Bracewell Publications List
Publications of Ronald N. Bracewell, 1942-2006
Publications are listed chronologically under the following categories::
- Books
- Theses
- Articles in the Open Literature (chronological listing)
- Articles in the Open Literature (subject listing)
- CSIRO Radiophysics and Stanford University Internal Publications
- Book Reviews
- Selected Lectures and Talks
- Patents
Pawsey, J.L.; Bracewell, R.N. Radio Astronomy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955.
- Russian translation: Radioastronomiya. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Inostrannoŭ Literaturï, 1958.
- Reprinted in China, 1960.
Bracewell, R.N., ed. Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy (IAU Symp. 9 and URSI Symp. 1). Stanford: University Press, 1959.
- Russian translation: Radioastronomiya, Pariĭskiĭ Simpozium. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Inostrannoŭ Literaturï, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N., translator. J.L. Steinberg and J. Lequeux: Radio Astronomy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. Original French edition: Radioastronomie. Paris: Dunod, 1960.
Bracewell, R.N. The Fourier Transform and Its Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965.
- Polish translation: Przekształcenie Fouriera i jego Zastosowania. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Naukovo-Techniczne, 1968.
- The Fourier Transform and Its Applications. 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
- Japanese translation: Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 1981. Reprinted in International Student Edition, Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 1980.
- The Fourier Transform and Its Applications. 2nd edition, revised. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986.
- The Fourier Transform and Its Applications. 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
- Chinese translation: Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 2005.
Bracewell, R.N. The Galactic Club. Stanford: Alumni Association, 1974.
- Reprinted: San Francisco Book Company, 1976.
- Reprinted: San Francisco: W.H. Freeman; New York: Scribners, 1976.
- Japanese translation: Tokyo: C.E. Tuttle, 1976.
- Dutch translation: Baarn: Hollandia, 1976.
- Reprinted: New York: W.W. Norton, 1979.
- Italian translation: Milano: Zanichelli, 1983.
Bracewell, R.N. Trees on the Stanford Campus: an invitation to contribute data. Stanford, CA: R. Bracewell, 1980.
Bracewell, R.N. Trees on the Stanford Campus. Stanford, CA: R. Bracewell, 1984.
Bracewell, R.N. The Hartley Transform. New York: Oxford University Press; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
- German translation: Die Schnelle Hartley-Transformation. München: R. Oldenbourg, 1989.
- Russian translation: Preobrazovanie Khartli. Moscow: Idatel'stovo, Mir, 1990.
Bracewell, R.N. Two-Dimensional Imaging. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1995. Reissued as: Fourier Analysis and Imaging. New York: New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2003.
Bracewell, R.N. Trees of Stanford and Environs. Stanford: Stanford Historical Society, 2005.
Bracewell, R.N. Some nomographic methods and their application to engineering problems. Thesis for the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney, November 1942.
Bracewell, R.N. The theory and application of certain special types of ultra-high frequency transmission lines. Thesis for the degree of Master of Engineering, awarded with first class honors, University of Sydney, June 1948 [dissertation completed, January 1947].
Bracewell, R.N. The propagation of very long radio waves in the ionosphere. Dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge, September 1949.
Articles in the Open Literature
For a listing by subject category of Bracewell's articles in the open literature, click here.
Bracewell, R.N. Microwave transmission and cavity resonator theory. Chapter in: Textbook of Radar, ed. E.G. Bowen. (Sydney: Angus and Robertson 1946. 2nd ed Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. Charts for resonant frequencies of cavities. Proc. IRE, 35, 830, 1947.
Bracewell, R.N. The propagation of very long radio waves. Proc. IEE, 95, pt. III, 326, 1948.
Bracewell, R.N.; Straker, T.W. Fidelity of sudden phase anomalies. Observatory, 69, 143, 1949.
Bracewell, R.N.; Straker, T.W. The study of solar flares by means of very long radio waves. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 109, 28, 1949.
Bracewell, R.N.; Weekes, K. Ionospheric absorption. J. Appl. Phys., 20, 724, 1949.
Straker, T.W.; Bracewell, R.N. A sudden phase anomaly, 1949 February 11. Observatory, 69, 69, 1949.
Bracewell, R.N. An instrumental development in radio astronomy. Observatory, 70, 185, 1950.
Bracewell, R.N.; Budden, K.G.; Ratcliffe, J.A.; Straker, T.W.; Weekes, K. The ionospheric propagation of low- and very-low-frequency waves over distances of less than 1000 km. Proc. IEE, 98, pt. III, 221, 1951.
Bain, W.C.; Bracewell, R.N.; Straker, T.W.; Westcott, C.H. The ionospheric propagation of radio waves of frequency 16 kc/s over distances of about 540 km. Proc. IEE, 99, pt. IV, 250, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N. An honour to Australian science: the U.R.S.I. Assembly. Aust. J. Sci., 14, 173, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N. Impedences in parallel. Wireless Engin., 29, 56, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N. The ionospheric propagation of radio waves at frequency 16 kc/s over distances of about 200 km. Proc. IEE, 99, pt. IV, 217, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio stars or radio nebulae? Observatory, 72, 27, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N. Theory of formation of an ionospheric layer below E layer based on eclipse and solar flare effects at 16 kc/s. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 2, 226-235, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N.; Bain, W.C. An explanation of radio propagation at 16 kc/s in terms of two layers below E layer. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 2, 216, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N.; Chapman, S. The mystery of the magnetic compass. ABC Weekly, 14 (13 Sept), 8, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N. Meteors and rain. Observatory, 73, 249, 1953.
