9 items found
Author is exactly "George W. Swenson"
Sorted by Title
Start Date:1965
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Start Date:1965-07
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Start Date:1965-07-30
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Start Date:1966-01-07
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Start Date:1976
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Series
Unit:US - USSR VLBI Experiments Unit
Subject:Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
Description:Informal notes.
Start Date:1965-07-28
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Start Date:1966-01-06
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Start Date:1965-07-06
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Start Date:1965-01-27
Creator:Papers of John W. Findlay
Series:NRAO Instruments and Projects Series
Unit:Very Large Array (VLA) Unit
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)