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People is exactly "Howard, William E., III"
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Start Date:1975-01-13
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Petty, Monroe
Shank, Bill
Roberts, Morton S.
Clark, Barry
Sutton, Shep
Mann, Toby
Howard, William E., III
Coe, Jim
Meredith, Bill
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Ten year award recipients - 1964 hires. From left: ?, Monroe Petty, Bill Shank, Mort Roberts, Barry Clark, Shep Sutton, Toby Mann, Bill Howard, Jim Coe, ?, ?, Bill Meredith, ?
Start Date:1975-01-13
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Roberts, Morton S.
Mann, Toby
Shank, Bill
Sutton, Shep
Coe, Jim
Clark, Barry
Howard, William E., III
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Ten year award recipients - 1964 hires - detail. Front: Mort Roberts, Toby Mann; middle row: Bill Shank, Shep Sutton, Jim Coe; back row: Barry Clark, Bill Howard
Start Date:1975-01-13
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Petty, Monroe
Shank, Bill
Roberts, Morton S.
Clark, Barry
Sutton, Shep
Mann, Toby
Howard, William E., III
Coe, Jim
Meredith, Bill
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Ten year award recipients - 1964 hires. From left: ?, Monroe Petty, Bill Shank, Mort Roberts, Barry Clark, Shep Sutton, Toby Mann, Bill Howard, Jim Coe, ?, ?, Bill Meredith, ?
Start Date:2011-09-20
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Howard, William E., III
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures
Description:Bill Howard
Start Date:2011-09-20
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Howard, William E., III
Howard, Miriam
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures
Description:Bill Howard, Miriam Howard
Start Date:1976-11-18
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Howard, William E., III
Wang Shou Guan
Xiang Delin
Zheng Yi Jia
Kellermann, Kenneth I.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:300 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--300 Foot Telescope
Description:In November 1976, an official delegation of astronomers from the People's Republic of China visited the U.S., and on 18-19 November visited NRAO-Green Bank. They flew to Elkins and drove over the mountains, accompanied by a U.S. Government escort. The U.S. government had also sent advance security personnel to check the site, including Redwood House, where Green Bank Site Director Bill Howard was living and where an evening reception was held (Bill Howard says security personnel even looked under the beds). In October 1977, NRAO Director David S. Heeschen was a member of the official U.S. delegation of astronomers who visited China. Front row: Bill Howard, Wang Shou Guan [Director of Beijing Observatory], Xiang Delin [Nanjing Observatory], unknown [possibly a translator], Zheng Yi Jia [Beijing Observatory], unknown, unknown. Back row: unknown, Ken Kellermann, unknown. [show more]
Start Date:1964-10-22
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Howard, William E., III
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Type:Still Image
Start Date:2005-09-30
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Crews, Fred
Hogg, David E.
Howard, William E., III
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Employees Unit
Subunit:Retirements Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Retirement dinner for Dave Hogg, 29 September 2005. Fred Crews, Dave Hogg, Bill Howard
Start Date:2005-09-30
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Howard, Miriam
Howard, William E., III
Thompson, Richard
Thompson, Sheila
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Employees Unit
Subunit:Retirements Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Retirement dinner for Dave Hogg, 29 September 2005. Miriam and Bill Howard, Dick and Sheila Thompson
Start Date:1956
Location:Cambridge, MA
People:Drake, Frank D.
Howard, William E., III
Lilley, A. Edward
Menon, T. Kochu
Heeschen, David S.
Ewen, Harold I. (Doc)
Connelley, Mary
Bok, Bart
Creator:Papers of David S. Heeschen
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Color print
Description:Back row: Frank Drake, Bill Howard, Ed Lilley, T.K. Menon, Dave Heeschen. Front row: Harold Ewen, Mary Connelley, Bart Bok Photo taken by Frank Edmondson in the fall of 1956 prior to lunch at the Harvard Faculty Club.
Start Date:2002-10-11
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Minter, Toney
Howard, William E., III
Broderick, John
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Conferences and Talks Series
Unit:Conference Photographs Unit
Subunit:Radio Astronomy at the Fringe Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Toney Minter, Bill Howard, John Broderick.
Start Date:2002-10-10
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Howard, William E., III
van der Laan, Harry
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Conferences and Talks Series
Unit:Conference Photographs Unit
Subunit:Radio Astronomy at the Fringe Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Bill Howard, Harry van der Laan.