Bracewell, R.N. A microwave computing problem. Proc. Phys. Soc. London B, 66, 987, 1953.
Bracewell, R.N. The sunspot number series. Nature, 171, 649, 1953.
Bracewell, R.N. A new instrument in radio astronomy. Observatory, 73, 200, 1953.
Bracewell, R.N. Analogues of an ionized meduim, applications to the ionosphere. Wireless Engin., 31, 320, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. A circuit problem. Wireless Engin., 31, 27, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. The maximum of the Planck energy spectrum. Nature, 174, 563, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. A new transducer diagram. Proc. IRE, 42, 1519, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. Step discontinuities in disk transmission lines. Proc. IRE, 42, 1543, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. Using cosmic radio waves to study solar flares. Observatory, 74, 155, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N.; Harwood, J.; Straker, T.W. The ionospheric propagation of radio waves of frequency of 30-65 kc/s over short distances. Proc. IEE, 101, pt. IV, 154, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N.; Roberts, J.A. Aerial smoothing in radio astronomy. Aust. J. Phys., 7, 615, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. Chord construction for correcting aerial smoothing. Aust. J. Phys., 8, 200, 1955.
Bracewell, R.N. Correcting for Gaussian aerial smoothing. Aust. J. Phys., 8, 54, 1955.
Bracewell, R.N. Correcting for running means by successive substitutions. Aust. J. Phys., 8, 329, 1955.
Bracewell, R.N. A method of correcting the broadening of x-ray line profiles. Aust. J. Phys., 8, 61, 1955.
Bracewell, R.N. Photographic enlargement and reduction in one dimension only. J. Sci. Instrum., 32, 37, 1955.
Bracewell, R.N. A simple graphical method of correcting for instrumental broadening. J. Opt. Soc.Am., 45, 873, 1955.
Bracewell, R.N. The sky at 17 meters. Astron. Soc. Pacific Leaflet, 317, 1, 1955.
Bracewell, R.N. Counts of atmsopheric freezing nuclei at Palo Alto, California, January, 1956. Aust. J. Phys., 9, 566, 1956.
Bracewell, R.N. Strip integration in radio astronomy. Aust. J. Phys., 9, 198, 1956.
Bracewell, R.N. Two dimensional aerial smoothing in radio astronomy. Aust. J. Phys., 9, 297, 1956.
Bracewell, R.N.; Preston, G.W. Radio reflection and refraction phenomena in the high solar corona. Astrophys. J., 123, 14, 1956.
Bracewell, R.N. Antenna problems in radio astronomy. IRE Natl Convention Record, 5, pt. 1, 68, 1957.
Bracewell, R.N. Application of communication theory to radio astronomy. Proc. Symp. Communication Theory and Antenna Design, (Air Force Cambridge Research Center, AFCRC-TR-57-105, 1957), H1.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio interferometry of discrete sources. Proc. IRE, 46, 97, 1958.
Bracewell, R.N. Restoration in the presence of errors. Proc. IRE, 46, 106, 1958.
Bracewell, R.N.; Garriott, O. Rotation of artificial earth satellites. Nature, 182, 760, 1958.
Bracewell, R.N.; Stableford, C.V. Critical frequency, refractive index, and cone of escape in the solar corona. Proc. IRE, 46, 198-199, 1958.
Bracewell, R.N. Satellite rotation. Advances in Astronautical Sciences, 4, 317, 1959.
Heffernan, K.J.; Bracewell, R.N. Comparison of Florida and California freezing-nucleus measurements, June, 1959. J. Meteorology, 16, 337, 1959.
Bracewell, R.N. Antenna tolerance theory. Chapter in: Statistical Methods in Radio Wave Propagation, W.C. Hoffman, ed. (New York: Pergamon, 1960), 179.
Bracewell, R.N. Communications from superior galactic communities. Nature, 186, 670, 1960. Reprinted in: Interstellar Communication, A.G.W. Cameron, ed. (New York: Benjamin, 1963), 243. Also reprinted in: The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life: A Book of Readings. D. Goldsmith. (Mill Valley CA: University Science Books, 1980), 105.
Bracewell, R.N. Correction noise maps for beamwidth. Chapter in: The Radio Noise Spectrum, D.H. Menzel, ed. (Cambridge: Harvard, 1960), 141.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio astronomy. Chapter in: Modern Physics for the Engineer, L. Ridenour and W. Nierenberg, eds. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960), 240.
Bracewell, R.N. How other worlds might speak to us. Management Digest, 16 (Dec-Jan), 11, 1960/1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Interferometry and spectral sensitivity island diagram. IRE Tr. Ant. Prop., AP-9, 59, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Large radio telescopes. Astron. Soc. Pacific Leaflet, 389, 1, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. A radio telescope with a minute-of-arc beam. Astron. J., 66, 279, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio telescopes today and tomorrow. IRE Student Quarterly, 7, no. 4, 25, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Astron. J., 66, 640, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Tolerance theory of large antennas. IRE Tr. Ant. Prop., AP-9, 49, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N.; Swarup, G. The Stanford Microwave Spectroheliograph Antenna, a microsteradian pencil beam antenna. IRE Tr. Ant. Prop., AP-9, 22, 1961.
Garriott, O.; Bracewell, R.N. Satellite studies of the ionization in space by radio. Adv. Geophys., 8, 85, 1961.
Little, A.G.; Bracewell, R.N. The central component of Centaurus A. Astron. J., 66, 290, 1961.
Swenson, G.W., Jr.; Bracewell, R.N. Some Russian radio telescopes. Sky & Tel., 22, 77, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Antennas and data processing. IRE Tr. Ant. Prop., AP-10, 108, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. A corrected formula for the spectral sensitivity function in radio astronomy. Aust. J. Phys., 15, 445, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. Correction of spectroscopic line profiles for instrumental broadening. Proc. Phys. Soc., 79, 1298, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. Defining the coherence of a signal. Proc. IRE, 50, 214, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. Electrical scanning and low pass filtering in radio astronomy. Aust. J. Phys., 15, 447, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. Extraterrestrial radio sources. In: Encyclopedia of Electronics, C. Susskind, ed. (New York: Reinhold, 1962), 271.
Bracewell, R.N. How large can a microwave antenna be? Microwave J., 5, 57, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. Life in the galaxy: are we alone? Chapter in: A Journey Through Space and the Atom, S.T. Butler, H. Messel, eds. (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1962), 89. Reprinted in: Light and Life in the Universe: Selected Lectures in Physics, Biology, and the Origin of Life. (Sydney: Shakespeare Head press, 1964), 129.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio astronomy techniques. Handbuch der Physik, 54, 42, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio broadcasts from the depths of space. Chapter in: Stars and Galaxies, T.L. Page, ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1962), 115.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio signals from other planets. Proc. IRE, 50, 214, 1962. Reprinted in: Interstellar Communication, A.G.W. Cameron, ed. (New York: Benjamin, 1963), 199.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Astron J., 67, 786, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N.; Cooper, B.F.C.; Cousins, T.E. Polarization in the central component of Centaurus A. Nature, 195, 1289, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N.; Swarup, G.; Seeger, C.L. Future large radio telescopes. Nature, 193, 412, 1962.
Bracewell, R.N. Correction for grating response in radio astronomy. Astrophys. J., 137, 175, 1963.
Bracewell, R.N. On aerials and data processing. Chapter in: Radio Waves and Circuits, S. Silver, ed. (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1963), 287.
Bracewell, R.N. Proposal leading to future large radio telescopes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 49, 766, 1963.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Astron. J., 68, 672, 1963.
Swarup, G.; Thompson, A.R.; Bracewell, R.N. The structure of Cygnus A. Astrophys. J., 138, 305, 1963.
Asper, H.K.; Bracewell, R.N.; Deuter, J.; Krishnan, T.; Picken, J.; Rose, S. High resolution observations of the radio sun at 9.1 centimeters on July 20, 1963. J. Geophys. Res., 69, 1805, 1964.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Astron. J., 69, 793, 1964.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. [Section of URSI National Committee Report] Radio Sci., 68D, 648, 1964.
Little, A.G.; Cudaback, D.D.; Bracewell, R.N. Structure of the central component of Centaurus A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 52, 690, 1964.
Bracewell, R.N. Radioastronomical instruments. IAU Trans., 12A, 675, 1965.
Bracewell, R.N. Optimum spacings for radio telescopes with unfilled apertures. In: Progress in Scientific Radio (15th URSI Assembly), Publication 1468, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Center, 243, 1966.
Little, A.G.; Bracewell, R.N. The central component of Centaurus A. Aust. J. Phys., 19, 421, 1966.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Astron. J., 72, 1274, 1967.
Bracewell, R.N. Telescope, Radio. In: Encyclopedia Britannica, 791, 1967.
Bracewell, R.N.; Deuter, J.H. The 9.1 cm spectroheliogram of May 20, 1966. J. Geophys. Res., 72, 37, 1967.
Bracewell, R.N.; Riddle, A.C. Inversion of fan beam scans in radio astronomy. Astrophys. J., 150, 427, 1967.
Conklin, E.K.; Bracewell, R.N. Isotropy of cosmic background radiation at 10,690 MHz. Phys. Rev. Lett., 18, 614, 1967.
Conklin, E.K.; Bracewell, R.N. Limits on small scale variations in the cosmic background radiation. Nature, 216, 777, 1967.
Swenson, G.W.; Bracewell, R.N. Radio astronomy: conflict of frequencies. Science, 155, 518, 1967.
Bracewell, R.N. The microwave sky. Chapter in: Vistas in Science, D.L. Arm, ed. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1968). 78.
Bracewell, R.N. The Sun. Chapter in: Man in Inner and Outer Space, H. Messel, S.T. Butler, eds. (Sydney: Shakespeare Head Press, 1968). 7.
Bracewell, R.N.; Conklin, E.K. An observer moving in the 3° K radiation field. Nature, 219, 1343, 1968.
Bracewell, R.N. Is another world ringing our number? Stanford Today, Series II, no. 1 (Winter), 1969.
Bracewell, R.N.; Eshleman, V.R.; Hollweg, J.V. The occulting disk of the sun at radio wavelengths. Astrophys. J., 155, 367, 1969.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 2, 134, 1970.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute (Report from Solar Institute). Solar Phys., 11, 161, 1970.
Bracewell, R.N. California report on eucalyptus. Australian Plants, 6, 214, 1971.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 3, 192, 1971.
Bracewell, R.N.; Colvin, R.S.; Price, K.M.; Thompson, A.R. Stanford's high resolution radio interferometer. Sky & Tel., 42, 4, 1971.
Deuter, J.H.; Bracewell, R.N. The microwave spectroheliograms of March 6-10, 1970. In: Data on Solar-Geophysical Activity Associated with the Major Geomagentic Storm of March 8, 1970, J.V. Lincoln, D.B. Bucknam, eds. (Boulder, CO: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Asministration, 1971), 64.
