3 items found
Author is exactly "Jill J. Wittels"
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Start Date:1974-12-30
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Application for post-doctoral research position
Start Date:1975-01-20
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Reply to Hogg's letter of 1/3/1975
Start Date:1975-04-30
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Heeschen General Correspondence Subunit
Description:Accepted another position