Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann > VLBI Series > US-USSR VLBI Experiments Unit

Collection Items

Correspondence, 1968-1970
Description: Correspondence and other materials re proposal, planning, and followup for US-USSR VLBI experiment in September-October 1969.
Start Date: 1968-02-23

Longair: Notes on Russian Stay, 1968-1969
Description: Undated informal notes on year spent as Royal Society Exchange Visitor at Lebedev Institute, 1968-1969.

Start Date: 1969

Description: Includes correspondence, press releases, drafts of papers, experiment logs, and other materials related to the 1969 experiment.
Start Date: 1969-09-08

Start Date: 1970

Start Date: 1970

Description: Observational notes for 1971 VLBI experiment.
Start Date: 1971-00-00

US-USSR VLBI Experiment, Crimea, 1971
Description: Local workers unpacking equipment at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. The metal hoop (ring) is an antenna to receive the Loran timing signals.
Start Date: 1971-07-00

US-USSR VLBI Experiment, Crimea, 1971
Description: Dinner to celebrate a successful VLBI experiment. Observatory manager Ivan Efanoff is in the striped shirt.
Start Date: 1971-07-00

US-USSR VLBI Experiment, Crimea, 1971
Description: Dinner to celebrate a successful VLBI experiment. Ivan Moiseyev, Director of the Radio Observatory proposing a toast.
Start Date: 1971-07-00

US-USSR VLBI Experiment, Crimea, 1971
Description: Dinner to celebrate a successful VLBI experiment. Observatory manager Ivan Efanoff is in the striped shirt.
Start Date: 1971-07-00

Description: Informal notes.
Start Date: 1976

Description: Pages 7-12, discussing radio telescope KRT-10 erected at the aft end docking port of the Russian Salyut-6 station.
Start Date: 1979-10-03

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