Graf, W.; Bracewell, R.N.; Deuter, J.H.; Rutherford, J.S. The sun as a test source for boresight calibration of microwave antennas. IEEE Tr. Ant. Prop., AP-19, 606, 1971.
Sturrock, P.A.; Bracewell, R.N.; Switzer, P. Possible high-frequency modulation of light from the Crab Pulsar. Nature, 229, 186, 1971.
Deuter, J.H.; Bracewell, R.N. The microwave sun at the time of the cosmic ray increase of September 1, 1971. Upper Atmosphere Geophys. Rpt., UAG-24, Pt. II, 325, 1972.
Bracewell, R.N. The opening message from an extraterrestrial probe. Astronautics & Aeronautics, 11, 58, 1973.
Bracewell, R.N.; Colvin, R.S.; D'Addario, L.R.; Grebenkemper, C.J.; Price, K.M.; Thompson, A.R. The Stanford Five-Element Radio Telescope. Proc. IEEE, 61, 1249, 1973.
Bracewell, R.N.; Thompson, A.R. The main beam and ringlobes of an east-west rotation-synthesis array. Astrophys. J., 182, 77, 1973.
Graf, W.; Bracewell, R.N. The height of 9.1 cm solar emission from latitude shift. Solar Phys., 28, 425, 1973.
Graf, W.; Bracewell, R.N. Latitude and solar-cycle dependence of the height of 9.1 cm radio emission. Solar Phys., 33, 75, 1973.
Tichenor, D.; Bracewell, R.N. Fraunhofer diffraction of concentric annular slits. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 63, 1620, 1973.
Bracewell, R.N. Interstellar probes. Chapter in: Interstellar Communication: Scientific Perspectives, C. Ponnamperuma, A.G.W. Cameron, eds. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974), 102.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 6, 258, 1974.
Bracewell, R.N.; Thompson, A.R. Interpolation of synthesis data and some effects of ringlobes. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl., 15, 453, 1974.
Thompson, A.R.; Bracewell, R.N. Interpolation and Fourier transformation of fringe visibilities. Astron. J., 79, 11, 1974.
Bracewell, R.N. Interstellar messengers. Mercury, 4 (2), 4, 1975.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 7, 207, 1975.
Bracewell, R.N.; Wernecke, S.J. Image reconstruction over a finite field of view. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 65, 1342, 1975.
Graf, W.; Bracewell, R.N. Solar radio emission at 9.1 cm and sector boundaries. Solar Phys., 44, 195, 1975.
Graf, W.; Bracewell, R.N. Synoptic maps of solar 9.1 and microwave emission from June 1962 to August 1973. UAG Report, 44 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder CO), 1975.
Bracewell, R.N. Analogue computation with time-bandwidth products of 10&sup6 to 10&sup7 and more. International Optical Computing Conference, 103, 1976.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 8, 252, 1976.
Bracewell, R.N. Correction for collimator width (restoration) in reconstructive x-ray tomography. J. Computer Assisted Tomography, 1, 6, 1977.
Bracewell, R.N. Trees of Stanford. Stanford Mag., 5 (2), 30, 1977.
Bracewell, R.N. What to say to the space probe when it arrives. Horizon, 19 (January), 48, 1977.
Bracewell, R.N. Detecting nonsolar planets by spinning infrared interferometer. Nature, 274, 780, 1978.
Bracewell, R.N. On man's role in the galaxy. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, 2 (5), 142, 1978. [Reprinted in: Cosmic Search, 1, 48, 1979.]
Black, D.C.; Bracewell, R.N.; MacPhie, R.M. Investigation of planetary search technique by infrared interferometry. Chapter in: NASA Publication NCA2-OR745-716, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. Computer image processing. Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 17, 113, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. Electricity from sunlight. Chapter in: Energy for Survival, ed. H. Messel. (Sydney: Pergamon, 1979), 263.
Bracewell, R.N. An extended Drake's equation, the longevity-separation relation, equilibrium, inhomogeneities and chain formation. Acta Astronautica, 6, 67, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. How it all began. Chapter in: Energy for Survival, ed. H. Messel. (Sydney: Pergamon, 1979), 3.
Bracewell, R.N. Image reconstruction in radio astronomy. Chapter in: Image Reconstruction from Projections: Implementation and Applications, ed. G.T. Herman. Topics in Applied Physics, 32, 87, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. Life in outer space. (J.S. Pollock Memorial Lecture, University of Sydney). J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, 112, 139, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. Man the lazy animal. Chapter in: Energy for Survival, ed. H. Messel. (Sydney: Pergamon, 1979), 15.
Bracewell, R.N. Methods of planet detection. Second Look, 1 (6), 2, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 11, 317, 1979.
Verly, J.G.; Bracewell, R.N. Blurring in tomograms made with x-ray beams of finite width. J. Computer Assisted Tomography, 3, 662, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N.; MacPhie, R.H. Searching for nonsolar planets. Icarus, 38, 139, 1979. Reprinted in: The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life: A Book of Readings. D. Goldsmith. (Mill Valley CA: University Science Books, 1980), 162.
MacPhie, R.H.; Bracewell, R.N. An orbiting infrared interferometer to search for nonsolar planets. SPIE Proc. (Instrumentation in Astronomy III), 172, 271, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute. Bull. Am. Ast. Soc., 12, 369, 1980.
Bracewell, R.N. Fourier inversion of deficient data. Chapter in: SPIE Proc. (Transformations in Optical Signal Processing), 373, 215, 1981.
