58 items found
Subject is exactly "Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial"
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Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
People:Vargas, Angelica
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Angelica Vargas of the New Mexico Tech Astronomy Club re-paints Bracewell's signature on the sundial's noon pier.
People:Rickett, Barney
Clark, Barry
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Radio astronomers Barney Rickett and Barry Clark stand by the signatures that they had chiseled into the Stanford piers under Bracewell's supervision a half century before.
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Visitor brochure for the Bracewell Radio Sundial at the VLA site.
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:A pier is gently lowered into place by a crane.
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:The Bracewell Radio Sundial's gnomon casts a faint shadow on the afternoon of a cloudy day. IN the background, the VLA observes a radio source unaffected by the clouds.
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:The long, ellipsoidal arc of Cassiopeia A's radio shadow track stretches out into a road, although for practical purposes the plaques do not extend quite so far. A portion of the Cygnus A radio shadow track is also seen.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Saavedra, Leo
Goss, Miller
del Solare, Cristina
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Leo Saavedra, Miller Goss, Cristina del Solare.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Peck, Alison
Goss, Miller
Lang, Cornelia
van Gorkom, Jacqueline
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Miller Goss and some of his PhD students: Chris DePree, Alison Peck, Miller Goss, Cornelia Lang, Jacqueline van Gorkom.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Goss, Miller
Bracewell, Mark
Bouton, Ellen
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Bob Lash, Miller Goss, Mark Bracewell, and Ellen Bouton at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Close-up of solar noon at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Wendt, Harry
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan and Harry Wendt announce solar noon at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Wendt, Harry
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan and Harry Wendt count down to solar noon at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Pawsey, Hastings
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Hastings Pawsey speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Stanzione, Guy
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Guy Stanzione speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Stanley, Judy
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Judy Stanley speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Goss, Miller
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Miller Goss speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Lash, Robert
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Bob Lash speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Bracewell pillars with chiseled signatures.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Speaker and audience reflected in the sundial gnomon.
Start Date:2023-09028
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Bracewell, Mark
Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Mark Bracewell and Woody Sullivan discuss Sullivan's wrist sundial tattoo and how to use it.
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:The large, central disk (20-inch (51 cm) diameter) anchoring the entire pattern at noon on the equinoxes. One of the two dial mottos can be read along the bottom edge.