4 items found
Type contains "Still Image" AND People is exactly "Bracewell, Mark"
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Start Date:2005
Location:Stanford, CA
People:Bracewell, Mark
Wilson, Thomas
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Photographs and Moving Images Series
Unit:Photographs Unit
Type:Still Image
Description:Boxes of Ron Bracewell materials on loading dock at Stanford before shipping to NRAO Archives, 2005. L-r: Mark Bracewell, Tom Wilson.
Start Date:2023-09028
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Bracewell, Mark
Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Mark Bracewell and Woody Sullivan discuss Sullivan's wrist sundial tattoo and how to use it.
People:Bracewell, Mark
Bracewell, Wendy
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Ribbons are cut by Mark and Wendy Bracewell for the official "first shadow" at precisely solar noon. Note the gnomon's shadow covering the large central disk.
Start Date:1995-00-00
Location:Stanford, CA
People:Bracewell, Mark
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Subject Series
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Color print
Description:Mark Bracewell with the sundial, later installed on the Terman building at Stanford University. The pattern on the sundial plate was hand-carved by Mark Bracewell, Ron Bracewell's son.