3 items found
Author is exactly "Robert L. Pyle"
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Start Date:1958-02-28
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations
Unit:Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations at Haleakala
Description:Does not have originals of microbarograph charts but does have photostats; encloses his report on Maui observations
Start Date:1958-07-31
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations
Unit:Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations at Haleakala
Description:Atmospheric pressure and the television stations
Start Date:1959-05-27
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations
Unit:Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations at Haleakala
Description:Sends copies of missing charts; explains his work for the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries