Papers of W. Miller Goss > Joseph L. Pawsey Series > Pawsey Book Unit

Collection Items

Description: Goss notes and summary, as well as photocopied pages with annotations.
Start Date: 2018-02-18

Description: Materials related to Merton and Barber: The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity.

Description: Notes, correspondence.

Description: Photocopies of typescripts, clippings, obituaries of Radiophysics staff, etc.

Description: Photocopies of chapters, correspondence.

Description: Notes on Pawsey family.

Description: Notes, emails, photocopies.

Description: Copy of transcript of Pawsey's diary, transcribed by Hastings and Liz Pawsey.

Description: Reprints.

Description: Includes professional correspondence (including application correspondence) and typed transcripts of personal correspondence.
Start Date: 1931-00-00

Description: Copy of Pawsey's 1931 MSci thesis and related materials, including information on Pawseys' 1851 Exhibition Scholarship.

Description: Notes and index listings of photos and slides.

Description: Copy of Pawsey's 1934 PhD Dissertation, with reprints of articles based on the dissertation.
Start Date: 1934-11-00

Description: Materials related to degree,1934 family correspondence, formal graduation photograph.
Start Date: 1934-00-00

Description: Correspondence and other documents about family, marriage, professional work, and return to Australia.

Description: Definition and description.

Description: Information on Radiation Laboratory at MIT. Bowen: 1940 report on radar use, 1942 report on visit to Bell Labs.

Description: Annotated copies of articles from The 'Boffins' of Botany Bay: Radar at the University of Sydney 1939-1945, ed. Roy MacLeod.
Start Date: 1999-00-00

Description: Copies of chapter 19 (Radar) and chapter 29 (The Ten Years after the War) from D.P. Mellor, The Role of Science and Industry, 1958.
Start Date: 1958-00-00

Description: Annotated photocopy of Who Were They: The Royal Australian Air Force on Collaroy Plateau in the Second World War, by Ted Dellit, 2000.
Start Date: 2000-00-00

Description: Photocopy of Over the Hump and Onwards: Royal Australian Air Force Radar Station no. 50 in WWII, Alex G. Culvenor, 2010.
Start Date: 2010-00-00

Description: Copies of articles, book pages, Web pages, and other materials related to World War II radar in Australia.

Description: Set of short publications on Australian World War II radar, written or edited by Morrie Fenton.
Start Date: 1995-00-00

Description: Copies of Radar Yarns, edited by Ed. Simmons and Norm Smith, 1991.
Start Date: 1991-09-00

Description: Photocopy of More Radar Yarns, edited by Ed Simmons, 1992 (Internet edition 2007)
Start Date: 1992-11-00

Description: Photocopy of Adventures in Radar, by F.H. Porter, 5th edition, 1994.
Start Date: 1994-00-00

Description: Materials include 1941 "Preliminary Report of S.L.C." by G.H. Munro.

Description: Correspondence and reports.
Start Date: 1942-07-14

Description: "The Story of I.F.F. (Identification Friend or Foe)", by Lord Bowen of Chesterfield.

Description: Correspondence and notes of oral interview with Bowen.
Start Date: 1976-02-25

Description: Miscellaneous documentation on radar as the single weapon that won World War II.

Description: Correspondence.
Start Date: 1980-05-14

Description: Materials on pulse-phase flutter in radar.

Description: Copies of two manuals.
Start Date: 1941-06-04

Description: Assorted documentation.

Description: Material on World War II radar equipment and installations at various sites in Australia.

Description: Photos of exhibits related to radar taken by Goss at Australian War Memorial.

Description: Correspondence stamped "Most Secret" related to radar-related equipment and work.
Start Date: 1940-08-19

Description: Timeline compiled by Goss detailing involvement and activities of Radio Research Board, Radiophysics, and individual scientists.

Description: Material on Royal Air Force radar installation at Bawdsey in East Anglia, directed by Robert Watson-Watt.

Description: Radiophysics reports 1940-1943, copy of Dover Heights log book, 8 May 1940-17 September 1941.
Start Date: 1940-06-27

Description: Correspondence re equipment manufacture by Radiophysics for Australian Ministry of Munitions.
Start Date: 1942-02-24

Description: Manual used in initial training of wireless maintenance mechanics between 1941 and 1945 at the Radio School of the Melbourne Technical College during World War II.
Start Date: 1941-00-00

Description: Miscellaneous background materials for chapter 9 on radar, Radiophysics, individuals, etc.

Description: Correspondence, travel arrangements, notes, reports re Pawsey's visit to the US, July-October 1941.

Description: Notes, reports, reprints of historical articles.

Description: Reprints, reviews, correspondence re Tizard Mission.

Description: Article copies.

Description: Biographical material, correspondence re Harold Hartley, a friend of Tizard's.

Description: Materials re proposal for Pawsey to visit the UK to work with M. L. Oliphant.

Description: Materials by and about M.L. Oliphant.

Description: Materials re Alfred George Pither, Len Beadell, with annotated copies of scattered pages from "Fire Across the Desert," an account of the Joint Anglo Australian Project that led to establishment of the township Woomera and the missile testing range.

Description: Correspondence and reports on post-War role of CSIR.
Start Date: 1943-03-02

Description: Correspondence by and about David F. Martyn. 1929-1975.
Start Date: 1929-11-29

Description: Correspondence copies from 1940s; notes and drafts by Goss for NRAO Online.8.

Description: Correspondence, reports, reprints on LW/AW (Lightweight Air Warning).

Description: Materials by or about Robert Watson-Watt.

Description: Copies of 1935 patents and 1950 correspondence related to them.

Description: Materials on administration and structure of CSIR and Radiophysics Laboratory.

Description: Correspondence and other materials re Bowen's appointment as Chief of Radiophysics.
Start Date: 1944-11-14

Description: Correspondence, reports, and other materials on post-war plans for work at Radiophysics.

Description: Correspondence, reports, and other materials on post-war plans and programs for work at Radiophysics.

Description: Reports and notes for Goss talks.

Description: Maxwell: Enhanced Solar Radiation at 3 Metre Wavelengths, November 1948. Includes Goss notes.

Description: Reports and papers by Alexander, 1945-1946; biographical information.

Description: Material on discovery of first records of Australian radio astronomy, kept by Sally Atkinson.

Description: Reprints and correspondence related to work at Colloroy of McCraedy, Pawsey, and Payne-Scott, 1946-1947.
Start Date: 1946-00-00

Description: Reprints, notes, correspondence.

Description: Reprints, notes, correspondence.

Description: Reports, correspondence.

Description: 2014 discovery of Pawsey's long-missing original solar work and data: notes, correspondence, data, and Goss lecture notes.

Description: Pawsey’s original work sheets and calculations from 1945-1946 with data from Collaroy and Dover Heights concerning radio observations of the sun.
Start Date: 1945-10-10

Description: 1946-1947 correspondence re solar paper proposed for Nature.

Description: Reprint and extensive correspondence re Pawsey's 1950 Proc. IRE review paper, "Solar Radio-Frequency Radiation."

Description: Reprints, correpondence.

Description: Division or Radiophysics annual report for the year ending 30 June 1948.
Start Date: 1948-00-00

Description: Correspondence and reports.
Start Date: 1946-00-00

Description: Reprints, reports, correspondence.

Description: Correspondence, reports re collaborations with other groups.

Description: Reports on work of Radiophysics and of other groups at other institutions.

Description: Correspondence and commentary.

Description: Materials by and about Freeman.

Description: Correspondence, 1947-1948.

Description: Correspondence, reports.

Description: Correspondence and reports re British Commenwealth Scientific Conferences on Radio Research,1948-1953.

Description: Correspondence.
Start Date: 1947-04-00

Description: Correspondence, notes, reprint.

Description: Correspondence, reprint.

Description: Correspondence, reprint.

Description: Correspondence, reprints.

Description: Correspondence and other materials re 1948 cosmic noise expedition to New Zealand; correspondence dated 1946-1956.

Description: Reports 1, 3-6. Report 2 missing from original file. Some correspondence included.

Description: Correspondence and other material re September 1950 trip to the UK and to the URSI meting in Zurich.

Description: Correspondence, meeting notes, lecture notes.
Start Date: 1950-12-00

Description: Correspondence to/from Pawsey
Start Date: 1950-03-25

Description: Contemporary correspondence, reports, etc., as well as later reprints on history.

Description: Contemporary correspondence, reports, etc. Includes correspondence of Ewen, Kerr, Oort, Pawsey, Purcell, Shapley, van de Hulst, as well as minutes and reports of the Radiophysics Hydrogen Line Planning Committee, and copies of "Newsletter on Work in…
Start Date: 1951-03-17

Description: Reprints, correspondence, clippings, etc.

Description: Report on January 1954 conference from Science, v.119, p. 588.

Description: Primarily reprints of articles about Fleurs.

Description: Correspondence, October 1959-October 1962
Start Date: 1959-10-00

Description: 1954 memo.
Start Date: 1954-09-20

Description: Reprints and correspondence re galactic center, hole in the ground antenna, including correspondence with Baade and van de Hulst.

Description: Correspondence or with de Vaucouleurs on radio sources.
Start Date: 1953-04-08

Description: Correspondence and other materials related to Pawsey's 1954 election as a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Description: Memo by Warburton on solar radiation observered with two multiple-serial interferometers
Start Date: 1953-12-00

Description: Materials related to field stations at Hornsby and Murraybank.

Description: Correspondence and other materials related primarily to administrative arrangements for Pawsey's July-October 1954 trip to the US and Canada.

Description: Correspondence with US and Canadian colleagues related to July-October 1954 trip.

Description: Correspondence and other materials re Brian Robinson

Description: Covington and radio astronomy in Canada, including reprints of Covington articles.

Description: Reprints and correspondence on history of radio astronomy in Canada.

Description: Obituaries for Covington, Heard, MacRae, Millman, Shuter.

Description: Correspondence, reprints, and other materials.

Description: Notes and correspondence related to Pawsey and Bracewell's Radio Astronomy, including book proposal, publication information, reviews, and correspondence re second edition.

Description: Correspondence and other materials related to IAU Symposium 4, Radio Astronomy, Jodrell Bank, August 1955.

Description: Report of the Commission on Radio Astronomy, Sky and Telescope article about the meeting.

Description: Reprints, reports.

Description: Correspondence re appointment of Commonwealth Astronomer
Start Date: 1955-07-08

Description: Correspondence, reprints, reports re Bok's appointment at Stromlo. Includes an early chapter draft.

Description: Reports and correspondence.
Start Date: 1952-00-00

Description: Correspondence and other material re Pawsey's trip to the US and Canada, August 1957-April 1958.

Description: Correspondence and notes.

Description: Correspondence, draft chapter section.

Description: Typescript of Pawsey RPL report, reprint of version published in Australian Scientist.
Start Date: 1961-00-00

Description: Correspondence (ca. 1959-1962), reprint, draft of chapter sections.

Description: Primarily reprints.

Description: Correspondence.
Start Date: 1960-00-00

Description: Correspondence.
Start Date: 1960-07-00

Description: Pre- and post-event correspondence and other materials re grand opening of the 210 foot Parkes telescope on 31 October 1961. Includes text of speeches, congratulatory messages.
Start Date: 1961-00-00

Description: Correspondence, typescript of paper presented on Parkes 210 Foot.
Start Date: 1963-00-00

Description: Correspondence, reports.

Description: Correspondence, reports, reprints.

Description: Letter to Southworth re solar radiation and Ruby Payne-Scott observations.
Start Date: 1945-12-07

Description: Proceedings of the Conference on Dynamics of Ionized Media, held under the Chairmanship and at the invitation of Professor H.S.W. Massey, F.R.S, Head of Department of Physics, University College, London, April 1951.
Start Date: 1951-00-00

Description: Bolton-Pawsey correspondence.
Start Date: 1960-04-07

Description: Reports.

Description: Nomination letters from Pawsey, late 1950s.

Description: Correspondence, notes, reprints, reports.

Description: Photocopy of selected chapters of Jennison: Fourier Transforms and Convolutions for the Experimentalist, 1961.

Description: Photocopy of The Last of the First - CSIRAC: Australia's First Computer, 2002, by Doug McCann and Peter Thorne, U. Melbourne, 2000.
Start Date: 2000-00-00

Description: Correspondence, notes re Pawsey's visit to NRAO and recruitment as NRAO Director.
Start Date: 1961-00-00

Description: Correspondence re offer to and acceptance by Pawsey to be NRAO Director.
Start Date: 1961-10-31

Description: Correspondence, reports, reprints.

Description: Photocopy of Pawsey diary/notebook, 1961.
Start Date: 1961-00-00

Description: Photocopy of photos from US and Europe trip, 1961, including Berkeley IAU meeting, Green Bank, Jodrell Bank, and also Paris symposium (chapter 35).

Description: Correspondence re Hughes Medal from Royal Society, 1960
Start Date: 1960-00-00

Description: Correspondence re Pawsey's visions and plans for NRAO.
Start Date: 1962-00-00

Description: Reprints.

Description: Correspondence to/from Pawsey at the time of his US trip, illness, and hospitalization.
Start Date: 1962-00-00

Description: Correspondence to/from Pawsey at the time of his US trip, illness, and hospitalization.
Start Date: 1962-00-00

Description: Notes, correspondence, and Pawsey's medical records from Massachusetts General Hospital.
Start Date: 1962-00-00

Description: Obituaries from a wide variety of sources, as well as correspondence related to preparation of obituaries.
Start Date: 1962-12-00

Description: Correspondence re the establishment and funding of an award honoring Pawsey.
Start Date: 1962-00-00

Description: Correspondence and other materials related to annual Pawsey Memorial Lecture.
Start Date: 1964-00-00

Description: Miscellaneous correspondence, much with Lenore Pawsey, and other post-death material.
Start Date: 1962-00-00

Description: Miscellaneous scans related to various portions of Pawsey book.

Description: Miscellaneous biographical information on various people, only some of whom are listed in the Pawsey book's "Appendix B: Dramatis Personnae."

Description: F.W.G. White: Air Warning, Height Finding and GCI Equipment, Report RP 207/1.
Start Date: 1944-03-22

Description: T.B. Alexander: History of the Development of the Australian LW/AW Equipment, Report RP 207/3.
Start Date: 1945-01-11

Description: O.L. Wirsu: LW/AWH Mk. II Light-Weight Air-Warning and Height-Finding Ground Radar, Report PRP 41.
Start Date: 1946-00-00

Description: Materials related to Collaroy Radar Station 54.

Description: Copy of typescript of Barnard's "One Single Weapon," CSIRO's requested but never published history of radar, related materials, and material on Barnard.

Description: Copy of 1946 newspaper article.
Start Date: 1946-01-00

Description: Notes, correspondence, reprints, obituaries.

Description: Notes, excerpts of oral interviews.

Description: Annotated reprint of Pawsey's presidential address to the August 1955 meeting.
Start Date: 1955-00-00

Description: Correspondence, meeting agenda, opening address for Symposium on Radio Astronomy held at Radiophysics on 4-5 September 1956.
Start Date: 1956-08-29

Description: Background material, draft and final reports, reprints re 1958 revision of galactic coordinates.

Description: Material related to Pawsey family trip: correspondence, copy of Pawsey's calendar notes, Goss 2016 meeting presentation.

Description: NSF press release announcing choice of Green Bank WV for site of NRAO.
Start Date: 1956-07-26

Description: Correspondence, copies of photos re marking of Parkes site.

Description: Notes, correspondence re Lord Casey visit to Parkes, 8 March 1960.

Description: Report on Radiphysics-U Sydney collaboration.
Start Date: 1968-04-00

Description: Draft of ESM text with extensive notes.

