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Start Date:1962-12-14
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Unit:Newspaper and Magazine Clippings about Reber
Description:Radio telescopes; Wheaton telescope
Start Date:1952-12-22
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Unit:Miscellaneous Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Description:George van Biesbroeck and Einstein's theory of relativity
Start Date:1951-11-26
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Unit:Newspaper and Magazine Clippings about Reber at NBS
Description:Message from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to the moon, to NBS, Sterling, VA
Start Date:1952-05-19
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Unit:Miscellaneous Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Description:Jodrell Bank telescope