Bracewell, R.N. Fourier's formidable formulas. Chapter in: Science Year. (Chicago: World Book, 1981), 208.
Bracewell, R.N. Manifestations of advanced civilizations. Chapter in: Life in the Universe. J. Billingham, ed. (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1981), 343.
Bracewell, R.N.; Graf, W. Solar quiescent prominences at 10.7 GHz. Nature, 290, 758, 1981.
Bracewell, R.N.; Price, K.M. Parabolic reflectors formed by inflation. Solar Energy, 27, 535, 1981.
Bracewell, R.N. Does tetracycline deter ticks? New England J. Medicine, 307, 1151, 1982.
Bracewell, R.N. Preemption of the galaxy by the first advanced civilization. Chapter in: Extraterrestrials: Where Are They?. M.H. Hart; B. Zuckerman, eds. (New York: Pergamon, 1982). Re-edited by B. Zuckerman; M.H. Hart. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 34.
Bracewell, R.N. The discrete Hartley transform. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 73, 1832, 1983.
Bracewell, R.N. Heaviside and impedence. IEEE Spectrum, 20 (9), 18, 1983.
Bracewell, R.N. Early work on imaging theory in radio astronomy. Chapter in: The Early Years of Radio Astronomy. W.T. Sullivan III, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), 167.
Bracewell, R.N. The fast Hartley transform. Proc. IEEE, 72, 1010, 1984.
Bracewell, R.N. Infrared planetary detection and cosmic ray Čerenkov radiation. Earth, Moon & Planets, 30, 75, 1984.
Bracewell, R.N. Inversion of nonplanar visibilities. In: Indirect Imaging. J.A. Roberts, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), 177.
Bracewell, R.N. Fourier techniques in two dimensions. Chapter in: Fourier Techniques and Applications. J.F. Price, ed. (New York: Plenum, 1985), 177.
Bracewell, R.N. An imaging problem: restoration of blurred digital characters. Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing, 29, 329, 1985.
Bracewell, R.N. The life of Joseph Fourier. Chapter in: Fourier Techniques and Applications. J.F. Price, ed. (New York: Plenum, 1985), 1.
Bracewell, R.N. Sunspot number series envelope and phase. Aust. J. Phys., 38, 1009, 1985.
Bracewell, R.N.; Bartelt, H.; Lohmann, A.W.; Streibl, N. Optical synthesis of Hartley transform. Appl. Opt., 24, 1401, 1985.
Bracewell, R.N. Edmund Halley, the man. Imprint [Associates of Stanford University Library], 12 (1), 18, 1986.
Bracewell, R.N. Simulating the sunspot cycle. Nature, 323, 516, 1986.
Bracewell, R.N. What's in store for astronomy. Proc. Astron. Soc. Australia, 6, 522, 1986.
Bracewell, R.N.; Buneman, O.; Hao, H.; Villasenor, J. Fast two-dimensional Hartley transform. Proc. IEEE, 74, 1283, 1986.
Bracewell, R.N.; Williams, G.E. Hilbert transform analysis of the Elatina varve record of solar activity. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 23, 457, 1986.
Vesecky, J.F.; Samadani, R.; Daida, J.M.; Smith, M.P.; Bracewell, R.N. Automated remote sensing of sea ice using synthetic aperture radar. IGARSS: Remote Sensing. (Paris: European Space Agency, 1986), 127.
Bernardi, A.; Bracewell, R.N. Updating the power spectrum of real data by the Hartley method. Proc. IEEE, 75, 964, 1987.
Bracewell, R.N. Alternative to split-radix Hartley transform. Elec. Lett., 23, 1148, 1987.
Bracewell, R.N. Looking for extraterrestrial life. IEEE Potentials, 6 (2), 8, 1987.
Hao, H.; Bracewell, R.N. A three-dimensional DFT algorithm using the fast Hartley transform. Proc. IEEE, 75, 264, 1987.
Vesecky, J.F.; Samadani, R.; Daida, J.M.; Smith, M.P.; Bracewell, R.N. Observing rotation and deformation of sea ice with synthetic aperture radar. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium [IGARSS] Digest. (Piscataway NJ: IEEE Press, 1987), 1136.
Villasenor, J.; Bracewell, R.N. Optical phase obtained by analogue Hartley transformation. Nature, 330, 735, 1987.
Bracewell, R.N. The impact of varves on solar physics. Solar Phys., 117, 261, 1988.
Bracewell, R.N. Spectral analysis of the Elatina series. Solar Phys., 116, 179, 1988.
Bracewell, R.N. Three-halves law in sunspot cycle shape. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 230, 535, 1988.
Bracewell, R.N. Varves and solar physics. Q. J. Roy. Astron. Soc., 29, 119, 1988. Discusssion on varves: Observatory, 108, 39, 1988.
Bracewell, R.N. What causes the sunspot cycle. Australian Physicist, 25, 294, 1988.
Bracewell, R.N.; Villasenor, J.D. Hartley vs. Fourier. Byte, 13 (12), 28, 1988.
Vesecky, J.F.; Samadani, R.; Daida, J.M.; Smith, M.P.; Bracewell, R.N. Observation of sea ice motion and deformation using synthetic aperture radar: automated analysis algorithms. Instrumentation and Measurements in the Polar Region. W.W. Denner, ed. (Berkeley CA: Marine Technology Society, 1988), 47.
Vesecky, J.F.; Samadani, R.; Smith, M.P.; Daida, J.M.; Bracewell, R.N. Observation of sea-ice dynamics using synthetic aperture radar images: automated analysis. IEEE Tr. Geosci. Remote Sensing, GE-24, 38, 1988.