Description: Photos, materials on David Stern, who accompanied Pawsey on trip to Sugar Grove WV in August 1961.

Description: Notes, report.

Description: Material on Knuckey System, used by Australian National Archives to classify correspondence.

Description: Correspondence.

Description: Notes.

Description: Draft chapters for unpublished second volume of Boris Schedvin's history of CSIRO, Shaping Science and Industry, with related correspondence and documentation.
Start Date: 1987-11-30

Description: Notes, reprints.

Description: Correspondence, notes.

Description: Correspondence, notes, reports, biographical information.

Description: Notes, correspondence, reports.

Description: Ed Simmonds and Norm Smith: Echos Over the Pacific, 1995.
Start Date: 1995-00-00

Description: Notes, copy of report.

Description: Michael Moran: Radar Defence and the Darwin Disaster, 1942. Thesis. [no indication of university or degree]
Start Date: 1905-06-02

Description: Reprints, correspondence.

Description: Materials related to Pawsey's 1950 paper, "Solar Radio-Frequency Radiation," Proc. IEE 97. (Chapter 16, footnote 19)

Description: Materials related to unpublished Pawsey and McCready paper, "The Measurement of Solar Radio-Frequency Radiation," 1948.

Description: Materials related to proposed 1947 solar eclipse expedition to Brazil, ultimately cancelled.

Description: Materials related to 1948 eclipse observations within Australia.

Description: Materials related to 1948 eclipse expedition to Tasmania.

Description: Materials related to 1949 eclipse expeditions.

Description: Correspondence.

Description: Reprints.

Description: Notes, correspondence, Power Point copies, drafts.

Description: Reprint of lecture, editorial correspondence.
Start Date: 1957-05-02

Description: Transcript of Govind Swarup interviews conducted by Indira Chowdhury, 17 January 2005-29 April 2006, edited by Swarup in January 2014.

Description: Correspondence.
Start Date: 1953-00-00

Description: Photocopies of images taken in 1958 by Pawsey during 1958 trip to Paris Symposium , Moscow, Leningrad, Crimea, Central Asia, with notes on locations and identifications.

Description: Notes, correspondence, reprints, materials on Pawsey from Australian Security Intelligence files.

Description: Reprints, correspondence, meeting materials and abstracts.

Description: Correspondence, reports.
Start Date: 1951-00-00

Description: Correspondence, reports, meeting agendas and minutes.
Start Date: 1955-06-21

Description: Correspondence, memos, reports dated 1955.
Start Date: 1955-01-10

Description: Correspondence, memos, reports dated 1956.
Start Date: 1956-01-01

Description: Correspondence, memos, reports dated 1957.
Start Date: 1957-01-07

Description: Correspondence, memos, reports dated 1958.
Start Date: 1958-01-01

Description: Correspondence, memos, reports dated 1959.
Start Date: 1959-01-01

Description: Correspondence, memos, reports dated 1961-1968.
Start Date: 1961-01-01

Description: Correspondence, copies of photos re marking of Parkes site.

Description: Jim Roberts autobiography, July 2002 draft.
Start Date: 2002-07-00

Description: Helen Sim MsC thesis on history of CSIRO cloud-seeding experiments.

Description: Correspondence.
Start Date: 1948-02-16

Description: 1962 correspondence re prospective second edition.
Start Date: 1962-04-30

Description: Correspondence re Duguid, material about Duguid, material on British atomic tests in Australia, Kerin 2004 PhD dissertation on Duguid.

Description: Miscellaneous material re Charles Duiguid

Description: Material on post-World War II British atomic testing in Australia.

Description: Photocopy of Sitarani Kerin: 'Doctor Do-Good'? Charles Duguid and Aboriginal Politics, 1930s-1970s, PhD dissertation, Australian National University, December 2004.
Start Date: 2004-00-00

Description: Correspondence, notes, reprints re Drake's 1959 observations.

Description: Reprint, correspondence.
Start Date: 1952-00-00

Collection Tree