3 items found
Author is exactly "Ryle, M."
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Start Date:8/25/1950
End Date:10/29/1950
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Publication from the Royal Astronomical Society on the subject by M. Ryle, F. G. Smith and B. Elsmore. 29 October 1950
Start Date:1950
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Reprint in Reports on Progress in Physics of Radio Astronomy by M. Ryle, 1950
Start Date:5/6/1955
End Date:Aug-55
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Publication from The Observatory of the Halley Lecture given on 6 May 1955 by Martin Ryle, August 1955