Vesecky, J.F.; Samadani, R.; Smith, M.P.; Daida, J.M.; Bracewell, R.N. Remote sensing of sea ice motion using floe edge and pressure ridge features in SAR images. IGARSS 88, 1, 417, 1988.
Villasenor, J.D.; Bracewell, R.N. Lensless microwave imaging using the Hartley transform. Nature, 335, 617, 1988.
Bracewell, R.N. The Fourier transform. Sci. Am., 260 (June), 86, 1989. German translation: Die Fourier-Transformation. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 8 August, 90, 1989.
Bracewell, R.N. Physical aspects of the Hartley transform. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 51, 791, 1989.
Bracewell, R.N. The solar cycle: a central-source wave theory. Proc. Astron. Soc. Australia, 8, 145, 1989.
Villasenor, J.D.; Bracewell, R.N. Vector Hartley transform. Elec. Lett., 25, 1110, 1989.
Bracewell, R.N. Assessing the Hartley transform. IEEE Tr. Acoust. Speech Sig. Proc., ASSP-38, 2174, 1990.
Bracewell, R.N. Interview with Ronald N. Bracewell. The SETI Pioneers. D. Swift. (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1990), 136.
Bracewell, R.N. Numerical transforms. Science, 248, 697, 1990.
Bracewell, R.N.; Villasenor, J.D. Fraunhofer diffraction by a spiral slit. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 7, 21, 1990.
Bracewell, R.N. Chimeric columns: another twist. Sci. News, 139, 355, 1991.
Mihovilovic, D.; Bracewell, R.N. Adaptive chirplet representation of signals on time-frequency plane. Elec. Lett., 27, 1159, 1991.
Bracewell, R.N. Discrete polar reciprocal transform for detecting multiple sporadic collineations. Elec. Lett., 28, 1246, 1992.
Bracewell, R.N. Planetary influences on electrical engineering. Proc. IEEE, 80, 230, 1992.
Mihovilovic, D.; Bracewell, R.N. Whistler analysis in the time-frequency plane using chirplets. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 17199, 1992.
Bracewell, R.N. Fourier and other mathematical transforms. Ency. Appl. Phys., 6 (New York: VCH Publishers, 1993), 481.
Bracewell, R.N.; Chang, K.-Y.; Jha, A.K.; Wang, Y.-H. Affine theorem for two-dimensional Fourier transform. Elec. Lett., 29, 304, 1993.
Bracewell, R.N. Affine theorem for the Hartley transform of an image. Proc. IEEE, 82, 388, 1994.
Bracewell, R.N. Aspects of the Hartley transform. Proc. IEEE, 82, 381, 1994.
Bracewell, R.N. Computing with the Hartley transform. Computers in Phys., 9, 373, 1995.
Bracewell, R.N. Pre-emption of the Galaxy by the first advanced civilization. In: Extraterrestrials - Where Are They? 2nd ed. Ben Zuckerman and Michael Hart, eds. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995), 34.
Bracewell, R.N. Explaining science to people. Australian and New Zealand Physicist, 33, 139, 1996.
Bracewell, R.N. Wavelets. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996), 378.
Bracewell, R.N. How to contact extraterrestrial intelligence. SPIE Proc., 2704, 6, 1996.
Bracewell, R.N. New sundial for Terman Building. Civil Engineering at Stanford, March, 1997.
Bracewell, R.N. The fast Fourier transform: commentary on G.C. Danielson and C. Lanczos, "Some improvements in practical Fourier analysis and their applications to x-ray scattering from liquids", [J. Franklin Inst., 223, 365, 1942]. Chapter in: Collected Papers of Cornelius Lanczos. W.R. Davis, ed. (Raleigh NC: College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, North Carolina State University, 1998).
Bracewell, R.N. Impulses concealed by singularities: transmission line theory. Elec. Lett., 34, 1927, 1998.
Bracewell, R.N. Smoothing data by analysis and by eye: commentary on C. Lanczos, "Evaluation of noisy data", [SIAM J. Numerical Analysis B, 1, 76, 1964.] Chapter in: Collected Papers of Cornelius Lanczos. W.R. Davis, ed. (Raleigh NC: College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, North Carolina State University, 1998).
Bracewell, R.N. V. Bush as computer visionary. Letter to: Phys. Today, 52 (May), 15, 1999.
Bracewell, R.N. Imaging nonsolar planets by nulling interferometry. SPIE Proc., 4273, 44, 2001.
Bracewell, R.N. The discovery of strong extragalactic polarization using the Parkes Radio Telescope. J. Astron. Hist. Heritage, 5, 107, 2002.
Bracewell, R.N. The Fourier and other transforms as tools for optics. Optics Ency. (New York: Wiley-VCH, 2002). 725.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio astronomy at Stanford. J. Astron. Hist. Heritage, 8, 75, 2005.
Orchiston, W.; Bracewell, R.; Davies, R.; et al. The IAU Historic Radio Astornomy Working Group. 2: progress report. J. Astron. Hist. Heritage, 8, 650, 2005.
Bracewell, R.N. Poetry for nonpoets. [Letter to the Editor] Daedalus, 135, 134, Winter 2006.
CSIRO Radiophysics and Stanford University Internal Publications
Bracewell, R.N. The 701A modulator tetrode. TI 49/2, March, 1943.
Bracewell, R.N. Speech communication by pulse-width modulation of the E1210B Magnetron. RP 182, July, 1943.
