The GBT Proposal Submission Tool (PST) is a java application designed to assist authors create and submit proposals for the NRAO Green Bank Telescope. The PST is a GBT-specific version of the Gemini Phase I Tool.
The purpose of the PST is to create an XML document which contains a GBT observing proposal. The XML document contains cover page information (investigator names, contact information and so on) as well as scientific and technical justifications, and observations and scheduling requests.
A proposal is edited by entering information into a series of tab pages. Each tab page is devoted to a single aspect of the proposal. Once the proposal is complete, it may be automatically submitted to NRAO from within the tool. Partially completed proposals may be saved to and read from disk, allowing the author to complete the proposal at their leisure.
The PST is designed to make the proposal submission process simple both for proposal authors, and for the NRAO staff processing the proposals.
For NRAO staff, the PST ensures that proposal information is supplied in a uniform and complete manner. Electronic submission means that the proposal information can easily be inserted into the scheduling database, without the tedious manual re-typing that was previously required.