Records of the NRAO > Director's Office Series > Non-NRAO Professional Organizations and Committees Unit

Collection Items

Description: This subunit includes correspondence, reports, memos, meeting minutes, membership lists, nomination letters, and other materials for the International Union of Radio Science, its U.S. National Committee, and Commission J (Radio Astronomy). David S.…
Start Date: 1957

Description: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory jointly agreed that the specialized facilities of JPL's Deep Space Network (DSN) be made available to support a modest…
Start Date: 1969

Description: Project West Ford was a joint effort of the Department of Defense and NASA to place in orbit at a height of about 2,000 nautical miles a large number of dipole needles to use for communications; they were expected to remain in orbit for as little as…
Start Date: 1959

Description: The charge of the Space Science Board's Space Research Summer Study, meeting in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 21 June - 3 July 1965, was to review space research problems of importance for study in the decade, and to reassess the findings of the Summer…
Start Date: 1964

Description: This subunit includes correspondence, notes, and reports gathered during David S. Heeschen's tenure on the Fachbeirat between December 1970 and April 1975.
Start Date: 1969

Description: This subunit includes correspondence, memos, and meeting minutes for the Committee on Federal Laboratories of the Federal Council on Science and Technology for the period March 1969 through May 1973.
Start Date: 1969

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