The 'Scientific Justification' page allows the Principal Investigator to specify a detailed scientific justification for the observations requested. This section generally includes text describing the context of the proposed observations with respect to previous work in the field (often called the 'Background' section) and details of the observations requested including why they are being proposed and their scientific importance (often called the 'Current Observations' section). The scientific justification should include a description of the technical approach (e.g., observing strategy and equipment to be utilized). Be sure to include references to previous observations that you have made on this or a related program, and relevant references from the literature. The scientific justification should be prepared offline and saved in Postscript, PDF, RTF, or plain text format. The file is then attached as explained below. Figures may be attached separately in a variety of formats or may be embedded in the PDF or Postscript files.
The length of the scientific justification section should follow established NRAO guidelines, i.e. when formatted, one to three pages including figures (if any) and not longer than 1000 words
At the bottom of the 'Scientific Justification' page is an area for the attachment of the scientific justification file and associated figures. The top area lists the files attached. The bottom area is for typing the file description and the file path.
To attach a scientific justification file, first click on the "New Attachment" button. Enter an identifying description of the file in the white box labeled "Description," e.g., 'Scientific Justification'. Files with standard extensions such as .ps, .pdf, .txt will be automatically identified in the "File Type" menu on the far right. If your file has a non-standard extension, please identify it with the pull-down menu. Next, type the directory path and name of the file in the "File Path" box. You can browse your directories for the file by clicking on the "Choose" button. Please note that your proposal MUST include a scientific justification file. After you hit Enter on the File Path box, the name of the file will appear in the box above.
If you have any figures or ancillary files to attach, you may click "New Attachment" again, identify the file in the "Description" box (e.g., 'Figure 1'), and enter or choose the file path and name as above. Graphics files may be in GIF, JPEG, PS, or EPS format. You may attach any number of files. If you attach more than three files, the Attachments box will turn into a scrolling window.