7 items found
Author is exactly "Ewen, Doc"
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Start Date:2001
End Date:2003
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Four lecture series write-ups by Doc Ewen: "A-Hydrogen-NRAO May '01" from 2001; and "B-Harvard Cyclotron-1948 to 1951", "C-Harvard 24 and 60 Foot Radio Telescopes", and "D-Roads that Crossed in the Wood During the Fifty's and Sixty's" from 2003 [show more]
Start Date:1964-06-06
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Publication from Nature on the subject by B. J. Robinson, F. F. Gardner, K. J. van Damme and John Bolton, 6 June 1964
Start Date:1964-01-18
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Two articles from Nature, 18 January 1964: "Observation of OH Absorption Lines in the Radio Spectrum of the Galactic Centre" by John Bolton, K. J. van Damme, F. F. Gardner and B. J. Robinson; and "Radio Observations of the Interstellar OH Line at 1667 Mc/s" by N. H. Dieter and Doc Ewen [show more]
Start Date:1951
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Brief article from the Astronomical Journal on the subject by Doc Ewen and Edward Purcell, 1951
Start Date:1951
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Publication on the subject by Doc Ewen, n.d. but after 1951. Scan makes origin and page numbering, and some text, illegible
Start Date:1958
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Two drafts, same title; one with editorial marks, n.d. but after 1958 based on citations. The drafts are only similar in title, authorship, and first half of first sentence
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Scan of typed draft, with some editorial marks, for "Radiation from Galactic Hydrogen at 1420 Mc/sec" by H. I. Ewen and E. M. Purcell, n.d.