9 items found
Type contains "Still Image" AND People is exactly "Giovanelli, Riccardo"
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Start Date:1999-11
People:Sakamoto, Seiichi
Yun, Min
Giovanelli, Riccardo
Radford, Simon
Otarola, Angel
Nyman, Lars Ake
Brooks, Kate
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:MMA/ALMA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Description:As part of ALMA site testing, weather balloons, or radiosondes, were launched to measure the vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity. Balloons were launched about 1 km west of the present location of the ALMA AOS building, and the equipment, including the tanks of helium for the balloons, was stored in a container. Inside the container in November 1999, l-r: Seichi Sakamoto, Min Yun, Riccardo Giovanelli, Simon Radford, Angel Otarola, Lars Ake Nyman, and Kate Brooks. [show more]
Start Date:1994-05
People:Giovanelli, Riccardo
Quintana, Hernan
Creator:Papers of Robert L. Brown
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Millimeter Array (MMA)
Description:Riccardo Giovanelli center, Hernan Quintana by truck - Auconquilcha - site 19 identified by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory as possible MMA site
Start Date:1994-05
People:Giovanelli, Riccardo
Quintana, Hernan
Otarola, Angel
Creator:Papers of Robert L. Brown
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Millimeter Array (MMA)
Description:Riccardo Giovanelli at far right, Hernan Quintana, Angel Otarola in center - Auconquilcha - site 19 identified by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory as possible MMA site
Start Date:1994-05
Location:Antofagasta, Chile
People:Vanden Bout, Paul
Giovanelli, Riccardo
Quintana, Hernan
Creator:Papers of Robert L. Brown
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Millimeter Array (MMA)
Description:NRAO was still looking for a site for the Millimeter Array when Paul Vanden Bout and the late Bob Brown made their very first exploratory trip to Chile, 18-23 May 1994. In 2004, Bob wrote about the trip, saying, "I remember vividly our first trip to Chile. It was in May 1994 where we went to see the two 'best' sites that had been identified by the SAO group, both of those sites being near Ollague. The next day we ended up stuck in the sand of the Paso de Jama, but clearly impressed that this area, not the area near Ollague was better if for no reason [than] because of its accessibility. .... Specifically, re Ollague, we visited sites #19 and 20 on the SAO list of candidate sites and there are photos of both (which look like everything else in the Atacama, barren and flat). .... The final result, identification of the Chajnantor site, did not occur on this trip. Instead, that was done on the day following the visit of Bill Harris and Hugh Van Horn to Chile in October 1994." In this photo taken by Bob Brown, Paul Vanden Bout (white hat), Riccardo Giovanelli (light blue sweater), and Hernan Quintana (dark sweater) gas up the rental car in Antofagasta at the start of the trip. [show more]
Start Date:1994-05
Location:Ollague, Chile
People:Quintana, Hernan
Otarola, Angel
Giovanelli, Riccardo
Creator:Papers of Robert L. Brown
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Millimeter Array (MMA)
Description:Hernan Quintana, Angel Otarola, Riccardo Giovanelli in Ollague, Chile
Start Date:1994-05
Location:San Juan, Argentina
People:Levato, Hugo
Colom, Raul
Brown, Robert L.
Giovanelli, Riccardo
Vanden Bout, Paul
Creator:Papers of Robert L. Brown
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:At Los Leoncitos Observatory, Argentina. From left to right: Hugo Levato (Director of the Astronomical Complex El Leoncito), Raul Colom (Institute for Astronomy and Physics of Space), Bob Brown, Riccardo Giovanelli, Paul Vanden Bout
Start Date:2005-09-30
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Giovanelli, Riccardo
Uson, Juan
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Employees Unit
Subunit:Retirements Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:"Hoggfest" 30 September 2005. Riccardo Giovanelli and Juan Uson
Start Date:1981-11
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Verter, Frances
Rickard, Lee J
Jog, Chanda
Ho, Paul
Martin, Robert
Giovanelli, Riccardo
Vietri, Mario
Combes, Franciose
Mathieu, Robert
Kerr, Frank
Seaquist, Ernest
Thonnard, Norbert
Turner, Barry
Kutner, Marc
Stark, Anthony
Lockman, Jay
de Grauw, Thijs
Bosma, Albert
Lord, Steve
Sancisi, Renzo
Bally, John
Dame, Thomas
Harper, Doyal
Blitz, Leo
Dickel, John
Smith, James
Mead, Kathryn
Peters, William
Young, Judith
Tacconi, Linda
Haynes, Martha
Havlen, Robert
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia, and Lectures Unit
Subunit:Conferences, Symposia, and Colloquia Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print
Description:In November 1981, 32 of the 42 registrants at the Extragalactic Molecules workshop gathered for a photo. Front, left to right: Frances Verter, Lee J Rickard, Chanda Jog, Paul Ho, Robert Martin, Riccardo Giovanelli, Mario Vietri?, Françoise Combes, Robert Mathieu, Frank Kerr, Ernest Seaquist, Norbert Thonnard, Barry Turner, Marc Kutner, Anthony Stark, Jay Lockman, Thijs de Grauw. Back, left to right: Albert Bosma, Steve Lord, Renzo Sancisi, John Bally, Thomas Dame, Doyal Harper, Leo Blitz, John Dickey, James Smith, Kathryn Mead, William Peters, Judith Young, Linda Tacconi, Martha Haynes, Robert Havlen. [show more]
Start Date:1971
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Giovanelli, Riccardo
Smith, Barbara
Lucignani, Linda
Boyle, Robert
Koo, David
Yeung, Patrick
Fawley, William
Smith, Haywood
Zabek, Mark
Burke, David
Lada, Charles
Giguere, Paul
McMillan, Robert
Fullmer, James
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1971 summer students in Green Bank. Seated, left to right: Riccardo Giovanelli, Barbara Smith, Linda Lucignani, Robert Boyle. 2nd row: David Koo, Patrick Yeung, William Fawley, Haywood Smith, Mark Zabek. 3rd row: David Burke, Charles Lada, Paul Giguere, Robert McMillan, James Fullmer. Not present when photo was taken: Keith Sword, James Jafolla, Louis Gross, Allan Spradling, Trinh Thuan. [show more]