Records of the NRAO > Director's Office Series > Director's Office Correspondence Unit > Topical Correspondence Subunit

Collection Items

Description: Correspondence, drawings, blueprints, photos
Start Date: 1962-06-07

Start Date: 1985-05-02

Description: Includes Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers brochure & info
Start Date: 1993-03-30

Start Date: 1987-09

Description: Correspondence with Joan Warnow-Blewett, Project Director, AIP Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations
Start Date: 1975-11-10

Start Date: 1989-01-05

Description: Includes correspondence, copy of draft Bartol proposal for Antarctic research center (1988/89), CARA site visit reports (1993-1996)
Start Date: 1989

Description: Correspondence, memos
Start Date: 1970-03-23

Description: Correspondence
Start Date: 1972-01-31

Start Date: 1970

Start Date: 1960

Description: Correspondence
Start Date: 1960-09-01

Description: Includes correspondence, brochure
Start Date: 1986-12-29

Description: ASIAA CASA Development Center Implementation Plan
Start Date: 2016-07-18

Start Date: 1987-03-16

Description: Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings
Start Date: 1988-08-15

Start Date: 1987-07-31

Start Date: 1986-03-25

Start Date: 1986-10-12

Start Date: 1989-06-19

Start Date: 1990-07-02

Start Date: 1977-10-17

Description: Correspondence
Start Date: 1973-07-02

Description: Includes proposal to National Science Foundation (NSF), correspondence about proposal
Start Date: 1961

Start Date: 1987-05-20

Description: Correspondence, notes, includes "Proposal for a Project in Radio Astronomy: The Construction of a Multi-Element Interferometer at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory"
Start Date: 1966-01

Description: Letter to Fred K.Y. Lo, director of NRAO, from Charles Alcock, director of the Center for Astrophysics regarding the appointment of Dr. G. Wayne Clough as secretary of the Smithsonian
Start Date: 2008-03-15

Start Date: 1981-02-26

Start Date: 1986-09

Start Date: 1994-02-21

Start Date: 1994-01-20

Description: Correspondence
Start Date: 1968-11-12

Start Date: 1994-01-24

Start Date: 1986-06-25

Start Date: 1990-01-17

Description: Formal photographs of NRAO directors

Start Date: 2008-03-20

Start Date: 1993-12-10

Start Date: 1992-03-13

Start Date: 1999-02-01

Start Date: 2001-09-11

Start Date: 2004

Start Date: 1991-12-12

Start Date: 1999-08-23

Description: Includes correspondence, brochures, photos, pay order, receipt related to NRAO / AUI 1979 pledge
Start Date: 1978-08-18

Start Date: 1989-01-25

Start Date: 1994-02-25

Start Date: 1970

Description: History of radio astronomy lecture notes - possibly for a summer student lecture
Start Date: 1964-06-16

Start Date: 1996-06-17

Start Date: 1997-03-19

Start Date: 1987-03-23

Description: Includes June 1975 issue of American Cinematographer, with article about the film
Start Date: 1972-08

Start Date: 1984-10-18

Description: Paul Vanden Bout on committee
Start Date: 1995

Start Date: 1989-08-31

Description: Paul Vanden Bout on committee
Start Date: 1984-11-26

Start Date: 1997-11-16

Description: Includes: Hints for Prospective Users of Nobeyama Radio Observatory by H. Liszt and E. Fomalont; Homology Design for the NRO 45-m Telescope by Makoto Inoue
Start Date: 1989-08-31

Start Date: 1985-11-19

Start Date: 1995-10-18

Start Date: 1985-02-28

Description: Includes correspondence, University of Massachusetts proposal to NSF, and other materials
Start Date: 1993-02

Start Date: 1994-04

Start Date: 1969

Start Date: 1985

Start Date: 2003

Description: Correspondence
Start Date: 1969-05-16

Start Date: 1999

Description: Correspondence related to filming for feature film, "2010: Odyssey 2"
Start Date: 1983-11-07

Start Date: 1988-03-28

Molecular Astronomy
Description: Letter from Charles H. Townes to Warren Kornberg, editor of Mosaic, magazine published by NSF, in which Townes details background information on astrochemistry and the search for molecules by radio astronomers.
Start Date: 1979-03-28

Start Date: 2010-03-15

Start Date: 1991-03-07

Start Date: 1987-10-16

Start Date: 1994-09-01

Start Date: 1997-02-04

Start Date: 1990-06-06

Description: Correspondence, news releases, newspaper clippings
Start Date: 1961-04-14

Description: Correspondence, reports, presentations, charts
Start Date: 1982

Description: Correspondence, meeting materials, reports
Start Date: 1993

Description: Correspondence, journal clippings, charts
Start Date: 1982

Description: Correspondence, safety reports
Start Date: 2002

Description: Includes Big Science Policies and Procedures Statement unanimously adopted by the National Science Board, January 1979
Start Date: 1994

