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Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1975-01
People:Reber, Grote
Creator:Papers of Grote Reber
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:People Unit
Subunit:Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken to accompany a January 1975 article about Reber in CoResearch (the CSIRO employee newsletter).
Start Date:1963-03
People:Kerr, Frank
Schmidt, Maarten
Bowen, Taffy
Westerhout, Gart
Lequeux, James
Burke, Bernard F.
deVaucouleurs, Gerard
Oort, Johanna
Parijiskii, Yuri
Oort, Jan
Hurlburt, G.
Armbartsumian, Viktor
Weaver, Harold F.
Bok, Bart
Creator:Papers of Bernard F. Burke
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Possible side trip to Siding Springs. See identifications in second photo.
Start Date:1955-03-16
People:Carpenter, Martha Stahr
Creator:Papers of Martha Stahr Carpenter
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:View showing U.S. H-line radio astronomer, Martha Stahr Carpenter (Cornell University), posing with the 11m (36 ft) antenna at Potts Hill, during a visit to the Radiophysics Laboratory.
Start Date:1955-03-16
People:Carpenter, Martha Stahr
Creator:Papers of Martha Stahr Carpenter
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:View showing U.S. H-line radio astronomer, Martha Stahr Carpenter (Cornell University), posing with the 11m (36 ft) antenna at Potts Hill, during a visit to the Radiophysics Laboratory.
Start Date:1955-03-16
People:Carpenter, Martha Stahr
Creator:Papers of Martha Stahr Carpenter
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:View showing U.S. H-line radio astronomer, Martha Stahr Carpenter (Cornell University), posing with some of the instrumentation in the receiver hut of the 11m (36 ft) antenna at Potts Hill, during a visit to the Radiophysics Laboratory.
Start Date:1968-12-00
People:Goss, Miller
Creator:Papers of W. Miller Goss
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Miller Goss atop the mast of Radhakrishnan's catamaran, Cygnus A, on a trip from Sydney to Lord Howe Island in December 1968.
People:Goss, Miller
Radhakrishnan, V.
Creator:Papers of W. Miller Goss
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Miller Goss, left, and Radhakrishnan on Rad's catamaran in Australia, between 1968 and 1970.