Records of the NRAO > Photographs Series > NRAO Employees Unit > NRAO Social Events Subunit

Collection Items

Green Bank Recreation, 1962
Description: Baseball players in Green Bank
Start Date: 1962

Green Hornets Basketball Team, 1963
Description: Left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, Russ Poling, Wally Oref, Ron Monk.
Start Date: 1963

Green Bank Recreation, February 1963
Description: Basketball players in Green Bank. Left to right: John Ralston, Herman Coleman, unidentified, Bill Vraible, Brown Cassell, Carl Davis
Start Date: 1963-02-28

Basketball Team, 1963
Description: Left to right: Ted Riffe, Sydney Smith, Dewey Ross, Maxie Gum, unknown, unknown.
Start Date: 1963

Green Bank Recreation, 1966
Description: Skiing on a slope near the Hannah House in Green Bank, February 1966
Start Date: 1966-02-06

Green Bank Recreation, 1969
Description: Winter 1969-1970 basketball players in Green Bank. Front row: Russ Poling, Tom Carpenter, Jerry Shears, Wendell Monk. Back row: Maxie Gum, Don Gordon, Benny White, Ron Monk, Bill Brundage, Bob Nichols, Len Howell, Bill Vraible
Start Date: 1969-12-29

Summer Picnic, 1969
Description: Children at Green Bank 1969 summer picnic
Start Date: 1969-08-15

Summer Picnic, 1971
Description: Game and contest winners, 1971 Green Bank summer picnic
Start Date: 1971-08-16

Holiday Party, December 1972
Description: The Children's Christmas Party in Charlottesville, 1972. Sandy Weinreb is on the left in the light suit, Cam Wade is on the left in the dark suit, Gerrit Verschuur is third from the right at the back.
Start Date: 1972-12

Holiday Party, December 1977
Description: Children's Christmas party, Green Bank, December 1977
Start Date: 1977-12-19

Basketball in Charlottesville, late 1970s
Description: Over the years, NRAO staff members have participated in a variety of sports, organized in differing degrees from occasional informal games to regular league play: softball, volleyball, golf, bowling, basketball, and even cricket in Socorro in…

Cricket in New Mexico, 1980
Description: The winning cricket team, Socorro, November 1980. Front row: Peter Napier, Chris Salter, Dave Gibson, Gareth Hunt [captain]. Back row: Carl Bignell (holding Celeste and John Bignell), Bill Randolph, Rosalie Ewald, Tim Cornwell, Eva Jean Rigby,…
Start Date: 1980-11

Alan Bridle, 29 July 1981
Description: This photo was taken at Gareth Hunt's house on 29 July 1981. The occasion was a gathering that Gareth organized to mark that day's Royal Wedding (of Prince Charles and Princess Diana) at which guests were encouraged to dress up as if for a royal…
Start Date: 1981-07-29

Farewell Party for Sarah Stevens-Rayburn, 29 July 1983
Description: The NRAO Charlottesville library and adjoining breezeway were for many years the venue for various parties and celebrations. This 29 July 1983 event was a farewell to Sarah Stevens-Rayburn as she left the NRAO library for the STScI library. From…
Start Date: 1983-07-29

Charlottesville Electronics Employees, 1983
Description: The Ivy Road Gang, headed by 2011 Jansky Lecturer Sandy Weinreb, gather for a late 1983 farewell lunch for retiring Art Shalloway. Left to right: Walter Brown, Vince Summers, Ron Harris, Larry D'Addario, Warren Richardson, Marek Faber, Mike…
Start Date: 1983

Bicyclists, 1984
Description: For many years, Hein Hvatum, long-time NRAO Associate Director and avid bicyclist, organized a group each summer to bicycle the 120 mountainous miles from Charlottesville to Green Bank to attend the annual Green Bank picnic. The group rode to Green…
Start Date: 1984

Golf Tournament, 1987
Description: Since around 1980 the NRAO Site Business Managers have taken turns hosting a group meeting. Attendees at the early meetings were business managers only from what were then our four sites: Green Bank, Charlottesville, Tucson, and Socorro. Meeting…
Start Date: 1987-10-07