Description: Presentation, reports
Start Date: 2000

Description: Correspondence, memos, brochures
Start Date: 1962

Start Date: 1988-05-23

Start Date: 1992-11-19

Description: Includes newspaper clippings
Start Date: 1986-10-21

Description: Includes newspaper clippings
Start Date: 1982-09-07

New Technology Fostered by Radio Astronomy
Description: Compiled by the Staff of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Folder includes an early draft of the document called Technological Developments Fostered by Radio Astronomy (August 1986) and various supporting material.
Start Date: 1974

Description: Includes report on technology applications of laser rangefinder
Start Date: 1993

Start Date: 1983-04-30

Start Date: 1988

Start Date: 1992-05-01

Description: NRAO timeline, 3 May 1954 through August 2001, prepared for Paul Vanden Bout by Ellen Bouton.
Start Date: 2001-08-28

Start Date: 2000-05-11

Start Date: 2003

Description: Correspondence, Zeeman-Ozma receiver diagram, reproduction of a 1960 Physics Today article by Struve with a section on Ozma, and a reprint of a 1961 Frank Drake article on Ozma in Physics Today
Start Date: 1959

Start Date: 1986-01

Start Date: 1988-02-02

Description: Committee descriptions and member lists
Start Date: 1994

Start Date: 1987-01-12

Description: Includes newspaper clippings
Start Date: 1979-05-16

Start Date: 1994-12-27

Start Date: 1987-06-18

Description: Includes newspaper clippings
Start Date: 1986-10-06

Politics - West Virginia and SETI
Start Date: 1989-10-05

Description: Astronomy awards
Start Date: 1994-04-13

Start Date: 2003-01-27

Description: Proposal, reports, blueprints, correspondence
Start Date: 1959-05-25

Description: Correspondence, notes re: early NRAO pamphlet dated 10/17/1957 (The Green Book)
Start Date: 1957-09-21

Description: Press releases, correspondence
Start Date: 1961-04-14

Description: Correspondence, notes, newspaper clipping re: NRAO Open Houses
Start Date: 1962-05-26

Radio Astronomy:  Contributing to American Competitiveness
Description: Compiled by the Staff of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
Start Date: 2006-10

Description: Correspondence regarding RFI in a general sense, support of non-NRAO efforts and considerations, and broad impacts/comments
Start Date: 1984-08-24

Description: Includes correspondence, travel forms, pay orders; for additional material, see the Papers of Grote Reber
Start Date: 1981-05-04

Description: Lacking 1987, 1991
Start Date: 1964

Description: Committee on Radio Frequencies
Start Date: 1986-12-23

Research / Test Equipment - DYCOMS
Description: Dynamic Coherent Measurement System
Start Date: 1989-07-10

Description: Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee
Start Date: 1986-05

Start Date: 2002-01-15

Description: Includes notes, newspaper clippings. Southwest Radar Balloon
Start Date: 1986-04-21

Start Date: 1988-12-06

Start Date: 1983-06-10

Description: Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports
Start Date: 1975-12-31

Start Date: 1994-06-06

Soviet-American Conference on Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI)
Description: Correspondence, list of participants, and resolutions from the September 1971 meeting in Byurakan
Start Date: 1971-09-05

Description: Includes correspondence, notes
Start Date: 1980-02-15

Description: Correspondence
Start Date: 1976-04-30

Start Date: 1987-04-16

Description: SKA brochure and correspondence re: early proposals for SKA funding.
Start Date: 1998-08-18

Start Date: 2003-09-07

Start Date: 1996-09-18

Start Date: 2003-09-05

Start Date: 1999-05-25

Start Date: 1980-01-28

Description: Memos, notes, schedules
Start Date: 1989-12-01

Description: Correspondence, memos, reports. Includes some early correspondence about NRAO's move to Charlottesville, as well as significant material related to the potential relocation of NRAO headquarters in 1983-1984.
Start Date: 1963-07

Start Date: 1977-08-26

Description: World Administrative Radio Conference (The WARC bands are three portions of the shortwave radio spectrum used by licensed amateur radio operators)
Start Date: 1991-07-11

Whitford Committee
Description: In late 1962 the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Science and Public Policy, established the Panel on Astronomical Facilities, chaired by Albert E. Whitford. The Panel was charged with studying the needs for major new ground-based…
Start Date: 1964

Description: Correspondence regarding high cost of Workers Compensation Insurance coverage for NRAO employees in New Mexico
Start Date: 1992-03-19

Description: Memo thanking all who contributed to successful Y2K effort.
Start Date: 2002-02-02

Collection Tree