Bracewell, R.N. Application of disc transmission lines in microwave apparatus. RP 202, February, 1944
Bracewell, R.N. The L-band cavity wavemeter. TI 134/1, August, 1944.
Bracewell, R.N. The L-band standard cavity. TI 134/2, August, 1944.
Bracewell, R.N. The conductivity of steel at decimeter wavelengths. TI 145/1, September, 1944.
Bracewell, R.N. The L-band substandard cavity. TI 134/3, January, 1945.
Bracewell, R.N. Charts for resonant frequencies of cavities. RP 236, January, 1945.
Bracewell, R.N. Eccentric plunger tuning of coaxial cavities. RP 245, March, 1945.
Bracewell, R.N. The L-band experimental echo box. TI 187/2, July, 1945.
Bracewell, R.N. A microwave triode oscillator. RP 261, September, 1945.
Bracewell, R.N. Resonator and transmission theory. TI 207, November, 1945.
Bracewell, R.N. A graphical means of investigating loss-free transducers. TI 226, December, 1945.
Bracewell, R.N. Report writer's manual. RPR 65, March, 1946.
Bracewell, R.N. Step discontinuities in disc transmission lines. RPR 27, July, 1946.
Bracewell, R.N. The L-band thermistor power meter. RPR 28, July, 1946.
Bracewell, R.N. Dissipative transducers treated graphically. RPR 32, June, 1946.
Bracewell, R.N. Disc transmission lines in microwave apparatus. RPR 33, August, 1946.
Bracewell, R.N. The use of the transmitter VHP at Belconnen for investigating the propagation of long waves. RPL 55, June, 1950.
Bracewell, R.N.; Kerr, F.J. Sources of solar-terrestrial data. RPL 51, 1950
Bracewell, R.N. Some aspects of solar physics relevant to radio astronomy. RPL 74, July, 1952.
Bracewell, R.N. Occultation. RPL 95, August, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. The Abel transform. RPL 96, August, 1954.
Bracewell, R.N. An Abel transformer. RPL 97, August, 1954.
NB: Bracewell's contributions to the Stanford University Radio Astronomy Institute Shaddows and Glints, an internal memo series, are listed on a separate page.
Bracewell, R.N. Interferometry and the spectral sensitivity island diagram. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute Publication, 4, 1960.
Bracewell, R.N. Tolerance theory of large antennas. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute Publication, 5, 1960.
Bracewell, R.N.; Swarup, G. The Stanford Microwave Spectroheliograph Antanna, a microsteradian pencil-beam interferometer. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute Publication, 7, 1960.
Bracewell, R.N. Interferometry of Centaurus A. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute Publication, 15, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Proposal leading to future large radio telescopes. Stanford Radio Astronomy Institute Publication, 14, 1961.
Bracewell, R.N. Experimental investigation of the coherence distance of the atmosphere for microwaves. Final report, period: June 1961 through July 1965. Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford Electronics Laboratories, SU-SEL-65-083; also AFCRL-65-285, 1965.
Bracewell, R.N. Radio astronomy research. Final report, period: 27 February 1964 to 31 January 1968. Radio Science Laboratory, Stanford Electronics Laboratories, AFOSR-68-0530, 1968.
Swanson, R.M.; Bracewell, R.N. Silicon photovoltaic cells in thermophotovoltaic conversion: progress report. Stanford Electronics Laboratories, 1977.
Bracewell, R.N.; Swanson, R.M. Silicon photovoltaic cells in TPV conversion. Electric Power Research Institute Report [Stanford University], EPRI ER-633, 1978.
Vesecky, J.F.; Khuri-Yakub, B.T.; Teague, C.C.; Bracewell, R.N. Acoustic and capillary wave methods for observing the ocean microlayer Scientific Report, D910-1987-1, Space Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University, 1987.
Book Reviews
Radio Astronomy Today. (H.P. Palmer, R.D. Davies, M.I. Large, eds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963). Reviewed in: Science, 144, 525, 1964.
Introduction to Radio Astronomy. (R.C. Jennison. New York: Philosophical Library, 1966). Reviewed in: IEEE Spectrum, 4, 142, 1967.
Radar Astronomy. (J.V. Evans; T. Hagfors. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968). Reviewed in: Science, 160, 980, 1968.
Introductory Fourier Transform Spectroscopy. (R.J. Bell. New York: Academic, 1972). Reviewed in: Am. J. Phys., 41, 149, 1973.
The Evolution of Radio Astronomy. (J.S. Hey. New York: Science History Publications, 1973). Reviewed in: Science, 181, 932, 1973.
Out of the Zenith. (B. Lovell. New York: Harper & Row, 1973). Reviewed in: Science, 184, 664, 1974.
Big Ear. (J.D. Kraus. Powell OH: Cygnus-Quasar Books, 1977). Reviewed in: IEEE Spectrum, 14 (3), 104, 1977.
The Fire Came By: The Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion. (J. Baxter; T. Atkins. Garden City: Doubleday, 1976). Reviewed in: Russian Review, 36, 501, 1977.
Interstellar Communication: Scientific Perspectives. (C. Ponnamperuma, A.G.W. Cameron, eds. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974). Reviewed in: Observatory, 97, 211, 1977.
Signal Analysis. (A. Papoulis. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977). Reviewed in: IEEE Tr. Infor. Theory, IT-24, 401, 1978.
Interstellar Travel: Past, Present and Future. (J.W. Macvey. New York: Stein & Day, 1979). Reviewed in: Queen's Quarterly, 86, 138, 1979.
