Galaxies 09: Assembly, Gas Content and Star Formation History of Galaxies

Kazushi Sakamoto

Molecular Gas and Dust in ULIRGs : SMA view

Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) are merging galaxies with extremely vigorous starburst or quasar-class AGNs. Local ULIRGs may be $z \sim 0$ analogs of the merging events that many galaxies experienced during their assembly process. If so, we can study in local ULIRGs the interplay of gas content, star formation, and AGN activities in detail in the important period when galaxies rapidly evolve. I am going to review recent observations of molecular gas and dust in ULIRGs made using the Submillimeter Array (SMA). The submillimeter-capability and high-resolution of the SMA give us a glimpse of how the ALMA will transform our understanding of ULIRGs.

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