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  • The new web-based Proposal Submission Tool is the only method allowed for submitting VLA proposals for all VLA proposal deadlines in 2007 and beyond. This includes regular proposals, Large Proposals, and Rapid Response proposals. Click on the above link to access more information about the proposal submission tool and to access the tool itself.

  • Note that proposals for the VLBA and Global VLBI observations should still be submitted via the instructions given here.

  • Submission deadlines: February 1, June 1, October 1. A proposal must be received by close of business (5:00 p.m. = 1700 hours Eastern Standard or Daylight Time) on the date of the deadline. If the deadline falls on Saturday or Sunday, it is extended to the following Monday.

  • For questions or concerns about submitting proposals contact Lori Appel via email or telephone: (505) 835-7310.

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Modified on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007 17:00:00 MST by Jim Ulvestad