6 items found
Author is exactly "W. E. Howard III"
Sorted by Title
Start Date:1973-05-07
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Travel authorization for N. C. Wickramasinghe
Start Date:1973-03-27
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Sent NRAO literature and an announcement about summer student program
Start Date:1972-07-26
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Invitation to Shklovsky to visit NRAO
Start Date:1974-02-28
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Offer of appointment as research associate at NRAO
Start Date:1974-02-13
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Reply to Stephens letter of 2/5/1974
Start Date:1974-02-26
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Offer of appointment as research associate at NRAO