7 items found
Author is exactly "Will, Clifford M."
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Start Date:Nov-84
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Original Format of Digital Item:Website
Description:Webpage print off of abstract look up for "The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment: An Update" by Clifford M. Will in Physics Reports, vol 113, no 6, pp 345 - 422 (1984)
Start Date:Oct-99
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Article from Physics Today on the subject by Clifford M. Will, October 1999
Start Date:6/1/2015
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Editorial article from Classical and Quantum Gravity on the subject by Clifford M. Will, 1 June 2015
Start Date:Dec-10
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Article from the American Journal of Physics as "an introduction to some of the main current topics in experimental tests of general relativity as well as some of the historical literature" by Clifford M. Will, December 2010
Start Date:Oct-83
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Article from Sky and Telescope on the subject by Clifford M. Will, October 1983
Start Date:2014-09-22
End Date:2015-06-01
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Publication from Classical and Quantum Gravity on the subject by Clifford M. Will, 1 June 2015
Start Date:Nov-84
End Date:2006-03-27
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Publication from Living Reviews in Relativity as a followup and expansion to the earlier 1984 publication in Physics Report "The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment: An Update" by Clifford M. Will, 27 March 2006