing on the 140ft antenna in Green Bank. Mike says, "Judging by the way I was clutching my head [Ken] must have been giving us a hard time." Ken says he was the project scientist "assigned to hassle the Electronics Division." He adds, "Note I was comfortably sitting down and seem to be the only one that didn’t look puzzled, as appropriate for an advisor." After installation of the Cassegrain cabin on the 140 ft telescope the system was integrated and evaluated by Chuck Brockaway and Tom Dunbrack. [show more]
Start Date:1968-07-08
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Payne, John
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Type:Still Image
Description:John Payne, 1968
Start Date:1973-04-16
People:Payne, John
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Electronics, Computers and Equipment Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Description:John Payne and vibrating device
Start Date:1973-10-01
People:Payne, John
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Electronics, Computers and Equipment Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Description:John Payne with vibrating device
Start Date:1973-10-01
People:Brockway, Chuck
Brundage, William
Payne, John
Hamed, Tony
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Electronics, Computers and Equipment Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Description:Chuck Brockway, Bill Brundage, John Payne, Tony Hamed with vibrating device.
Start Date:1995-07
People:Payne, John
Nyman, Lars Ake
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:MMA/ALMA Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Subject:Instruments--Millimeter Array (MMA)
Instruments--Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Description:Lars-Ake Nyman (left) and John Payne in Valle de la Luna near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Location:Kitt Peak, AZ
People:Cochran, Jack
Payne, John
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:12 Meter Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Subject:Instruments--12 Meter Telescope
Description:Jack Cochran and John Payne change a receiver on the 12 meter telescope.
Start Date:1985-02
Location:Kitt Peak, AZ
People:Brown, Robert L.
Payne, John
Stobie, Betty
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:12 Meter Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Subject:Instruments--12 Meter Telescope
Description:Bob Brown watches as John Payne and Betty Stobie work on one of the 12 meter receiver packages.  There were 4 receiver "bays" that accommodated receiver packages like the one shown.  Usually one receiver "band" per package, i.e. the 1mm receiver band would have been housed in one of these packages. [show more]
Start Date:1969-10
Location:Crimea, USSR
People:Moiseyev, Ivan
Payne, John
Efanov, Victor
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:VLBI Series
Unit:VLBI Photographs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Subject:Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
Description:In October 1969 during the depths of the Cold War, after more than a year of scientific, diplomatic, and bureaucratic planning (and reams of paperwork), and followed by innumerable technical and logistical problems, the first US-USSR VLBI observations were made between the NRAO's 140 Foot Telescope in Green Bank and the Lebedev Physical Institute's 22 meter radio telescope in Crimea. Teams of NRAO and Soviet observers were on site for the hands-on observations. As described by Ken Kellermann in his series of articles in The Observer, a party was planned to follow the end of observing, "but as the last hour approached the observing room began to fill with spectators. When the last tape started the Russians produced, in their usual efficient manner, a round of glasses and several bottles of Cognac, and with toasts of Soviet-American friendship and cooperation, the first Green Bank-Crimea VLBI experiment was declared a success on the basis of having analyzed less than one half of one percent of the data." Celebrating in this photo are, standing left to right, Ivan Moiseyev (Director of the Crimean radio telescope), John Payne (NRAO), Victor Efanov (telescope staff). Seated is an unnamed member of the Crimean telescope staff. [show more]