The Iron Sun: Crossing the Universe Through Black Holes. (A. Berry. London: Johnathan Cape, 1977). Reviewed in: Queen's Quarterly, 86, 138, 1979.
Linear Systems, Fourier Transforms, and Optics. (J.D. Gaskill. New York: Wiley, 1978). Reviewed in: Phys. Today, 32, 88, 1979.
Image Formation from Coherence Functions in Astronomy. (C. van Schoonefeld, ed. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979). Reviewed in: J. Opt. Soc. Am., 70, 570, 1980.
The Forces of Nature. (P.C.W. Davies. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1979). Reviewed in: Queen's Quarterly, 88 (2), 1981.
Diffraction Theory of Antennas. (R.H. Clarke; J. Brown. New York: Wiley, 1980). Reviewed in: J. Opt. Soc. Am., 71, 1411, 1981.
Imaging Processes and Coherence in Physics. (M. Schlenker et al., eds. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1980). Reviewed in: J. Opt. Soc. Am., 71, 1410, 1981.
The Manna Machine. (G. Sassoon; R. Dale. London: Granada, 1980). Reviewed in: Queen's Quarterly, 88, 571, 1981.
Image Restoration and Reconstruction. (R.H.T. Bates; M.J. McDonnell. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986). Reviewed in: Am. Sci., 76, 316, 1988.
Solar Flare Prediction. (C. Sawyer; J.W. Warwick; J.T. Dennett. Boulder: Colorado Associated University Press, 1986). Reviewed in: Appl. Opt., 25, 3609, 1986.
Fourier Analysis. (J.S. Walker. New York, Oxford University Press, 1988). Reviewed in: Appl. Opt., 28, 2438, 1989.
Is Anyone Out There? The Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. (F. Drake; D. Sobel. New York: Delacorte, 1992). Reviewed in: Science, 258, 1012, 1992.
Design Paradigms: Case Histories of Error and Judgement in Engineering. (H. Petroski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 11 November, 26, 1994.
American Technological Sublime. (D. Nye. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1994). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 8 September, 20, 1995.
At Home in the Universe. (J.A. Wheeler. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1994). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 17 March, 27, 1995.
The Challenger Launch Decisions: Risky Technology, Culture, and Deviance. (D. Vaughn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 7 June, 25, 1996.
The End of the World: The Science and Ethics of Human Extinction. (J. Leslie. London, New York: Routledge, 1996). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 13 September, 22, 1996.
Explorers of the Southern Sky: A History of Australian Astronomy. (R. Haynes et al. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). Reviewed in: Am. Sci., 85, 564, 1997.
Worlds Unnumbered: The Search for Extraterrestrial Planets. (D. Goldsmith. Sausalito: University Science Books, 1997). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 13 March, 1997.
The Biological Universe: The 20th-Century Extraterrestrial Life Debate and the Limits of Science. (S.J. Dick. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 14 August, 1998.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. (W. Orchiston and J. Perdix, eds. Astral Press, 1988- ). Reviewed in: Times Higher Education Suppl. [UK], 12 May, 31, 2000.
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy, 2nd ed. (A.R. Thompson, J.M. Moran, G.W. Swenson. New York: Wiley, 2001.) Reviewed in: Observatory, 122, 48, 2002.
The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis: Models of the Real World. (E. Prestini. (Boston: Birkhauser, 2004). Reviewed in: J. Astron. Hist. Heritage, 9, 133, 1006.
Selected Lectures and Talks
Bracewell, R.N. Space travel. Talk given to Stanford Alumni Association Conference, March 1960.
Bracewell, R.N. Interstellar probes. Talk presented to the Interstellar Communications Seminar, NASA-Ames Research Center, Summer 1970.
Bracewell, R.N. Three-dimensional reconstruction: an overview. International Workshop on Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction Techniques, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, July 16-19, 1974.
Bracewell, R.N. Correction for collimator width in x-ray reconstructive tomography. International Symposium on Computer Assisted Tomography in Nontumoral Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Eye, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, October 11-15, 1976.
Bracewell, R.N.; Price, K.M.; Swanson, R.M. Thermophotovoltaic conversion for isolated electric systems. Electrical Energy Conference, Australian Electrical Energy Research, Canberra, May 10-12, 1978.
Verly, J.; Bracewell, R.N. Image reconstruction from strip integrals in computer-aided x-ray tomography. XII International Conference on Medical & Biological Engineering; V International Conference on Medical Physics, Jerusalem, August 19-24, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. The Bunyan Lectureship Endowment. After dinner talk, October 1, 1979.
Bracewell, R.N. Cosmology and mechanics before Galileo. Lecture for the Values, Technology, Science, and Society program, Stanford, Winter, 1987.
Bracewell, R.N. What do Saturn's rings mean to you? Based on remarks made at the EE Department retreat of Monday April 16 in response to a question about the significance of Saturn for Electrical Engineering. April 20, 1990.
Bracewell, R.N. The destiny of man. Bunyan Lecture, Stanford University, February 27, 1996.
Bracewell, R.R. Detection of nonsolar planets by spinning interferometer. Signal and Imaging Sciences Workshop. (Report UCRL-IC-136635, November 4, 1999) Workshop held at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 12-13, 1998.
Bracewell, R.N. Computer and method for discrete Bracewell transform. U.S. Patent 4,646,256. February 24, 1987.
This listing was prepared in 2008 by Ellen N. Bouton, Archivist, and A. Richard Thompson, Scientist Emeritus, National Radio Astronomy Observatory.