Charlottesville Wellness Program Employee Participants, 1994
Description: In fall 1994 a wellness program in Green Bank and Charlottesville encouraged employees to begin a regular walking program with a challenge between the two sites. Which site's walkers could "travel" to the most VLBA antennas? Green Bank walkers won…
Start Date: 1994

Green Bank Wellness Program Employee Participants, 1994
Description: In fall 1994 a wellness program in Green Bank and Charlottesville encouraged employees to begin a regular walking program with a challenge between the two sites. Which site's walkers could "travel" to the most VLBA antennas? Green Bank walkers won…
Start Date: 1994

Orbiting VLBI Party at Green Bank, 1997
Description: Orbiting VLBI party in Green Bank to celebrate the the successful February 1997 launch of the Japanese HALCA satellite and the participation of Green Bank's 45 foot telescope in its tracking. Left to right: Mike Stennes, Jay Lockman, Glen Langston,…
Start Date: 1997

NRAO Participants in the American Heart Association Walk in Charlottesville, 4 October 1998
Description: NRAO employees have often participated, either individually or as a team, in various community walks/runs, including Walk for Alzheimer's, 4 Our Freedom 5K, Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, and other locally organized events. This photo is of NRAO…
Start Date: 1998-10-04

Bicyclists, 1999
Description: Astrophytness, the NRAO wellness program, sponsored the "Hein Hvatum Memorial VLA Bicycle Challenge," a bicycle ride from Socorro to the VLA site and back (with several options for shorter rides). Hein Hvatum, long-time NRAO Associate Director, was…
Start Date: 1999

Hikers in Green Bank, 2001
Description: The picture was taken by Frank Ghigo at the end of a 2001 hike from the Observatory to the store at Cass along the Allegheny Trail. The hike climbs from the western side of the observatory along Slavin Hollow to the top of and then along the ridge…
Start Date: 2001

Chile Cookoff, Charlottesville, 2001
Description: Chili cookoffs have been a long-time staple of NRAO social events at all sites, with a wide variety of recipes and selections at all levels of the Scoville Scale. In this December 2001 photo, Charlottesville cooks are smiling happily after sampling…
Start Date: 2001-12

Tucson Summer Picnic, 2001
Description: In this 2001 photo from Tucson's picnic at Fort Lowell Park, an ALMA Test Facility (ATF) group is in charge of the grill. Left to right: Ralph Snel (a visitor from Lund University in Sweden working at the ATF; he lived on a farm in Sweden and had a…
Start Date: 2001

Flag Across America Run, 2001
Description: In November 2001 NRAO-NM hosted the runners and support personnel of the "Americans United Flag Across America" run. The transcontinental memorial and fund raising effort by American and United Airlines employees honored flight crews and victims…
Start Date: 2001-11-05

Transit of Venus, 2004
Description: A transit of Venus occurs when Venus passes between the sun and a superior planet, making Venus visible as a small black dot against the solar disk. Transits of Venus are rare, with two transits eight years apart occurring roughly every 243 years. …
Start Date: 2004-06-08

"Pipe Choir," Charlottesville, December 2007
Description: In this December 2007 photo, the "Pipe Choir" performs at a Charlottesville business office lunch. Bill Porter says, "I had found a Christmas craft project that told how to make chimes by cutting galvanized pipe to different lengths, and gave…
Start Date: 2007-12

Taste of Diversity Lunch, Charlottesville, 2013
Description: At the "A Taste of Diversity" potluck lunch in Charlottesville in January 2013, people shared favorite dishes (and recipes) from their family traditions.
Start Date: 2013-01-16

Community Dinner
Description: Community dinner, Cass, WV.

Community Dinner
Description: Community dinner, Cass, WV. Cam Wade and Mary Jane Wade (both wearing glasses) on the right, Sebastian von Hoerner (leaning forward) on the left
Start Date: 1960-00-00

Collection Tree